I'm with Wayne on this one. if you are getting Marina gas then i think it's safe to say that there gas doesn't have Ethanol. The only 2 stations i know that doesn't carry ethanol are ultra Mar 91 and Shell V-power.
Oh GCD I would run outta spunk in no time, then i would probably fall asleep lol. But man i've watched them on T.V and just makes me tired watching them reel in Groupers. But i would check it off on my list to do before i die
I'm sorry your first picture is funny. I was trying to look for the snake and the only thing i could relate to a snake was that black cord attached to your paddle pole lol
Anyone get out today in this awesome weather where having right now. Or are you waiting for Sunday?
I might just chill around the house, don't really want to get the rain coat wet.