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Everything posted by anders

  1. I love salmon reports...awesome...one day i will hit lake O
  2. saw them on FB...nice fish
  3. Simply amazing!
  4. It was a great game!!!!
  5. I Love Salmon reports
  6. Beautiful
  7. very nice
  8. Wow...that amazing....well done. Just curious and a questions...don't take the wrong way...as i am all for keeping salmon as i love them...but after an event like that, do you keep the fish, or give away to friends? Again...simply awesome!! :clapping:
  9. solid man...i should make a trip down just to fish
  10. Nice video...but where was this advice when Italy was playing..
  11. Awesome fish...and amazing fishing...i wish we had that up north....i would love to get into that in L Superior, but that just doenst happen anymore....great job....those i bet are 5 HAPPY CUSTOMERS!!
  12. I would have lost it...good to hear that they were alright...however...someone might not have been if it happened to me...like Bill said...a butt whooping would be in order right when i got to shore...
  13. how much are the 48 packs at the beer store
  14. Are they available in Ontario or just Quebec!
  15. So sorry for you loss... I fear the day when my best friend has to go chase rabbits elsewhere
  16. no...just having a lot of fun
  17. sorry about that..the girlfriend and I were having some fun!
  18. thats what its all about right there!
  19. read the latest ontario out of doors...a good article in there about lakers... isnt that right Jay!
  20. Dude...some of those eyes are thick...any guestimates on the weight\?
  21. Its fishing as normal up here...although they are ahead of schedule, the bite is hot...that being said, you have to find them...like others said, look for weeds with deep water near by, the best for us this year is finding rock outcrops (or points) and look for the transition from sand to rocks...this has been key for us this year...slow presentation this year as well...slow jigging and also slip floats have worked well...Saturday night were getting walleye with a slip float 6ft below the surface, over 12-20 ft of water.
  22. stay home and continue to watch soccer!
  23. Nevermind found it on CBC....my new fav network!!
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