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Everything posted by anders

  1. Sick!
  2. Pink is a lethal colour up in Northern Ontario. Nice Eye!
  3. thats awesome Tony!
  4. we are going to 17...we there last year...we were not the one charged...we got a cow and missed a bull... My brother actually shot the cow...from land
  5. Im headed out tomorrow night for a week of moose hunting...rifle opens where we are going...2 bull tags and 1 cow tag this year...hunting completely out of a boat, trolling for eyes while we hunt...gonna be a great week
  6. This definitly sucks...good on you for trying...thats all one could do. Why is this the fish that the guys trolled around on a stringer?
  7. :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: Two of my favs...Metallica and Pearl Jam, but for me Pearl Jam takes the cake...
  8. :worthy: :worthy:
  9. its a great lake...im in Wawa and talk to guys that frequent the lake on a regular basis...been awesome this year
  10. what about the bass pro 100mph...whats the difference between that and the pro qualifier besides price
  11. 12 meter holy!... i was out this week in 8-10 footers...but meters....wow!
  12. those are some awesome fish! Congrats on the derby!
  13. nice fish... i really like the wake of that big boat!
  14. with out a doubt!
  15. Well said! You will see bears...like dr. said, keep your food stored properly and you shouldnt have an issue...the fear of bears imo is media fed and unwarrented for the most part. Enjoy your trip...you should have a good one
  16. Awesome catch! I should take the short drive down and fish Mary's again!
  17. Remember...there is always fish feeding during the day...we just have to find them.
  18. that is awesome...i'll take 2!
  19. thats what i am thinking...or maybe i will just find that lund he is talkinga about.
  20. I used it once on a suspected illegal moose, the CO's came almost immediatly
  21. I second that...why? what are you looking at getting for the prince?
  22. He's a puck moving d man...a good one at that..the minute the leafs get rid of him, they are going to be looking for a puck moving d man. He wants to remain a leaf...something unfathomable for us to even think of doing, admirable definitly...he will be good for them for years to come, especially with all the young players there continue to file in.
  23. I'll bring the popcorn!
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