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Everything posted by camillj

  1. Yea maybe ... but you should see me after (you've had) a couple beers ! to use TJ's line ... Women want me .. fish fear me ...
  2. Mais certainment... just got back ..
  3. Just thought I would mention it (no commissions or anything ) .. my new Humminbird 565 was speck-tacular .... I had set it up on a small plywood board with my H2Oc mounted beside it to keep it portable yet stable on the boat in rough weather ... used it for 4 days and ran a 12V gel cell ($25 from Le Baro*) ... two batteries lasted me for the four days at about 15 hrs a day ... perrrrrrfect ... marked fish and structure in places I hadnt realized were over 150 ft deep on my older Humminbird ... Anyhow .. for the $$$ it was a GREAT investment ...still toying with the side scan technology but not viable as a portable just sucks too much juice ...
  4. Heh .. I just paid $288 for my season pass and licence (as a non resident) ... but it ws worth every penny... cheaper than just one evening at superse*
  5. Yes ... its closer to St Gabriel de Brandon ... but its all beautiful country up that way ... Quebec certainly has some of the prettiest speck waters have ever seen ...
  6. No problem ... anyhow ... we go up twice in the spring and once in August every year ... love to try the fly vs drive route one day so just let me know and we'll work it out...
  7. Well ... dont forget I drove 10 hrs through the night .. fished all day .. drank with the lads til 3 am .. was on the water by 6am and this was just after breakfast ... so I hadnt had a beer yet but either way I probably am ALMOST as old as you dog Yes its a real old skin mount ... theres a couple of olden wooden replica mounts ... just not the same
  8. Funny you should say that Wayne ...on our next trip my partner in crime is meeting me in montreal with his son (I was going to drive his truck in because he has a funeral to attend first... anyhow we have a few spots open ... if you are interested ... I am going back in two weeks and thought of inviting you to fly me in Let me know seriously ... and we'll talk about it ... the lake has been flown to more than once ....
  9. Yes (well at least 30 years I would think) .. it came off the wall of fame .... and I do know one of the fellows who is still with us so I dont think its quite 50
  10. Wow .. beautiful fish ! We got a few this weekend at the ZEC but nothin to challenge the size of those !
  11. Well it finally came the first weekend of the year at the ZEC for me is always awaited with little sleep and much preparation... a drive that begins at midnight and sees us on the water by 10 or 11 am is always rewarded and this year was no exception ... the water temp was only 39 degrees f on the surface so the fishing was slow and the weather gave us all the wind and snow and rain and just a little sunshine so we knew who was in charge in the beautiful mountain surroundings ... here is a little photo essay (without much of the bad weather) Also a little sad news, our oldest member, Meredith Hayes passed away this weekend at the age of 96 .. the first picture shows him with a speck he caught over 50 years ago.. he will be remembered by all current and past members of our club. Here are some pictures from this weekend ...Enjoy ... Then .. a scary thing happened .. in a lake that is supposed to ONLY have specks .. and has for over 100 years .. we catch this one .. which looks like a laker (or perhaps a splake) to me ... we think this may have escaped from a recently stocked lake that is higher in the chain and are concerned about the possibility of it or its friends ruining our beautiful fishery ... You will notice .. no red spots, no blue halos, forked tail, brownish overall colouring ...any opinions ??? Heres a few pic of it :
  12. Great job .... ahhh the softwater is finallllly here !
  13. Hint .. dont wear black .... and yes they were thick on the golf course near whitby today ...or so I hear
  14. Spoken like a true southerner ! Dog, you are my Mississipi hero ! I say frame it, double door it ... stain it ... varnish it ... get up on it and ride it ... and she's good to go.
  15. I am in awe ... one word ... WOW ! Thanks for sharing ... I am scheduled to head towards my favourite ZEC this Thursday .. I may not sleep again until then
  16. I couldnt find anything in the regs to indicate that it would be illegal ... does anyone have a reference ?
  17. Some pretty country there for sure ... best to check your regs as that stretch of the credit has some special rules (some areas are c&r only and some are single/barbless hook) .... dont forget to take your camera .. some pretty specks hiding in that neck of the woods along with a healthy run of bows and some native browns.
  18. camillj


    Simply spectacular ! Thanks for sharing !
  19. Thats a beauty Speck leechman... and TJSA that too is awesome ! You guys got me counting the days til my trip into Quebec n a few weeks ... 3 3/4 lbs is bigger than anything out of our lake for many many years ... but ya just never know ...
  20. Well ... I got a Calcutta ... on Lew's advice (in fact he helped me pick it out).. and absolutely LOVE it ...
  21. Knipex for sure all the way ..like cutting through butter And Doug the key on the line trick is in the pressure (pinched downward) on the eye of the hook before/while you yank on the line .. it puts the barb in an angle that clears it from 'snagging' on the flesh on the way out ... at least that seems to be the theory ... I think the key is to do it quickly ... but most importantly to shield your (and the patient's) eyes so as not to create and even more unfortunate situation from a flying released hook
  22. Here is the one I use after tossing my 'hockey stick' ... it works great and is really easy to adjust and remove .. and has never once slipped ... although I often take if off at high speed to avoid the rooster tail that sprays all over the back of the boat http://images.cabelas.com/is/image/cabelas...ain-Large$
  23. Nice fish ... looks more like a musky to me ...and ... 27" EH ... was that fork length or tip to tip ? Im with Darryl though ... there does seem to be alot of attitude ... especially when it comes from people who spend more time weighing and measuring and working on justifying their budgets than on enhancing the fishing experience for fishermen. Sooner or later we need to face up to the fact that our fishery in southern Ontario is NOT sustainable period (unless we outlaw fishing) ... so it needs the ongoing support of the stocking programs especially Put & Take or Put & delayed take for the sport to remain vibrant ... I for one am not interested in Atlantics unless I am allowed to keep em and eat em .. they taste GREAT especially smoked ... but then so do Cohos and they were in great abundance once upon a time ! Woe the day we ever get to the stage they are out east where you can only catch one fish and then you have to pack up and go home .. none of this catch and release as many as you want out there ...
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