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Everything posted by discophish

  1. A very tangible reason why I love Canada so much. I would love to paddle that river in my kayak. A simple view through the eye of a lens can be so powerful, passionate, and complex at the same time. I honestly believe those pictures can very well be a person's soul as it is raw. Amazing how life can be captured in it's truest form.
  2. Speaking of aquarium fish. I have a Bumble Bee Ciclid that needs to go, he's about 13 - 14 cm. Great health. If anyone is in the Toronto, downtown area, please come on by and take him for free. Otherwise he's going to Big Als. He's all yours!
  3. Sorry to hear that everyone is sick. I know times are tough when it is as bad as you say. Definitely not a good thing to put up with. So with that said, would all of you mind telling me where you are at all times so that I can keep a safe distance?
  4. Nice report Simon! I was up north 2 weekends ago for 4 days and had exactly the same experience you had. Tried countless hours in the 10 to 20 foot range, and no Pickerel. Went to 45 and lots of Pickerel, and big ones too, but unfortunately no whitefish. I tried the shallow water method for whitefish as you mentioned in an earlier report, but had no luck. Your buddies must be the same people I fish with on occasion, because they will never move, even if the the opportunity is guaranteed to be a success. But I blame that on laziness, and not their pride! Great job once again.
  5. Thank you very much for the consideration and advice Joe. I will take the opportunity and take advantage of the site you posted. Before I headed into this thread I had the SmokeStik in my hand. It's identical to to real thing, and you are right, it should have been alternately named "The Devils Advocate". Hang in there Andrew! You are doing great so far. I haven't had any experience with Champix, or know anyone who has, sorry. I should look into that for alternate aid.
  6. Definitely my hats off to all of you who have butted out for good. It takes a lot of sacrifice and commitment to kick a habit, or an addiction. No matter what your addicted to, or the habit you are trying to break, it's often a long journey and each day becomes a difficult obstacle to overcome. I'm sure that many of us associate smoking with fishing. They go hand in hand. I'm so eager to fight off my impulses that I am canceling my weekend fishing trip to Joseph tomorrow. I have been looking forward to that trip all year, and was so excited to go. I just can't do it. Fishing has become an obsession, almost over passion. It's a huge decision. It's like a child forgetting his skates to participate in the greatest Disney On Ice show ever. It's sad, but this is how it has to be. This is how it is. I understand what it takes. We are all different, and manage our own methods to quit, but at the end of the day, it's just as hard for each and every one of us. That's why I respect each and every one of you.
  7. Ahh, this is great timing. I will tell you why I find this really interesting. I remember that specific time you quit. Congrats to your success. I know how hard it is. About the timing. This is no stretch of the truth. Today, after 20 years of smoking, is my 3rd day of not smoking, after 3 years when you quit. It's been a very difficult 3 days. It's hard to concentrate to do even the smallest task. This was not planned. I had to do this for health reasons. So it was an immediate response, and I can never smoke again. I am anxiously expecting my SmokeStik to arrive in the mail tomorrow (crossing my fingers). It's a cigarette simulation, that utilizes nicotine cartridges (yes I was able to order them into the country) that replicates the inhale/exhale behaviour with a dense vapor. Great. Something else to defer my addiction to. Anyway, congrats to your 3 years! It's totally worth it!
  8. You guys need to send your story to Mr Noodle. That's one hellava fish! I bet that will get your mug shot on every Mr. Noodle package in Canada! "Hungry but too busy to eat? There is always time for Mr. Noodle". That will put General Mills right out of business. Great report. Thank you for the awesome read.
  9. Hi Lew. This is not a gimmick, it's actually a great piece of technology. I use the "stick" version of the Rogers product called the "Rocket Stick", essentially a usb stick for laptop/desktop connectivity. The hub allows you connect multiple devices to it, at lightning speed if you are able to connect to the 3G networks. The signals are borrowed from the Rogers cell phone networks, up to 7.2 megabits. If I have to bring work up to the cottage, now I can with the Rocket Stick. Before, I would have to stay in the city if I ended up working the weekends. Any area that the rogers cell networks cover, you will be covered to access the internet via your hub. My cottage is north of Parry Sound, and it's lightning fast, as if I were at home in Toronto. Hope this helps, and good luck!
  10. Thanks for the report. Always a great read. Whitefish in 6 fow, eh? Maybe that's why I haven't been able to catch a whitefish through the ice at the cottage. I have caught them in 3 fow in the fall and spring, but that's around the spawning grounds. I would think that I would have caught an incidental catch by now while fishing for pickerel. Was there deep water in the immediate area? We are going up to the cottage this weekend to try and catch the elusive fish, but people are fishing at 60 to 70 feet. Maybe I should try the shallow waters. Good job on the pickerel!
  11. I myself am a 2 stroke kinda guy. I like the fast accel and response off the throttle, and the obnoxious tune from the pipes, and weight ratio. I have ridden both 2 and 4 stroke bikes, and there are advantages and disadvantages as everyone has stated here in this thread. In the end, it's really up to you whether you wear red, blue, green or yellow. It all depends on what you are comfortable with, your riding style, type of trails you make for yourself, maintenance costs including the specialized tools to do the job, and even your mechanical abilities if you say you're working on it yourself. If you end up cutting a super tight trail, and as you mentioned that you will be riding slow, I myself would get a 4. Good luck and have fun!
  12. But but but the Ojibwa didn't have fancy Gee Pee Esses. See what happens when we rely too much on tek-nawl-a-gee ... Dang it ... i can't even spell.
  13. Wolseley Bay Lodge on the French is a very popular place in Noelville. I always hear great things about that place. People catch fish, and the accommodations look fantastic. I have never personally stayed at the lodge, but I have fished the area and been inside. They have a huge slip area for visiting boats too, and a full service marina. I can't speak from my experiences, but I can assure you there are lots of fish in that area. Of course, I couldn't find a way to catch them, but that's just me and only me. I am sure you will have a great time. Good luck!
  14. That is awesome! I totally remember that post. You look like you are having the time of your life in that photo, and it reflects well! Time to hang it up. It looks like it's going to be Jan 1 2010 in your house for a long long time! Congrats!
  15. I don't think I can ever recall seeing a hut operator out by Windermere, but I could be wrong. Windermere should be good to go, it was a while ago. We just got back from fishing the weekend on Rosseau in Port Carling and the ice was about 14 inches thick. It stormed all day yesterday in the area, and we trapped ourselves in a snow squall when it started getting dark and ready to leave. We had to stay last night because I couldn't even see the road a foot ahead while driving. Terrible conditions. Lots of snow on the lake now. The fishing has been great. Lots of people having good success.
  16. Yeah! And make up a sign in front of your house that says "4 tires for sale"
  17. If you want to experience camping at its finest, you can bring the canoes and explore the Magnetawan River. You can choose from various routes depending on how long you have to paddle. There are several breathtaking loops that will bring you back to where you came from. There's very little chance that you will ever intersect with other campers. It's like your own little paradise. You have to be really prepared for this trip, because unfortunately there will be no crying for help out there. Can can look online to see what I'm talking about, or PM me if you would like more info. I have spent my lifetime in that area.
  18. Hmm, unfortunately I didn't stick around to chat long enough to get the whole scoop on the story. All I know is that he has big plans to reinvent the design of the store, and bringing in more retail merchandise, and has started the bottle depot to attract more interest. Yeah! We ordered a roast beef sandwich on toasted ciabatta bread! It was like putting the best day of my life into my mouth ... okay, I got that from the beer commercial. Mmmm.
  19. Great report and video! Looks like etch-a-sketch on the electronics! That's amazing to see always, but it sure does get frustrating at times ... especially during those few occasions when you have tried everything, gone everywhere, and haven't marked a single blip. Then all of a sudden, that happens. The Laker dance that has no jig. One opportunity. One chance. That's it for the day, and we come up with nothing after the few minutes to a full day ratio. It is evident that your chances have a higher probability to repeat itself over and over again. That is awesome! Keep em coming!
  20. New guy in town at the Bait on the Lake. Young guy. Seems like a really good guy. I remember John (I never knew his name), but I remember his wife more because she was always there when we stopped in. Great lady. They have a bottle depot out front now to attract more customers. I hope to stop by again in 2 weeks. Good luck under the hut Suds!
  21. That is an awesome tour! Thank you for sharing the clips. I really enjoyed them. When a good buddy of mine said let's go to flight school after high school, I shrugged my shoulders to it. Now he's pilot for WestJet. Everyone's dream is to fly. I wish I had that dream a while ago so that I would have the opportunity to personally fly over Temagami as you do behind the controls.
  22. We were fishing around Port Carling this past weekend. About 9 inches where we were, but still weak is some areas.. Only 1 permanent hut, but lots of us in portables. Drop in at the local bait shop "Bait On The Lake". He just bought the place and getting himself established. Great guy, and super friendly. He will give you the details if you show him that you are a nice person too! Be very careful out there.
  23. Looks like a perfect opportunity to practice what that yellow suit of yours was designed to do. One bama banana float with green sprinkles to go please. Good thing it's cold or you may melt.
  24. Check the gap on the plug too. Out of the box mine was over double what it should have been. Not sure what the STX model should be at. Check the site for specs, they will be posted. Good luck!
  25. That's an amazing video. It's better than the clips they use on the manufacture's site. We'll be using a camera for the first time this weekend.
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