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Everything posted by ohhenrygsr

  1. On weekends it's almost worth launching downtown and boat over to the narrows way better
  2. haha nice guys. i set my alarm for 8:15 sat moring layed in bed for a while, the crack hit and shook my house rolled over and went back to bed. I really wanted to go to the launch for the second thunderstorm with my coffee and watch the circus show dang it. Oh well i got all week with the lake all to myself now. I'll be in a Blue and white Lowe if anyone spots me wave me i'll come chat with ya
  3. http://www.greyhound.com/home/ticketcenter/en/Step3.asp
  4. Compre Rod with Curado Reel best combo, very light plus lifetime warranty on rod and the reel will work til you die
  5. Can you PM me Classic's email address please?
  6. yea i got the All Blue one for my 17ft boat love it. The straps hold great and repels water like a champ
  7. why would you go from a 20Hp to a 5hp?
  8. http://www.engadget.com/2009/04/23/the-str...deogame-fishin/
  9. Wow I live in Orillia thinking I got the upper hand but you guys are hardcore for perch
  10. Awesome job one little thing i woulda done is tie wrap each units wires where they come outta the dash to the unit just to keep it more organized
  11. yea it's not a big deal to solder the wires together then shrink wrap it. Post closed
  12. Weird could there be like a internal one sorta like a tube style oil filter you gotta take out of the engine. Just a guess i know he said he gave the model number and all
  13. Told you guys Crappy Tire is steppin it up
  14. Yea that's just wrong man. Care to explain your actions
  15. Stalker
  16. Buh hahaha
  17. Buh haha oh man Gotta love Made in China Crap
  18. if you need i can take care of your boat for ya
  19. Ahh Crap i knew i forgot something
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