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Everything posted by Radnine

  1. Holy cow dude! could you put up any more road blocks? Unless this thing leaks like a sieve, it's worth twice the drive your looking at. When I was first boat looking I would have killed for an opportunity like this Lund. Fortunately there were none and I bought a brand new Crestliner!!! How fortuitous. If you've got twenty grand in your pocket, then hold out for new if you like (Hell, they are already advertising the boat show in January) but this Lund looks like a deal to me. Jim
  2. This one is my favourite so far. Awesome!! Jim
  3. Congratulations, on everything I guess. Jim
  4. What about our friends to the east? (here we go) Jim
  5. I know that I have not been a member here for long, but I don't remember so many brilliant smallie reports especially this late. Nice job!! Jim
  6. Congrats on the great average and the great fish! Obviously you were raised right and you have done your parents proud. Keep up the great work and your education will keep paying dividends. Jim
  7. This justifies the cost of the boat and the TV. Jim
  8. If it only happens when it gets cold, have you considered moving to a warmer climate? Don't thank me, I'm happy to help. Jim
  9. When I was about 16, I was given a 1970 or so Sno-Jet. I had tons of fun on it but remember the racket that it made. It was like the piston was hitting the spark plug or something (clang clang clang). My buddy Kevin used to wait until he heard me start it before he would put on his snowmobile suit. He lived 7/10ths of a mile from my house! Another memory is having to pry my hands open after riding it, from the vibrations in the handle bar. Jim
  10. Same here. They probably won't get it until they are parents, but that's okay. I too am sorry to hear of your loss. Jim
  11. I think he's holding it wrong. Jim
  12. I was going to call spam then realized that you weren't selling a guiding service, you just fish like a guide. Absolutely awesome! I don't know where this lake is but it is a Lulu. Congrats on this outing. Between this trip and the trip with your Bro you should get some sort of fishing philanthropy award. Jim
  13. Well, I can believe it but had to be sure as there are many that I talk to that have never used a cottage rental website. Unless you have had a negative experience that I have not my advice would be to not write them off as entirely self serving, as they have served me very well in the past. Best wishes! Jim
  14. The first thing I would do is make sure that the original owner is not still in the boat. Then, while it you have it stripped out, would it not be a good idea to fill it with water and see if anything major is dripping out before you go bananas on the interior? Sound advice from the others on the motor. It looks like you have a great fixer upper there. Is there more to the story? Jim
  15. Where have you been man? Jim
  16. Now, now. There are tons of great cottage rental websites (google cottage rental Ottawa River) and great things will happen. Jim
  17. What a great adventure! Looks like a great spot for sure (I'm no hunter, but you can see the potential). Thanks for taking us along! Jim
  18. Hey, that's cool. Thanks for posting. Jim
  19. I have read the articles posted and defer to the expertise of the people involved (including in this community). But I am basically opposed to messing with nature too much. From Purple Lustrife, which was going to take away all of the water, to H1N1 that is going to kill us all, to Pike that are going to eat all of the fish in Rice Lake, I tend to err on the side of caution. I have no pedigree to back it up (I am not Jimmy-two egos) but a healthy dose of cynicism has served me reasonably well so far. Jim
  20. Kudos to your friend Laszlo and you MuskyBill. I don't know how many cigarette butts you would actually have to throw in a lake before it caused any damage, but I know that it looks bloody awful. One of my B-in-Laws smokes and fishing with him on a still day ends up feeling like you're fishing in an ashtray. Saves me throwing out markers though. Jim
  21. Congratulations! We support your lifestyle decisions. Oh!...game. Never mind. Jim
  22. There was a post, not too long ago about boots that were made in Burlington, or Stoneycreek, or somewhere in near Canada. Any thoughts? Jim (here is the link: http://lebaron.ca/pdf_files_fall09/footwear/baffin.pdf)
  23. I concur. We have a sliding door by Pella (all the widows as well). It cost more than my parents first house, but it is a beauty. Jim
  24. Dude, that picture should be on a menu somewhere. Nice! Jim
  25. My wife had an accident recently as well and the insurance company told us to take to Carstar (on Rymal Road in Hamilton). They did a fantastic job and worked hard (as we asked them to do) to ensure that the car was not written off. They really were terrific and the communication was professional and top notch. Jim
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