Okay here is my understanding. The US senate would not pass the bill until a caucus of republican neo con GOP s met with the leadership of the UAW and got more concessions out of them . They did not seek out more concessions from any other stakeholders just the UAW. Seems to me that they were just playing politics with the economic future of North America.
Most of the posts on here that I have read that are not in favour of the stop gap loan fall into three catagories.
1) I got hurt in the economic downturn so should everybody else
2) I take pleasure in the misfortune of others
3) I will ride above the coming crap storm and take advantage of lower prices, lower wages and lowered expectations of others.
It's great to see such high ideals espoused.
Here is the reality. Ontrio is the north american leader in automobile production. If the auto industry fails, we fail. Ontario is still the economic engine that drives the Canadian economy. If Ontario fails so does the country.