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Everything posted by hammercarp

  1. I would appreciate it.
  2. Has anyone here ever seen a carp that they thought would be pushing the 50 lb. mark? Where did you see it? What time of year was it?
  3. That was a good read. Thanks. "On the street, all of these gear oriented degenerates would be known as a "Lure W hore."" In carp angling circles it is known as being a "tackle tart."
  4. I'd like to say this. Fishing World has been a very generous supporter of our carp fishing club, I have never had a problem there and they have had some great sales on carp gear. This is light of the fact that carp tackle is a very small part of their business. Sometimes employees get the wrong message and screw ups happen because of it.
  5. There can be more, a lot more. But it can be as simple as putting a crust of bread on a hook. That method is called "freelining" bread and is used very effectively to catch carp that are feeding on the surface.
  6. "I am just wondering if the techniques we used in the summer would be the same for the winter ? " Yes the same technique I use in the summer. Just a little lighter on the baiting and a little heavier on the flavours. Fishyfingers. Carp are great fighters. Very powerful and they don't like to quit. In the winter they are sluggish but when the water warms up, watch out. I have never caught a carp through the ice. This year I plan to make several attempts. This is what I have read, learned from other guys and seen. The north shore is the best place to start looking for carp in winter with a nearby weed bed and some calm or slack water. The depth can vary but 4 to 10 feet seems the most likely. Carp will tightly school under the ice and you can find hundreds of them together. Bread is the bait of choice but maggots are also popular. Thanks guys.
  7. This is a few days old but I'd thought I'd post it up anyway. My carp angling club holds an event every new year called the FFF ( First Fishing Folly ). The object is to catch a carp before 6pm Jan. 1st. Start off time is 12:00:01am . You can begin fishing before this time but you must reel in and recast at midnight. Over one hundred anglers registered for the event. This took place north america wide , from Canada right down to Mexico. You can fish WWD's but the water temperature must be below 50 degrees F. in order to qualify for certain prizes/awards. We even had a couple of guys from Spain enter, we have not heard from them yet though. But it is truly an international event. I picked a local spot here ( the Hamilton region ) where the water is open and I could get some bait in for a few days before start time. I got there to set up around 11 pm. There was a slight drizzle coming down. This was a plus since it indicated a rise in temperature over the past couple of days. I took my time setting up. Here is my set up. I had a take in about the first 10 minutes but did not get the hook into the fish. I waited 5 minutes and rebaited. About 15 minutes later my Abu sounded off. All right fish on!A short fight and I banked this little dark gold beauty. I had my bait back in the water a few minutes later. About another 15 minutes and I had another one on. This one was slightly bigger. This one came sometime after midnight. The rain eventually stopped and I enjoyed some chilli made with venison and a cup of coffee. The wind stopped and it got very calm and quiet. The only noise came from the odd mallard giving an alarm call. I guess they get spooked. After a while the wind began to pick up out of the west and the temperature began to drop. I decided to pack it in as I did not feel like setting up my shelter and getting the propane heater out of the vehicle. Everything was damp from the nights drizzle and I did not relish having everthing freeze. When I got back to the vehicle I was shocked to see it was just before 5am and I thought it was about 2:30. I don't own a watch , never have and I had left my cell phone at home. Well off I went home for some sleep.
  8. If your worried about thin ice you can hire this kid to test it for you. I predict a short carreer though so you better book now.http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1927027
  9. To me it's participating in the natural world. You are never more alive than when you do that.
  10. Coyotes respond to an abundance of food by having larger litters not as a result of being hunted. I don't believe there is any difference between urban and rural coyotes. Urban coyotes are simply there because of increasing human and increasing coyote populations. Last years rural coyote is this years urban coyote. If you reduce the coyote population in rural areas there will less to become urban coyotes. Less coyotes is less coyotes. For people that scoffed at the thought of coyotes attacking humans. You are wrong, as stated they killed a young girl on the east coast and there are growing reports of people being confronted by them.If they don't fear people it wont be long before they start treating people as prey. In answer to the question about land owners shooting animals that are damaging their property or livestock. You can go to the ministry and if you show them proof of that. They will issue you a permit to kill a number of those animals. You do not need a hunting license for this.
  11. I don't believe that. The millions of plants and animals that have gone extinct ( even before we came on the scene) are proof that, there is no such thing.
  12. Well I guess that just clears up everything. Thanks.
  13. Come on. If thousands of hunters hunted coyotes exclusively for two weeks a year like they do for deer it would definately have an impact on their population. Especially if it were timed to have maximum impact. I have another question to those that have suggested that you can cause them to move if you cut off their food supply. There is no place for them to move to when their population is so high. They will seek out new sources of food.
  14. Problem is Rick, coyotes, like possum and racoon will eat just about anything. As people try to live in a more "eco friendly" fashion wildlife will cohabitate with them. I think we are seeing the rebirth of trapping. Not for fur but to remove nuisanse wildlife. I know coyotes are very difficult to trap and almost impossible to live trap. I think shooting every one that you get an opportunity to won't hurt either. If you know a trapper give him the hide or the carcass for him to skin.
  15. Copied from another forum. See recipe below... 2-4 lbs of coyote meat 16 oz of apricot preserves 1 bottle BBQ sauce 1/2 purple onion diced 1/2 tsp salt 1/2 tsp pepper 1/2 tsp garlic powder Throw it all in a crock pot and let it cook for 8 hours. YUMMY!!
  16. May the Christmas Coyote leave something under your tree.
  17. I don't think so. The MNR believes the bounty system is useless as a coyote control. What is going to happen is they are going to start eating people. They have already tried and as more coyotes learn not to fear people this is bound to occur.
  18. No it isn't. Not at all.
  19. Thanks for the great report Victor.Some great captures there. Come down to the harbour this spring and we'll see if you can get that 30.
  20. Thanks Cliff. I was out in traffic this afternoon and I needed that.
  21. I give up. How about this one?
  22. Dara. "Nearly 400 firearms have been pulled off the streets as Toronto Police pursue Project Safe City." I cut and pasted that headline.Just another example of misinformation as you so rightly pointed out. caper I love the term "visited" Did they sit down to tea?
  23. Ah......Excuse me........ Here is what they seized."Nearly 400 firearms have been pulled off the streets as Toronto Police pursue Project Safe City." "Of those weapons, about 150 were hand guns and about 250 were long guns." Almost 2 out of 3 is not some. It is clearly the majority of what was siezed. I am tired of the misinformation. The long gun registry's purpose was to deliberately reduce the number of legitimate gun owners. First by creating such a terrible system that people would turn in their firearms rather than go through all the rigamorole. Then allow the police to search and seize without a warrant. Then when they have reduced the number of legitimate firearms owners to a politically insignificant number to make it illegal for anyone to own a firearm. The creator of this was Allan Rock and are we lucky that we got rid of that " little Stalin in waiting". He made speeches in Europe where he stated that nobody outside of the police or military has a reason to own firearms. Let's talk about the loss of a fundamental right in a free and democratic society and that is your right of protection from the government to search and sieze without a warrant. If you were one of the worst crimminals, like, let's say a child sexual preditor, you would have that right. But because you go duck hunting you are deemed as unworthy of that protection under the law. This part of the legislation alone is an affront to your dignity as a citizen of this country. I am ashamed of our response or lack of ,to this heinous piece of legislation. The long gun registry has done no one any good. Cars are not guns. No body would leave a firearm worth $30,000+ "parked" on the street. This is why we need to register vehicles.
  24. You're looking hale and sound Bruce. Nice little pike. Did you have to make the young lad swim for it though?
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