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Everything posted by ohhenrygsr

  1. Well my GF got through with rock 95 and Kool Fm for the free Zancor house. 700 Qualifiers showed up with there guest and only 30 numbers where drawn for a chance to win a 250 000 house in barrie. My GF got 1 outta 30 keys i was in shock it was almost meant to be. Then the big moment came and gone her key did not open the door . Better luck next time
  2. There pretty bad pass barrie still small just learning to bite
  3. SANDY COVE MARINE - INNISFIL 1982 Commerce Park Drive Innisfil, ON L9S 4A3 Canada Phone: 705-431-2628 Skippy's Marina 45 Morgan's Rd Newmarket, ON L3Y 4V8 (905) 853-1335 Full Bore Marine Write a review 1225 Gorham Street Newmarket, ON L3Y 8Y4 (905) 853-1583‎ i just googled newmarket marina's but my first pick would be top gun
  4. Top Gun Marine 131 Holland W Bradford ON, Phone #: 905-775-0862
  5. Ok i got my Ear Muffs on Start her up
  6. How did you attach them to your lid?
  7. Why are you selling it since it's kinda tuned into a family heirloom. I keep it and pass it down
  8. Still my favorite commercial
  9. oh Glen trying to get some Air time ehh
  10. http://www.tc.gc.ca/mediaroom/releases/nat/2009/09-h061e.htm No. H 061/09 For release - April 24, 2009 BAIRD INTRODUCES PROPOSED NEW REGULATIONS FOR SMALL VESSELS OTTAWA — Canada's Transport Minister, John Baird, today introduced proposed new Small Vessel Regulations to better regulate the safety of small vessels and improve public safety. The proposed regulations include new requirements to enhance current safety equipment, vessel construction and some operational requirements for pleasure craft and small commercial vessels. They also introduce renewable pleasure craft licences in order to improve the accuracy of licence information for search and rescue purposes. "The goal of these regulations is to reduce fatalities, injuries, and property damage resulting from small vessel accidents and incidents in Canada," said Minister Baird. The Small Vessel Regulations are being updated in order to: better reflect the nature of the small vessel fleet in Canada; ensure consistency with international standards; incorporate new requirements to enhance safety; and provide alternatives for the construction and stability of small vessels. New processes for certification of small vessel construction will now be simplified and more consistent with those of the United States and Europe. This will give more flexibility to manufacturers to adjust their production with market demand. The proposed regulations also harmonize the construction requirements for pleasure craft and non–pleasure vessels of up to 6 metres in length. These regulatory changes are in line with the objectives of the Canada Shipping Act, 2001 which include protection of the health and well–being of individuals; promotion of safety in marine transportation and recreational boating; and encouragement of viable, effective and economical marine transportation, commerce, and recreational boating. The proposed regulations will be published in the Canada Gazette, Part I on April 25, 2009. A 30–day comment period follows, during which interested parties may provide their views to Transport Canada. After consideration of all comments received, Transport Canada will make any necessary changes before final approval and publication in the Canada Gazette, Part II, at which time the regulations will come into force. - 30 - Contacts: Chris Day Press Secretary Office of Transport Minister John Baird, Ottawa 613-991-0700 Media Relations Transport Canada, Ottawa 613-993-0055 Transport Canada is online at www.tc.gc.ca. Subscribe to news releases and speeches at www.tc.gc.ca/listserv/ and keep up-to-date on the latest from Transport Canada. This news release may be made available in alternative formats for persons with visual disabilities.
  11. Wow that sucks my neighbours escape got broken into also. They took her purse and the kids DVD player passenger door slightly opened
  12. Well with a remote control one you have a handheld device that you put batteries in to operate the outboard and boat from shore. It's quite fun. LOL a remote control one means that it comes with the throttle controls instead of the tiller style outboard. Remote controlled. Tiller
  13. Hey Congrats on the lil monster. Where are you located? in the barrie area?
  14. I highly doubt the mounting holes will be the same due to the different design. Best thing to do is line up your 24v and mark the hole then see in relation where both mounting holes from your 12v to your 24v will be
  15. ANCHORING Source taken from fishtv.tv Anchoring is not just an activity to help enjoy a pleasant day on the water. Anchoring is also a safety technique in cases of severe weather and/or breakdown. It is important to know how to set an anchor properly. Rode is line or chain that joins an anchor to a boat. One end must be firmly attached to the anchor and the other, the bitter end, must be firmly attached to a strong point on the bow. Never attach the anchor to the stern of a pleasure craft. Boats have been swamped by waves breaking over the blunt-shaped, low stern. The bow is designed to break the waves. Anchoring Procedure Ensure one end of the rode is connected to the anchor and the other end, the bitter end, is attached to the boat. Select anchorage. Make sure the bottom is suitable holding ground for your type of anchor. The first boat into an anchorage has right of swing. Remember that different boats swing at different rates; generally boats with deeper keels will swing more slowly. Lower, never throw, the anchor over the bow. Make sure the rode is not wrapped around your feet or legs. Boaters have drowned because they were pulled overboard by the anchor and rode. Operate the boat astern until the total amount of rode that has been released is seven to 10 times the distance from the bow chock to the bottom. A small anchor with lots of rode will hold better that a large anchor with a short amount of rode. Note two landmarks. Check occasionally to ensure the anchor is not dragging. If you are anchoring overnight, turn on your all-round white, anchor light. Lower the anchor over the bow and note the distance to the bottom. Reverse slowly until you have let out at least seven times the amount of rode that it took to reach the bottom at step 1.
  16. Columbia too
  17. Gore-tex or Frogg Toggs
  18. Sweet a insider keep us updated.
  19. Pop a blank cd in the drive open up my computer then D:Cd drive open the window where your pictures are that you want to copy to your cd, drag the picture to the d: window, when your done on the left of the d: window should give you the option of buring the images to disc
  20. Hey Zman. It's easy hope you changed your lower unit gear oil last year but if you didn't do it before you go out and also look at the color of the oil coming out and get new o-rings for the 2 screws. -Must make sure your batteries are charged no little critters are in your boat or in your motor. -Also one thing that is over looked is the 4 bolts holding your outboard on make sure they are tight and do that about twice during the season. -Just get all your stuff ready and go launch the boat if the launch is close to you. If not you can get a pair of ear muffs at your local marina or Canadian tire run a garden hose to it, it hooks up on the lower unit. Prime your bulb then start her up if she fires up run it for a couple of seconds then shut it off. Now you know your engine runs and your ready to launch your boat . -I Always change my plugs every year and my wires every 2 years but before i do change my plugs i run last years gas close to empty then install the new plugs and keep last years plugs as spares. -Give your Trailer a once over and make sure your lights are working and tire pressure is good. -Check Tires for play and grease the bearing if you have bearing buddies. When on the water give your systems a good run Livewell, Bilge and outboard
  21. To fix the Cracks i would try them Aluminum brazing rods. My neighbour bought them from Princess auto $5 for 2 rods and you can use a propane torch. I'll let you know if he starts work on his boat this week or not and take pics for you.
  22. That also the Orillia perch fest is breaking the law cause your fish has to be alive to register it.
  23. Ahh yes my choice also. The good ol bladder buster. At least i can now smell your lund from a mile away
  24. here is a write up on a kicker install. You can skip the steps that don't relate to you http://continuouswave.com/whaler/reference...haT8Kicker.html and here is a picture of a fuel water separator. Don't forget you will also need a filter that looks like a Oil filter to screw underneath this unit you can see 2 arrows pointing in that will be where you hook up your fuel line from the tank, the other arrow will be blocked off. The arrows pointing out will be going to your main and kicker engine.
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