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Everything posted by Zubris21

  1. Never had Crawfish, or Okra before, but I certainly wouldn't hesitate to give them a try. Looks Delicious! I can't believe some people say they would never eat this.... come on, be adventurous!
  2. Beauty laker! Don't see too many of them that size around here!
  3. I know a bob's lake north of Kingston, but it doesn't sound like thats the one your talking about....
  4. tried to google Joyce Lake, but all I could come up with was a lake in FL. which I doubt produces pike like that. Where is this joyce lake if you don't mind my asking? (not trying to steal your spot, just curious)
  5. thats a monster!
  6. saw it last night! It was very good, and like you said the most realistic batman yet.
  7. I think its the northern Water snake as well. Someone mentioned a Black Rat Snake, but I doubt this, that would be one small black rat (smallest I've seen is about 3-4ft), and black rats are usually deep in the woods, as opposed to hanging out on docks. Non the less, they are pretty similar species in terms of their markings.
  8. I think the rattlers are pretty great creatures. It's hard to believe they actually survive up here. When I worked at Camp Kitchikewana on Beausoliel Island, we would frequently have to catch them to keep them away from the kids. We had these huge boots to put on and one of those snake grappling hooks. It got your heart pumping picking those things up, thats for sure. We'd box them, then call the MNR, who would come by, pick them up, do some research (length, weight, girth) then relocate them. Beautiful creatures!
  9. great job! I especially like the poppers!
  10. I'm not too familiar with spots either, I think its an southern subspecies of bass. Do a search for some of greencoachdawg's reports, he always seems to have a few spots in his photos.
  11. would they charge that much if all you had was a canoe? I imagine they wouldn't charge the launching fee, but if their mind is in the right place they should still want it to be washed no?
  12. good report! I bet a couple of those drum pulled a bit of drag.
  13. Welcome to the board! I look forward to some good reports!
  14. I just finished my Second university degree. I had OSAP during both of my bouts at school and wouldn't have been able to pay for school/rent/food without the loans. The nice thing about OSAP is you don't start accumulating interest until 8 months after you graduate(or maybe its 10 can't remember right now). So you have time to get a decent paying job. This is much better than a bank loan or line of credit where you pay interest immediately, and the interest rate through OSAP isn't too bad either I would say get right into school when you're done HS. Like others have said, once your out of school for a bit, its really hard to make yourself go back. I think trades would be excellent if thats your kind of work, there certainly will be a demand, and the knowledge you gain is extremely functional. Just make sure you get into something that will produce a job for you. Try to get a program that has a co-op or placement to build some connections in the industry. If you go the Academic route stay towards the sciences instead of arts. There are just way too many students in the arts programs and its hard to stand out. Besides your job opportunities are pretty limited by a general arts degree. Teaching is a pretty good route (thats what I've done) but the job market is pretty competitive right now if you're not willing to relocate. If you're willing to go north, you can almost pick where you want to go. Others have mentioned the military, this is also a great choice, one that I strongly considered myself. Its a great life experiences, and you are provided with a chance to see all over the world, and learn a great deal of information. No matter what you choose I wish you the best. Its a big decision, so don't take it lightly!
  15. He was gone this past weekend for sure.... no idea when he was supposed to get back though.
  16. Good observation.... pretty outrageous, I also think we would have nearly broken his neck with the way he hit the water.
  17. I think they're ok to eat. There was an article in OOD a while back (maybe last fall) about eating one of those species, and it said they were pretty good. Unfortunately I no longer have the issue and can't remember if it was about the bowfin, or burbot.
  18. Nice fish! That Smallie is huge!!!
  19. There is already something kind of similar going on. Check out the tournament entries/discussion session. Basically big fish the year of every species, but they change frequently as bigger fish are caught.
  20. That is really unfortunate. My only true suggestion is don't give up, from my experience, our dogs wouldn't give up on me, so I surely wouldn't give up on them. I know when my dog went missing it left a pit in my stomach, and a terrible worry, and he was only gone for a few hours. I really hope you manage to find him, all the suggestions so far are great, keep us posted on the situation and hopefully it turns out for the best.
  21. Well just an update for any of you who are interested. I finished all my interviews yesterday and ended up with 3 offers on the table. The one I mentioned from Northern BC, one for Northern Alberta, and the last from Northern Sask. After weighing my options I decided to accept the offer in northern BC. It presented the most suitable position for me, as well as the highest salary and best benefit/bonus package, even though it is the farthest away. Looks like I'll be driving out there around mid august. Thanks for all your support OFC'ers!
  22. Nice fat belly on her! I bet she tasted good!
  23. I find if Im cleaning fish in the while on a camping trip, the best way to get the smell off, is to grab some pine needles and rub them through your hands. I'd rather smell like pine, than fish, even if the bear doesn't agree. Also if your bottom bouncing with a worm harness to store, leave the harness attached to the bottom bouncer. Slide the clasp on the bottom bouncer over the bottom wire, then wrap your worm harness around the whole outfit. When you get to the end just clip your hooks on the sinker and the tension holds it tight. Works for storage.
  24. wow, great markings on that first smallie! good work!
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