Well i finally found the crappie in my home lake, figures they weren't at the same spot as last year around this time but they are very black
I think i would of caught more if i had live bait.
Check out the angle of the transducer and if there is any obvious scratches or gouges in the transducer itself. Also check the setting on the fishing unit i usually leave mine on Auto Sensitivity. But my best guess is the angle will be off, a perfectly lined transducer will read at high speeds.
copy and paste please into browser for link to the sale
don't tamper with the filtering system on the motor itself just install the fuel water separator and your good to go look at my post i did on your other thread you made http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...c=31401&hl=
Anyone know where i can find a live link to listen to that guy on channel 16 for the annoying marine reports. God it sucks sometimes when you have to listen to the french version first, it sounds like it's never ending.
yea I wish i was where you are for sure, But it's not to bad in my town and i'm only 1 1/2 from the city. I couldn't imagine how clean and crisp the air would be 5000Km away from me, can you jar it and ship me a dozen lol.
if you can get your hands on a promariner or minn kota Charger that would be your best bet should be around the same price as your Nautilus one and only weighs about 11lbs. Bettery Quality and performance