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Everything posted by Zubris21

  1. Having moved to Northern B.C. recently I have been exposed to more hunting than ever before. All of the local natives absolutely flat out refuse to shoot a bull moose or caribou once the rut has begun. They state (and Im not sure I believe all of it) that the bull moose roll around in their urine which soaks through their coat and ruins their meat. The caribou then one up them and drink their own urine which ruins their meat. Now I have no doubt that either animal rolls around in it to attract the ladies, but I doubt very much that it penetrates their hide. Without a doubt the testosterone in these rutting males would affect the meat to a certain degree, to the point where they are not worth harvesting? I don't know. In any case I'm sure male Deer experience the same physiological changes and during rut times, a doe would probably be more palatable (I've never tasted venison that wasn't delicious and at no point have I known the sex of the animal).
  2. Having moved to Northern B.C. recently I have been exposed to more hunting than ever before. All of the local natives absolutely flat out refuse to shoot a bull moose or caribou once the rut has begun. They state (and Im not sure I believe all of it) that the bull moose roll around in their urine which soaks through their coat and ruins their meat. The caribou then one up them and drink their own urine which ruins their meat. Now I have no doubt that either animal rolls around in it to attract the ladies, but I doubt very much that it penetrates their hide. Without a doubt the testosterone in these rutting males would affect the meat to a certain degree, to the point where they are not worth harvesting? I don't know. In any case I'm sure male Deer experience the same physiological changes and during rut times, a doe would probably be more palatable (I've never tasted venison that wasn't delicious and at no point have I known the sex of the animal).
  3. In no particular order, Walleye, perch, pike. I've only had a sampling of a small whitefish and it was very good. In the new year I'll be trying some freshly caught (through the ice) brookies and rainbows and am expecting big things!
  4. well, I've been interested in photography for quite a while. I've been taking some scenery pictures for the past couple years with a simple point and shoot digital, but haven't really done any editing. I recently upgraded cameras to the Cannon G10 (top of the line point and shoot) and figured I'd try my hand at some editing with CS2. Anyways this is my first go at it following the tutorial that Rick posted, and comments/suggestions would be appreciated. (first 2 shots are with the old camera and the third is with the new one) Stikine River (unedited followed by edited) Sunrise near Dease Lake, B.C. Gnat Pass (south of Dease Lake)
  5. sounds like your pretty firm on wanting a small lake, but I'll mention this anyways. The St. Lawrence River has some excellent walleye fishing in the Iroquois/Morrisburg area. Had many days with 40ish fish boated and always get some size in there. I'd say the average is about 3lbs with the bigguns we've caught going up to 12+. Plus since its a major water body there are always some decent pike mixed in there. PM me if you want more specifics on locations/techniques.
  6. I have the options card. I was also tempted to switch over the the gas advantage card when they were promoting the additional 10c/L you save. Then I found out this only lasted without limit for the first month (or something like that) after you had to spend a certain amount in order to receive those savings (as icefisherman has pointed out). Personally I like the options card better, as irishfield pointed out, CT money is as close to real currency as you get. Also I feel as though the items I purchase with the CT money I accumulate are more rewarding/pleasing, compared to a small victory in the constant battle (struggle) with gas prices.
  7. very well thought out and said. Cudos to your character and the bravery of those who serve.
  8. It truly is beautiful territory up here. I have a few pictures looking over the Stikine River that are very similar to some of the scenery shots you have there.
  9. Fort Nelson
  10. Survivorman is a great show! Man vs. Wild on the other hand is not. Often times he tells you do to things that are completely ridiculous in a survival situation. Ex. Drinking your own urine, or climbing up a cliff of slippery rocks right at a waterfall. Also Bear Gryllis (man vs wild) has a camera crew with him and apparently spends his nights in resorts/hotels. I saw The Hour about a year ago with Les Stroud on it and he basically criticized Bear and called him a fraud... Need an example...
  11. I don't think a suspension was warranted at all. Bettman and the league are too concerned with the "image of hockey" not appealing to the masses, that any highly publicized incident like this is going to result in disciplinary actions, deserved or not. Unfortunately the conduct that really hurts the players and the game isn't drawing attention outside of the hockey world. The Montreal-Toronto game that was previously referred to should have resulted in several players being suspended for some of the dirtiest play I've seen in a long time. Heck Carbonneau even said he was embarrassed by his players after the game, and not for a lack of effort. Like I said before I don't think Avery will play another game in Dallas even if the coaching staff feel as though he can contribute to a winning franchise. The front office will give him the boot to show their sensitive side and "clean up the game".
  12. Don't have the stocking list but I know a few of the interior lakes in Frontenac Park are (or at least have been) stocked with Splake. They're small lakes and kind of hard to get to in the summer, but if you had a light canoe you could do it. I've also heard they can be really on shortly after first ice up.
  13. Gotta say that his comments were a tad tasteless, but I feel for the guy. Due to his on and off ice nature this situation is being blown out of proportion. I agree with Chicken and Steve, he is a valuable player on the right team. Is he worth 4 mil. probably not, are the Dallas Stars the right team for him? probably not. But he has grit, tenacity, and yes even talent. I watched him play many many games in the OHL when he played for Kingston and he hasn't changed a bit. Was a super-pest then and still is now. Same can be said about his skill set, the guy has excellent hands, great positioning and draws a ton of penalties. If he was such an awful player and had not value, he wouldn't have been playing on the same line as Modano. I don't think he'll play another game for Dallas, but he will find a new home in the NHL. Also I bet he wouldn't hesitate to drop the gloves with Phaneuf, again in the OHL I saw him drop the mitts with several big defensmen. Sometimes he got his clock cleaned and sometimes he won, but I never saw him back down.
  14. great year! you just bagged more fish in one season than I have my entire life! keep it up!
  15. Looks like a close one so far... how long are you going to leave this open to voting? you should have a time limit! Congrats to both of you for getting out there! You both got into some great fish!
  16. great report... thats a beauty smallie, and those sheephead must have been a great fight!
  17. nice report! those bass have football dimensions!
  18. Personal favorite is pan fried in butter, or 1/2 butter 1/2 veggie oil. For batter, I used to make my own but was recently introduced to using simply seasoned bread crumbs. I was a little skeptical at first, but the seasoned (or italian) bread crumbs have a ton of flavour, and cook up nice and crunchy!
  19. Kinda sounds like your starting to come down with something... maybe you'll be able to make it out sat yet.... Nice boat, looks perfect for trolling walleye!
  20. Great read... Considering the conditions were tough it sounds like you guys made out pretty well!
  21. I was also going to suggest this, and if you about 2 hours further there is a bass pro shop just outside of Syracuse.
  22. nice rainbows there! 2nd picture looks like a rock bass to me.... Any silver bass / perch I've had have been completely white... not black spots at all on them, except maybe a really thin black lateral line.
  23. Those pan-bound eyes are making me hungry!
  24. As I mentioned before I'm glad you and your crew made it home safely. I do however tend to agree with most others who say the weather forecast is not to blame. As has been said weather prediction is an inexact science. Weather personnel, or I suppose I should say meteorologists, since they are scientists, make the best predictions based on recently past events, and general weather trends. Generally they are pretty accurate in relatively homogeneous areas, that is, if there are no mountains or large water bodies around. However, once you throw either of these landmarks in, weather gets very tricky to predict at the best of time. Large inland bodies of water (of which the great lakes are the biggest) make weather very unpredictable, and a forecast for these areas should always be taken with a grain of salt. I hope that you don't choose to ignore forecasts for your future outings, because they are a valuable source of information, and truly can be a lifesaver out on the water. May I suggest that you read up on, cold fronts/warm fronts, hi/low pressure systems, trade winds, humidity, and the like so you can use your knowledge coupled with the weather maps/forecasts to make even more educated decisions in the future. Im not trying to harp on you for a bad decisions, I think we all just want to see everyone taking precautions in these types of situations.
  25. Thanks for the suggestions so far... I could of them I'm definitely going to try to dig up.. I read Into the Wild by Krakaur, and wasn't overly impressed. I though it was a good recount of "Alex'" travels, but I didn't really connect with all of the authors assumptions/thoughts. I think, the problem is that it wasn't a first hand account of the voyage, and rather someone following in footsteps, trying to piece things together.
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