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Everything posted by 4x4bassin

  1. Welcome , you will like it here and yes we like pictures !
  2. Welcome Mike , it's a good time here
  3. And to think he only wants a used atv for it , if I were him I would at least go for a new one
  4. Great pictures as always Mike , thanks for sharing . Cabin shot is funny " MMMore Wine Please"
  5. Still looking for a fly shop that sells these minnow flies , anybody ?
  6. Beauty pictures there Lew
  7. I use to go down to the Cancun area quite a bit ( about 1 hour north ) and I got to know one of the local fishermen down there that runs a charter . I would take down some lures and good terminal tackle and give the stuff to him and he would give me a great deal on a charter . We first started out with barracuda and they were easy to catch , the last couple trips I took was out to an area about 20 miles NE out from Cancun , it was something like our "Lake Ontario Blue Zone " Mexico style . It was funny because you had this vast ocean all around you and about 10-20 boats all in the same area , it was a hotspot for sure ! We were catching king fish out there and I can tell you that these guys were the hardest fighting fish I have ever caught , they would simply exhaust you out by the end of the day. Here is some pictures of the crew and some of our catch Good luck
  8. I forgot to mention that I would be using a standard spinning or casting outfit while trolling these flies and thanks Driffter for the encouragement with this pattern , those flies look great (as well as the laker)
  9. I read in a previous post about lake trout flies and this really stirred my intrest. I always like to try different things while fishing and I am intrested in the technique of trolling a fly or a spoon with a fly trailer for lake trout on my annual spring getaway . I like the look of a fly in the water and I think it would really work on my lake ! Is there anyone here that uses this technique with success that could give me some tips and where is there a good place to get some of these minnow flies in central Ontario . Thanks
  10. Great report , thanks for taking the time to share your trip with us
  11. I was going to stay out of this one and keep my comments to myself but just couldn't resist . I have been fishing that part of G Bay for nearly 40 years and have seen it go from some world class trout waters to well below average and kinda back up again and hearing this news is really frustrating to me . We should be trying to help this troubled fishery and with this new agreement it sure is not the case I agree the MNR is in a real bind hear but there has to be a way for everyone to respect that area and come up with some real world solutions , if not the fish stocks will crash like we have not seen before !
  12. A couple months ago I purchased a triton atv trailer (flat bed) I have started to look around for some good ratchet straps to tie the bikes down with and I thought it would be easy but man is there a lot of crap out there , the last thing I need is a quad flying off the trailer because of some cheap straps (that would put a slight damper on the fishing trip) Anyways just asking if anyone has any info. on some good ratchet straps that are out there ?
  13. That has happened a couple times to me , once it was the fuel filter and the next time it was the sending unit . The wiring for the unit had corroded on top of the tank . Like others have said I would run some fresh gas through it with some gas line antifreeze and see what happens first . If I remember the sending unit fix was $$$$$ Good luck !
  14. I'm glad to hear that they are really gettin out there and searching some of these guys , it can really be a zoo out there sometimes . On a side note I was fishing Lake Rousseau a couple years ago in a small back bay when I caught a pike , I quickly released it and continued to fish . Then with out notice this old beat up bowrider (and I mean old) came putting into the bay and pulled up beside me , well guess what it was CO asking me hows the fishing and if I had a license . He also said he was watching me and pointed to the front of the boat to his tripod scope and was waiting for me to start fishing before he made the journey across the lake from his hiding spot ! Of course everything was good and the pleasent CO continued on his way .
  15. I have been told the same thing about the pink/orange flesh on the lakers , but it's because they are planktivorous (basicly bug eaters) and not fish eaters like those greasers you get out of Simcoe (white/grey flesh) In general as well , a planktivorous feeding lake trout population will be much smaller in size (weight) compared to there fish eating cousins and there overall appearance and taste will be noticably better from my experience . Back to the topic , that is a beauty lake trout and he does have every right to keep it but I can probably say that it would not be making good table fare at that size !
  16. Nice shots Lew , thanks for sharing !
  17. I live in the snow belt of northern Dufferin county and drive 150 km a day to work and back on some real sketchy/hilly roads and I can tell you from experience that "4" snow tires make a huge difference when driving in the winter . It would not be a wise decision to live in this area and not have dedicated snow tires on your daily driver ! Just last night I saw 2 ditched cars , 3 cars spinning and going no where , a transport completly stopped and one guy that was just making it up on the Hockley Valley airport road hill , you know what the slidding/ditched cars had in common they all had shiny aluminum rims which probably means they had all seasons on while the guy that was making it had his old beater winter rims and was able to get around these guys and make it up the hill (for sure he had snows on) It just takes you to go in the ditch once and hit something and that cost would have paid for your snows , no brainer to me .
  18. I can't say I have ever fished Mill Lake before but I was fishing some lakes in that area a couple days ago and it was tough traveling , lots of snow and slush on top of the ice . Either way it will be good to get out and try a new spot .
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