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Everything posted by ohhenrygsr

  1. Yea you figure within a 24hr period of this topic being posted and by the time i'm done typing this post 350 ppl have viewed it. This forum is awesome for resources witch attract poachers in general the two go hand and hand. Location's should be kept quite and to themselves.
  2. you gotta love honda offering manuals for there outboards. i wish Evinrude did that
  3. awesome pictures i love channel cats. I think it was the all the Pink you where rocking to entice them cats.
  4. doesn't matter when you have a Iphone
  5. notice the booth bunnies
  6. haha i hope it works for you i dunno if you guys remember this post of a job position for a booth at the sportsman show well the product that fishmaster bought was from this post lol http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...l=job+sportsman
  7. yea i would take a can of brake clean and a tooth brush and get working. Then spray it with some lube so it doesn't dry out.
  8. you forget to knock on wood Rick when you typed this
  9. Buh hahaha
  10. When the Bass strikes at the lure let it eat it until it's about to poop it out then set the hook
  11. buh hahaha i'm sorry but if the title was different this thread would be hilarious . I'll let your dirty imagination do the work. Anyways i tend to find in dead calm waters i like to pause a bit longer and in rippling waters i like to work it a bit aggressively like it owes me money.
  12. i just go to the cosmetic section of a wal-mart and buy a nail clipper the bigger one they work awesome
  13. hey Al your problem is that you ran your Power, Remote wire, RCA or Speaker wires from the front of the car to the rear all on one side of the car. You have to run Power and Remote wire on one side and the RCA or speaker wires on the other side. The Power wire is interfering with the RCA wires that's why when you step on the gas you will notice that the whining sound will go with the engine's RPM. Make sure you also have a solid ground to the body of the car.
  14. Here is what my motor looks like since it was born back in 1996. Still looks like that
  15. I heard back in the day you guys had to walk up the hill both ways to get gas.
  16. i see them all the time in parks
  17. can it melt any faster. I think we should all take a heat gun to the lake to get rid of the ice ASAP
  18. Yea i've always used Shrimp sometimes liver too
  19. Lowering your motor below the recommended Boat line will cause excessive drag and lower your speed overall. In general your boat won't run right. I would do what Hirk is saying put a set of fins on
  20. Don't you love it when you HAD a great Idea and then the rules that make it suck. i Sure did
  21. Yea Anyways Mariko i think is the same age as me . LOL Yea It's funny though if i ever need something in an emergency or if my car breaks down on a Sat,Sunday or after shop hours CT has always been there. Any other day it be my local parts supplier that i have an account with . Yes i know i use and abuse Canadian Tire like a Prostitute
  22. Wow Dave beautiful pictures what camera where you using?
  23. Ahh Don't worry about them there "probably" ok
  24. Whoa What is this world coming too LOL
  25. LOL i wouldn't mind coming home to that every night. Plus she loves fishing what more do i want in a woman check out her other photo's http://www.wfn.tv/hookinup/photo.php Hey Roy haha sorry i never even notice i typed Crappy Tire i just got use to calling them Crappy Tire. I don't mind shopping there at all, i guess Crappy Tire seems more Catchy then Canadian Tire
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