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Everything posted by Zubris21

  1. I don't mind Sundin and Blake. Sundin has given this team enough service, leadership and devotion that I would like to see him hang around Toronto till the end of his career. I'm tired of seeing team leaders finish their career in another city, simply because they were getting older and their career long team is looking to get young. Not enough can be said about experience, especially experience in that environment. It bothers me to see guys like Bourque, finish up elsewhere. I think Blake can be much more productive than what we saw this year. I think his battle with cancer (although a very treatable kind) kind of got under his skin and tired him out. He is a pesky little bugger and someone I want on my team as opposed to the opposition. Raycroft I think is a serviceable backup. He gets paid too much to be one, but if they could renegotiate his contract I think he is a perfect bench player until some of the young guys come up. I can't believe his downfall since his OHL days and rookie season in Boston, he was really something else for a couple of years there.
  2. great work! excellent fish!
  3. Great shots! my favorite is the first one, there something serene about it. What kind of Camera are you using?
  4. Carp wont even eat the guts? I figured they would at least suck up some of that stuff if they found it on bottom.
  5. Yes I believe it is, but I'd rather see a fat carp or catfish than another fat Raccoon.
  6. That is pretty gross. The least they could have done is through the guts back in the water to fatten up some carp/catfish for next time. The pike is inexcusable.
  7. thanks guys! I'll be heading out in a couple hours!
  8. Also, I liked your team 13 signature tag, hope you don't mind that I stole it for myself as well.
  9. Great job... Team 13 is getting a good start, lets keep it up!
  10. excellent report, I think you should get your line in the water a little more often and keep the reports coming!
  11. that looks like its exactly what I'm looking for, a little slow for me, but its great! thanks!
  12. The Cataraqui River below Kingston Locks? the old regs stated it was zone 20 which means pike is open for me tomorrow, but the new regs don't mention it. The map looks as though this is zone 20, but I want to make sure before I head out tomorrow?
  13. just wondering if anyone knows of any online resources to free crown land maps? I like to do a lot of camping during the summer but I find park fee's tend to add up. I know there is lots of great crown land out there, but my searches for maps online have offered little direction.
  14. We're not trying to be hard on you little angler. I think I speak for all of us when I say, we believe it is important for all anglers to be self-reliant, sometimes you will be in a situation where there will be no one to ask, that is why its important to learn how to use these resources. I know you are young, and thats great, the sooner you learn how to use the regs, the more quickly you can become an accomplished angler. Also, in case you didn't know, the regulations book is FREE, you just need to get to Canadian tire or any local tackle shop to pick it up.
  15. once again, here is a link to the regs. the zones are easy to distinguish, make sure you read the exceptions because some lakes or portions of a lake don't follow standard rules. Also some lakes have slot limits, that is, limits on the size of fish you can keep. http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/en/Business/LetsF...L02_163615.html and just in case Chinese is easier for you, here they are in Chinese (just learned this was available, shouldn't be any excuses anymore i.e. bucket full of bass post) http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/en/Business/LetsF...ion/239746.html
  16. I hope there will be lots of great photo ops!
  17. Excellent news. I wish you and your family the best going forward!
  18. Hey people, I was at Canadian Tire in Kingston to pick up some gear for a laker trip to Quebec, in a few weeks. Anyways stopped by the clearance section in the store and they had a bunch of fish finders on sale for as much as 50% off. I know there were Hummingbird Piranha's regular $199.99 going for $99.99 and there were a couple other varieties as well. They had about 4 humming birds and about the same in other brands nothing too high end but decent little mid-level products. if anyone is in the area looking for a fish finder go check it out. They had a few other things as well, a couple lures and I picked up a folding Ice Auger, reg 129.99 for 49.99, but I think that was the last one. -cheers fwf
  19. welcome to the board... we always love fish porn!
  20. Great report, is that FF in the background of the first pic? if so I'm heading there this coming weekend, and hope to have some of the same success.
  21. I have no problem telling newbies good spots, or well known spots. I may keep the best of the best for myself or close friends, but giving away a location is only part of the secret, gear, tackle and presentation has a lot to do with your success as an angler as well. I also find if kind of curious that many of you are concerned with the environmental impact, increased anglers will have on your riverbanks, lake shores, parking lots, etc. I can appreciate that increased traffic relates directly to more garbage and pollution, and no one wants to see our pristine waters get any worse. On the other hand I think that angling is a great outdoor "introduction" sport for many individuals. Lets face it, less and less people are spending time outside in the wild, appreciating the beauty that Ontario, and furthermore Canada has to offer. I truly believe that by introducing more people to fishing, they are more likely to fall in love with the natural environment, and show more concern for it. The more people that are concerned about the state of a riverbank or section of forest, the better. With that said beginner anglers aren't likely to enjoy their time, or become "hooked" on the outdoors if they do not begin in a productive location, catching fish is just more fun when your just starting out and that is really your only goal. so I can't help with GTA locations, but Kingston Mills locks can be a great spot from spring-fall for pan fish, bass, pike, carp, gar and suckers when they're in season and I've also heard of muskie being caught there. Also although I've only ever seen pictures, there is supposed to be a fairly good run of trout and salmon in the fall.
  22. I'm not denying that there are monsters in there. I've been fishing that section of the Larry now for about 3 years and we almost always catch our limit. Usually the fish we get are anywhere up to 4lbs on average, with the odd one going 8-10lbs. I was just saying its unusual for us to get that many big fish in that short amount of time.
  23. yup. bottom bouncing all the way? The rain wasn't too bad, had our wet suites on so it didn't get to us too bad, It is the reason why there aren't any more pics because I didn't bring my good camera due to the rain!
  24. The fish in the first picture looks really yellow! Nice catches!
  25. Well, Walleye opened today on the St. Lawrence and that meant an early start to the day for me. The alarm sounded at 3:10 to get me up and I was packed and on the road by 3:30, stopped by timmy's for a coffee and a bagel and then it was an hour and a half drive up for 401 to Morrisburg to meet up with my buddy. We had the boat in the water by 5:15 and it was nice and pleasant, only 2 other boats to start. All in all it was a great opening day. We spent about 3 hours on the water and landed 24 fish between 3 of us. We kept our limit of some nice sized eaters, but of our total count 10 fish were over 26 inches and 8+ lbs, very unusual for this spot. We often get lots of 2-4 pounders and the odd 5+ but today was something else. (sorry to team kiss my bass, I didn't have any OFC 08 tourney signs) but I'll make it up on Quinte next weekend and northern Quebec the weekend after. Here are 2 pictures of my buddy and one of me with some of the bigger eye's (anything over about 4lbs was released after a quick snap shot. More than I can say about some of the other boats!) http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll254/Z...ningday08-4.jpg http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll254/Z...ningday08-3.jpg
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