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Everything posted by hammercarp

  1. Congradulations on some great fish, looks like you had a very good year. Thanks for the post it was fun to see the year go by fish by fish.
  2. I have often felt that thier use should only allowed on bodies of water over a certain size. They do make it possible to fish-out smaller lakes.
  3. Fake alright but emblamatic of the kind ofr society we have been heading for. There are more and more control freaks and growing acceptance of it. If we keep it up you're going to need three pieces of ID to use a public washroom, just to make sure no one is taking advantage of "the system".
  4. WTG! and that is a great looking fish.
  5. Ah my friend there is defeatism and then there realism. I prefer to think of myself as a realist. Also that quote I used is a lot older than I am.
  6. Listen. Women and cats will do as they please and men and dogs might as well get used to it.
  7. WTG! Good one.
  8. I passed it on via email. But I replaced "my liberal friends" with my friends from Toronto, America with Canada and " my conservative friends" with to the rest of my friends across Canada.
  9. I haven't checked out all seven pages of this thread. But here is the best version of this song I have heard and a great movie as well. http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=OceQdHaLmV8
  10. You mean the majority of bassboats. If you can afford one of those, well you can just hire someone to do your bailing.
  11. Boy. Don't you know how to do a proper bailout. The best way to bail out a boat is the move to the front. The water will flow into the front and will be in the middle of the V. It is easier to scoop the water out with the round shape of a bleach bottle or for those that can afford it a fabric softener bottle.
  12. Yeah well I say cut out bleach bottles are better.
  13. Generally meat from a doe or fawn is milder than that from a buck. And also the means of the animals demise and treatment of the meat can also affect the taste. I can also attest to the fact that the meat from an old bull moose is practically inedible.
  14. There is no historical record of cormorrants being native to the great lakes. They may have migrated up the Mississippi. They are recent( the last hundred years) arrivals.
  15. Employer: Anti-kidnapping consultant kidnapped in Mexico http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/americas/12/...ping/index.html
  16. Did AIG have anything to do your policy.
  17. No not the gov't but I believe it's in the NDP platform.
  18. I really don't like the way that guy is strokin his eel. Is this what fish porn means?
  19. Bailout! Never! I much prefer to tread water. Why would I patch the hole and bail it out. Treading water up to ones neck builds character. Oh and if there are any women and children on board. It's every man for himself.
  20. That man is right. Those are some pretty sorry lookin carp. But then again the rainbows I have seen in Loblaws and Metro stores don't look all that great either.
  21. I really enjoyed that. Great pictures and I think you captured the spirit of enjoying yourself in the outdoors. Thanks.
  22. Zebco. I am having trouble understanding your post. GM does not produce the parts and it's your job to fix problems with those parts. I'm kinda lost. I read all you guys saying you can work hard and that will get you through this. Your forgetting that there has to be an economy for someone to hire and pay you. People have to have the money to pay for the goods and or sevices you intend to provide.
  23. Whoa! Do you subscibe?
  24. Here's a favourite. Freshly Set Jellied eels
  25. Okay here is my understanding. The US senate would not pass the bill until a caucus of republican neo con GOP s met with the leadership of the UAW and got more concessions out of them . They did not seek out more concessions from any other stakeholders just the UAW. Seems to me that they were just playing politics with the economic future of North America. Most of the posts on here that I have read that are not in favour of the stop gap loan fall into three catagories. 1) I got hurt in the economic downturn so should everybody else 2) I take pleasure in the misfortune of others 3) I will ride above the coming crap storm and take advantage of lower prices, lower wages and lowered expectations of others. It's great to see such high ideals espoused. Here is the reality. Ontrio is the north american leader in automobile production. If the auto industry fails, we fail. Ontario is still the economic engine that drives the Canadian economy. If Ontario fails so does the country.
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