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Everything posted by camillj

  1. Always on the look out for a good reel ... and if there doesnt happen to be a rod which needs one then theres a reason to be on the lookout for a good rod
  2. I like to think I am pretty good ... but I know I'll never be good enough Golf is a very humbling game .. especially if you take it seriously ... and I do ... but much like fishing it only takes a little good news to make your whole day and bring you back for next time ... (I guess like alot of things - its really about what you put into it and what you expect to get out of it)
  3. Yep .. my first car was was a souped up '69 Camaro Z28 ... I used to get a huge fist pump from anyone driving anything remotely sporty with a chevy logo on it ... and the one finger salute from the Pontiac - Firebird folks (when they got left in the dust) There was definitely a "we" - "they" thing going on back then ... too many different teams now since the expansion
  4. Well .. as a member ... every game is free (or at least it feels that way after you pay all your dues) ... and as is the custom ... everyone ELSE drinks for free ... that's what hole-in-one insurance is for ... so after all these years I guess it finally paid for itself
  5. I thought Robin Williams described it pretty well too www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_OmnP527Dw
  6. Well, It just struck me that I didnt share one of man's (or woman's) rarest moments with my OFC gentry ... and no this didnt involve swedish twins On Friday June 12th - just 4 days before my 48th birthday, the same day that Pittsburg won the Stanley cup and just one day before Michelle Wie got her first professional hole in one in the LPGA Championship - I got my very first ever hole in one (after over 35 years of serious golfing) ... for those of you who need the details - I will be happy to PM you the GPS coordinates Mine was a 6 iron from 169 yds (blue tees) on the 5th hole at Blue Springs golf course in Acton. Never actually saw it going into the hole as the pin was tucked behind a bunker ... but one of the other guys in the group did ... I didnt believe him until I got up to the green and saw for myself
  7. Yep very true ... saw a monstor snapper crossing the 4th fairway at Blue Springs on friday .... just before I got a HOLE IN ONE on the 5th !
  8. Good luck ... lots of BIG fish in Rosseau, lakers, pike and even Musky ... Any roccky shoal will hold Smallies . Which part of Rosseau you at ? They do still get walleye over towards Windermere (I understand) ... if you drop a boat into Brandy or Three Mile you will find plenty of walleye there too
  9. I have been fishing Lead-core on my Penn 209's for over a decade (the same spools of line 12lb on one rod and 18lb on another) ... and I fish everywhere from 1 1/2 colours in the spring when I want to drag a fly a few feet under the surface at higher speed... to 3, 4, 5 colours mid day in the spring .... to 9 colors when I am dragging bottom in 90 feet of water in August... yes they DO get down deep provided you manage your trolling speed ... and retrieve is pretty easy if you turn the boat into the retrieve You may wonder why 18lb ... I actually find the drag on the line allows for a faster re-setting of the line after a hit ... the line free spools to the desired depth without so much 'helping'. I have a fairly heavy 9 foot rigger rod and I use the 10' Firesticks quite successfully ....using the double clamp 'salty' downeasters... no issue at all with wear and tear (except on the handle butt in the rod holder) .... but I do change my leader (about 12' of 6lb test green mono) every few times out... I prefer mono because of the stretch... and really very rarely have any issues with breakoffs. I have never considered adding a second line (9 colours is plenty for me )
  10. Speck-takular Doug ! Thanks for sharing ... and ya know ... if you ever are looking for someone to share in the expense .. I am only a few blocks away
  11. Yep ... that ... and theres something about a feed which you have hunted or gathered through you r own wits and perserverence that you can share with those who look to you for their well-being that takes the stench out of the city life we all (to one extent or another) are forced to endure ...
  12. ok .. so I am guessing there was no happy ending ?
  13. Nice Walleye .. but just yesterday I mentioned I have ALWAYS wanted to see a real live Luna Moth in the wilds ... just like the one in Dr Doolittle .... thats awesome ! Thanks for sharing.
  14. Awww jeez Roy .. thanks alot .. that was a waste of perfectly good Amarone .....still LMAO
  15. Lots of fun to be had under/near the bridges right in Lindsay ... public parks ... no charge ... Plenty of Walleye, Musky and Bass (when in season)... bring a lawnchair and pretend you are trolling
  16. Wow.. I am thinking Specks - love the tiny profile ... I'll bet they shake like the dickkens !
  17. I grew up as a spinning bigot (partly because I just couldnt get a baitcaster to match my ability with spinning gear... but all that changed since Lew introduced me to a Calcutta 400 CT .... I would NEVER think of tossing a musky bait with anything else now.... as for trolling for goliaths in salt water there is no question that the big PENN's out perform anything that spins ... period .... I still DO however love my Whisker 1300 on a 10 1/2' rod for drifting steel (or tossing a cleo from a pier)... so everything has its place and if used properly has its advantages ... for example, I wouldnt even consider putting lead-core on a spinning outfit - the reel would last a week. By the way speaking about friction, the friction on the retrieve is wayyyy higher on spinning gear than on the baitcaster ... and for my money (since I have no trouble reaching the target most times) the real difference in feel comes when you are fighting a fish (or working your bait)... my next investment is more likely to be a high quality baitcaster than another spinning reel ... just my 3 1/2 cents.
  18. For 30$ you can by a portable clamp mount with fancy extensible arm that will mount on just about any canoe or tinny ... I would NEVER use the suction cup ... even in the best case it will eventually fall off and just once in a motor and the cable is toast ...
  19. Depending on your application .... fabulous ... I use them to troll lead line and they are indestructible ... I also use one to troll 30lb mono for big toothy critters ... and love it ... as a casting reel ... well there are probably better options ... but I am a huge fan of the 209 (and 309) and have a number that are almost as old as me .. and thats OLD !
  20. Great report Fellas !!! One of these days I am gonna get the chance to do a Marc trip ... mine will hafta be later in the season though ... theres at least one 50+ with my name on her ...
  21. Esoximus Maximus !!! Still want to know about the specks though ..... love those back lakes ... great report !
  22. I had a friend in the boat once and was explaining the importance of a figure eight at the end of EVERY retrieve... because you often dont see the follow ... anyhow .. as I am demonstrating the figure eight ... in open water ... I get SMASHED by a 10+lber .... (pike) ... it went ballistic ..airborne .. and from then on my buddy does the figure eight ... always
  23. Great report ... dont you just love it when they 'turn on' .. I call it the witching hour ... everybody gets fish .. then just like that they get lockjaw ... Thanks for sharing ... I am headed back out in a week so now I'll be all the more excited
  24. heh .. is that wee jizzz or gee wizz ?
  25. Just about every Metro .... most Loblaws and some Sobeys Seriously, just about every trib from Burlington to Grafton hold Steelies .... its really just a matter of walking and and drifting ...
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