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Everything posted by discophish

  1. That Perch was huge! 27"! I didn't know they get that big! Great catch.
  2. Way to go Simon! You knew the big fish would be coming. Just a matter of time. Good luck with the whitefish on Sunday. Not that you need any, cause it seems that you have all the luck on your side when you venture out fishing!
  3. Oh wow. I never thought of that, and I play hockey twice a week! I'm going to ask tomorrow to see if they have any pieces sitting around. This is a really good idea. I have a busted paddle boat up at the cottage that I will be converting into a sled to tow behind the snowmobile to and from the marina. I came up with the idea last week, and thought of mounting a set of old water skis to the bottom. Strips of puck boards would be so much easier, and cheaper if I can get it for free. Thank you! The hyfax runners for sleds aren't cheap.
  4. My condolences to you and your family, Rick.
  5. I would say for sure it's the regulator. Actually, I just checked my Yamaha Venture .pdf service manual, and yup, it's the regulator. I bet your tail lights are on the same circuit. Hope it's only a scuffed wire though! Regulators aren't cheap. Good luck
  6. Perhaps the parts fiche will help you out. When I'm looking at something upside down, I go to the fiche to make it right side up for all of my stuff. Since you are looking at JD blowers, go here: http://jdpc.deere.com/jdpc/servlet/com.deere.u90490.partscatalog.view.servlets.HomePageServlet_Alt Type in your model. It should give you an idea of what you are looking at.
  7. Great day again Simon! That whitefish is awesome! Congrats on the catch. It's a fun day when the lines have you running. But then again, it's always fun regardless of the catch. The big'un will come. She's just gettin' in shape ready to meet you on the next visit. It's going to be a good bout.
  8. 7"-8" of ice? Man, I need to get out more often! Good to hear and good job
  9. The carp aren't in any rush to get anywhere, are they. Awesome video. Thanks for sharing this glance of hope to get out soon. Great day on the ice.
  10. Similar to the Eastman. We have a couple of the 2 man Eastmans that I'm very impressed with them. Not because they keep the wind off our backs, but because they have been to hell and back and are still nice and tight. When tethered at all sides while using snow kicks, they are bomb proof.
  11. Mom?! Is that you?! Why are you with this gentlemen? Who is he? I thought you were supposed to be on a business trip? Mom! What about dad???!! What are you doing out of the water?!! Mom! No!!!
  12. Very fair price for $300. I have the same motor. The plate costs about $100, and is not included with the motor anyway. Shouldn't have any problem selling it. I bought mine at the fishing show, and I think I paid $600+ back then.
  13. Amazing take on your day Simon! You sure are dangling a lot of carrots these days! Were these fish shallow? You mentioned 6fow. I'm going to try again this year for the shallow whitefish. I didn't have any luck with it last year. Good luck on your next outing. 3rd time is a charm with your next big eye since you have already passed the 2nd!
  14. At a rate of 15km a year, I don't think the shift will be noticeable in our lifetime. It is a very interesting science, that's for sure! I can't believe they can confirm the direction of polarity though core samples. Incredible. Hmm, if I were you, I would be watching my neighbour a little closer. Perhaps they are "redistributing" their snow while you are cozy inside watching tv. hehe.
  15. Holy smokes. What an awesome montage of photos and experiences. Amazing story of devotion. Did that pike in the first photo eat your hat on the way up ... in an attempt to eat you? hehe.
  16. I just had to wipe a little drool from my face. It froze a bit on the way down after reading your post. I have this weird rash ... and it's really itchy. The doctor told me that the only cure to rid of the rash was to apply some of that white fluffy stuff like we see in your photos. What is that, anyway? We don't have anything like that here in Toronto. I'm going to start digging in my backyard for it. It's gotta be here somewhere. Awesome day Simon!
  17. Are you sure the network was not reporting on the hotdog vendors that checked into the addiction centers after "blowing snow"? No wonder they couldn't sell their hotdogs! Lots of interesting things going on here, but no snow in the core.
  18. Perhaps give Hook & Bow a call in Orillia. They are on Atherley and I'm sure they would have the info you are looking for. Trombly's is right around the corner as well.
  19. Perhaps it was Northface who sponsored this video ... and caught him "red handed" not wearing their gloves?
  20. If you are not too fond of your mother in-law, you can invite her out for a nice walk ... but always keep her in front of you on that thin ice. It will give you time to back up if something happens. If for some strange reason you like her, I would advise that both of you should say off any ice.
  21. What the hell? Where are his gloves? Aren't his fingers cold? He should be wearing gloves.
  22. Fishing has the power to heal. It's the love and passion that we put into this sport which makes it therapeutic to all of us here. Fishing is a strong bond between staying positive, and the struggles we have in life. It's just that important, and very evident in this community, and in our own personal lives. I am happy to hear that you have it working well for you. Never let go of whats keeping you going Mike. Good for you.
  23. Wow! That's incredible! Aside from the awesome fishing, I would be happy to just stand on shore looking downstream all day long. The fish are huge! Looks like you settled in nicely. You definitely picked the perfect welcome wagon to hop on. I would love to make the move out west. <kicking myself> I have always wanted to start a life on that side of the country. Many weeks I roamed the mountains with a pack on my back and tent to sleep in. Both my parents were born in BC, and I strongly feel that attachment. I envy that you have chased your passion. Congrats on the PB!
  24. A controversial issue. Here is the mnr's detailed study on the subject: It's been out for a while now. http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/stdprodconsume/groups/lr/@mnr/@letsfish/documents/document/228130.pdf You may be surprised with the results.
  25. I personally have these exact products in my shed up north. All my small engines are still running after many years of using the same oil and stabil. I put a bit into everything up there ... even my cereal for breakfast. If you don't use it, your propeller will fall off, or your graphics will peel off the cowling. I'm not exactly sure which one will happen, because I always use it. It's a decent product, and I have no complaints.
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