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Everything posted by ohhenrygsr

  1. i guess you will be the first lol good luck
  2. Hey guys and gals just a quick question i'm just trying to seal some leaky rivets to get by this year. I hear a lot of people using the 5200 but i was on 3M website and reading about both the 3M 5200 and 3M 4000 can anyone tell me the difference and witch one i should be using to seal rivets below the water line on a painted hull. here is the info 3M™ Marine Adhesive Sealant 5200, White, 3 oz White, one-part, greater than 99% solids urethane sealant that chemically cures when exposed to moisture. 3M Id : XS-0414-1186-8 Additional Information It forms a rubbery, extremely strong, waterproof seal or bond, is non-shrinking and offers exceptional resistance to weathering. It can be used for the manufacture, maintenance, and repair of fiberglass reinforced plastic and wooden boats. It has good adhesion to mahogany, teak, cedar, fir, plywood, and gel coated fiberglass. 3M™ Marine Adhesive/Sealant Fast Cure 4000UV, 05280, 3 oz, White, Resistant to weathering, saltwater, and stresses caused by joint movement. Seals between mechanically fastened joints on wood, fiberglass, metal and most plastics above and below the waterline. thank you very much for all your help
  3. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=32910 Kicker can be installed later but PrinceCraft Make amazing boats
  4. Screw the question 16 days left woot WOOT. LOL. I think your question will be best answered by Steve Rowbotham
  5. Yea wut he said, it would be in the way if it was mounted on the right. You never know when your up to speed what's behind that trolling motor. You can do a test and sit on the left to see your viability.
  6. What an explosive catch
  7. Yea plus i think the lowrance unit can scan at a higher speed. It's funny how the military have been using these units for along time now.
  8. I think he caught it here ........ and it was on a ....... lol
  9. Also your gonna hav to worry about metal shavings in the lower unit
  10. Your either gonna have to re tap the hole or put a helicoil in
  11. Get a toyota Truck enough said. Plus resale value will be amazing when the time comes
  12. Oh wow that's nuts at least there some ppl that are helpful in Orillia. That story is laughable now but i don't think it was at the moment it happened. Well when i first got my boat and unhooked everything at the boat launch getting ready to launch i started to back up to the launch and my boat being on rollers was starting to roll itself off the trailer while i was backing up. So i got basically 2 choices here A: come to a very slow and gentle stop hoping i don't jerk the trailer and send the boat off the trailer or B: back up the remaining 10ft before my transom touches water. I chose B it was a smart move i think. So lesson learned leave winch strap on until trailer wheels are submerged.
  13. For some reason i just feel that i catch more fish when i don't bring my camera. But it's just a superstitions now i only don't do it on tournament days lol.
  14. Right I sure did just learned how yea but Then you have to open an account with Photobucket and go through all the steps. It's just a quick way to post a picture if they wanted to for a report or something interesting they want to tell everyone real quick
  15. I totally agree you should do the 4 hr drive to Orillia for bearings lol. But yea Napa, Car quest, or even better a RV dealer/repair center will help you out
  16. Please move post to Classifieds
  17. Awesome Fishing. maybe if he runs outta air he might be doing the world a favor opps
  18. I thought i smelled something good. MMM Bear Brisket
  19. Step 1: go to http://imageshack.us/ Step 2: Browse for the picture you want to post Step 3: Select the picture you want to open Step 4: Click open Step 5: Check the box to resize your picture, select "640 x 480 message boards" Step 6: Click Upload Step 7: Highlight the whole link where it says direct link to image Step 8: Right Click on the highlighted Area and select Copy Step 9: Open the topic you want to post your picture and reply. you will see a image box above the text box click it Step 10: When the box comes up asking you to enter the link to the image just right click in the empty field and paste, then click ok Step 11: You can insert text above the or below the link. Make sure you don't modifly the link and leave a space between text and pictures for easier viewing. Step 12: click Add Reply and here is the end result To add multiple pictures repeat the steps
  20. Rule of thumb is to run a dedicated Trolling Motor Battery and it has to be Deep Cycle. Then have your starting battery run your electronics and outboard. That way your not having any interference with your fish units
  21. COMPLETE HISTORY OF VRO, MYTHS, HOW TO USE IT AND SUCH http://continuouswave.com/whaler/reference/VRO.html
  22. All together now VRO, VRO VRO lol
  23. Totally right about removing for travel. As for the Trolling plate they are very useless unless your going in a straight line
  24. What kind of Boat do you have i'm sure a 2.5HP will be fine on the transom
  25. I love Front drag reels i dunno why but i totally agree with Charles. But Stradic 2500 all the way baby lol
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