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Everything posted by Zubris21

  1. That is really too bad! Thanks for the info though as I've been considering buying a hand held GPS and have considered both Garmin and Magellan. As for your customer service experience, that is completely ridiculous. You should be entitled to the refund which the first representative quoted you. I used to work at a call center (cell phones) and we often had similar problems. It's great that you took Name/ID's of the reps you spoke with, but I would also recommend to remind the reps, to make the proper notes on the account as they make promises to you. If the rep states something but then never makes a note of it on your account, the next person you speak with, weather its a manager or whoever, has no record of that promise and therefore, isn't really entitled to honour it. When I call somewhere, and they offer me something, or quote me a price, I immediately ask them to note it on the account. As a call center rep I got way to much flak from customers as a result of other reps being lazy, or just telling the customer what they wanted to hear to get them off the phone, even if its something that couldn't be done. Hopefully everything works out for you!
  2. White or Chartreuse 2x willow leaf spinner bait. Caught tons of bass and pike and even the odd crappie on them.
  3. my friend and I were fishing walleye last year. I out fished him all day. Finally just before we were about to head in he got a small walleye on. Fought it for about 20 seconds then his drag started to peel like crazy. Eventually ended up landing a 16lb pike, but unfortunately the walleye got away during the netting process. Amazing to see something like that! I could only imagine if it was a huge musky.
  4. correction, its called deerock lake... here is the google map to it... http://maps.google.ca/maps?q=deer%20rock%2...sa=N&tab=wl and also just found another article about the lake, but I'll PM is so I don't rustle any feathers.
  5. I've heard of a Lake called Deer Rock Lake a little bit North of Belleville which is supposed to have good bass/pike in it. I've never been myself but plan to make the trip sometime this summer. From what I understand the entire lake is "Courtesy" Camping. That is, there is a station with envelops and a drop box so its more like donation based.
  6. I've had success for pike with clown colour patterns in all types of water. I've never owned an x-rap in that colour but I would be tempted to get one... Also I like patterns that imitate baby game fish like perch or bass.
  7. OOD is my favorite. I find it to be the most local and informative.
  8. maybe CT made a mistake, but they definitely had some higher pound tests on sale.. Im sure I saw both 20 and 30lb for the 14.99 price.
  9. Just watched it again... I still think it's stupid and disrespectful, but it is pretty funny when the second guy yells "cannon ball" before jumping in.
  10. I know Canadian Tire doesn't always have the best prices, but Berkley fire line, both Crystal and Smoke colours are on sale for $14.99 until Thursday. I went to the Kingston store today and they had lots of stock, seemed like all pound tests were on sale too. Now.... I've heard great reviews about this line and one of my fishing buddies stands behind it 100%. This will be the first time trying it. It'll be on a spinning rod (6'6 medium action). I bought 8lb test, the question is should I be using some sort of backing on my reel with this new line? What are the advantages of having a mono filament backing? Its a new concept to me since I've only ever used mono. any help would be appreciated.
  11. Nice report. Great tent, but I imagine its not so easy to set up.
  12. I also don't find this very funny.. I hope those kids get a good punishment rather than just a slap on the wrist.
  13. Where in northern Quebec? I'll be heading to Lac Nilgaut in semi-northern quebec. Never been before but it looks like its a couple hours north of petawawa.
  14. Awesome report! I've yet to try my hand for any trout... makes me want to give it a shot thats for sure!
  15. This was our second year heading to Fosters fishing on the Bay of Quinte for some early season Walleye. Once again a shout out to the staff at Fosters Fishing Center for providing excellent service throughout the weekend! My girlfriend and I were picked up in Kingston by another couple around 6:30am on Friday morning. Got to the campsite and immediately got the boat in the water. We headed out into the bay around 7:45 for our first day of fishing. Day 1 was by far the most productive. We caught 8 fish before 11, including this 24.5 incher for the tournament. My friend also had a couple nice ones in the morning including this beauty... but most of them were nice eating sizes. We ended up keeping 3 smaller Eyes and had a nice shore lunch before setting up camp. We fried the fish in some seasoned breadcrumbs and butter. It was delicious, no special batter or spices, just the seasoned breadcrumbs! This weekend was great as it gave us a chance to test out one of our newest toys. This new MEC Lightfield tent was great for the cold nights, and we're sure to be getting lots of use out of it this summer... Unfortunately the fishing kinda slowed for the rest of the weekend. We were only able to double our number from the first morning and the trip ended with 16 walleye landed, and a couple which shook the hook right at the surface. Countless perch and what I think were white perch were caught and it made it difficult to keep the crawlers on the worm harnesses for any length of time. My girlfriend eventually got fed up with replacing her worm, so she decided to put on the new Berkley Gulp imitation worm. Wouldn't you know it, as soon as she hit bottom the fish of the weekend strikes. She landed this fat walleye after a nice little fight. Here she is posing with her trophy fish in an OFC hat I had made for the tournament entries. (unfortunately she's not a member of the site so this one wont be in the tournament.) No measure or weight on this one since it was a quick release, but we estimated around 9lbs. The weather was great, and once again the staff and facilities at Fosters Fishing were second to none. No HUGE fish landed this year, but enough fun to ensure we'll be back again next year.
  16. I've got some walleye in the freezer, now I know how they'll be cooked! thanks!
  17. any special prep needed for the bacon wrapped walleye? or just wrap and cook? it looks delicious!
  18. Does anyone have any idea what the chances (percentage) for survival of this fish might have been? I know muskie are one of the more sensitive fish, but I often wonder how fish who take a while to revive do after release?
  19. I was at Quinte fri,sat, and sunday. The fishing was pretty slow for the most part. We only caught 16 for the trip between 4 of us, so sounds like you did pretty well! Most of our fish were from the 20-25 foot range as well though. A couple early morning eyes were a feeding off a hump at around 14 feet but that bite died pretty quick.
  20. I'm heading up to Lac Nilgaut in Quebec this weekend, for a kinda surprise trip. My friend asked me to go last week, and I said sure, but I don't much about the lake other than its full of lakers and pike. Has anyone ever fished this lake? Any pointers that will help me out with the fishing?
  21. ya no kidding, I certainly wouldn't speak any specifics, thats just a bad idea..... think she could get me a job for the fall???
  22. Camping at Fosters Fishing on the Bay of Quinte friday and saturday. My buddy and I are taking the girls (who like to fish) out for some walleye action. Hopefully the cold start to the season has kept the big boy's out of the bay for a week. Based on the tournament results posted from last weeks opener, I didn't see as many huge Eyes as I would have expected. fingers crossed!
  23. Hopefully the victim was no one from this board.... That really is terrible. I recently completed teachers college, and as a student teacher in elementary schools I was shocked by the number of suspensions and discipline issues with upper year (gr 8.) students.
  24. I don't believe that giving away a free tim-bit is an offense worth terminating someone over, but as many of you have mentioned there may have been many underlying stories. As some of you mentioned employee theft is an ever growing concern for all companies big and small. I once worked at a mass-production bakery where a similar incident occurred. As employees we were given an opportunity to purchase the goods at a very discounted price (say $0.25 for a loaf of bread vs. $1.59 at your local loblaws) but we were not permitted to simply take the product without paying. Now management was aware of this and since it was a fairly demanding job, they kinda turned a blind eye when products were taken without paying. After all the profit margins were so high, and there was so much waste that it was impossible to track. However one time, one of the better employees, was seen removing a single loaf of bread after his shift, while in street clothes. The people who saw him were new hires, first day on the job (I think there were 3 of them) and reported this to their supervisor. Unfortunately since the rules were in place, and consequences were strictly outlined, the supervisor was handcuffed, he had to terminate the employee who was stealing, even though there was a union in place there was nothing they could do. The employee had broken the rules, and had to face the consequences. I know for a fact the supervisor would not have come to that punishment had it not been 3 brand new employees as witnesses, but he had to set a precedent that employee theft was not tolerated. My point being, perhaps there was a new class of trainees at the Tim's and the manager was trying to set an example, perhaps the rules and consequences were already outlined. or another scenario, perhaps the previous customers child was not given a tim-bit and there was a complaint filed.... or maybe the employee was smelly.... there are tons of possible scenarios, and I doubt very much we will ever get to the bottom of it. Personally I don't go to Tims very often, I brew my own coffee at home, but I certainly wouldn't boycott them, even if I think it is somewhat appalling that this employee was fired.
  25. what an excellent wager! I love it!
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