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Everything posted by Radnine

  1. I don't speak Aussie (note the capitalization) let alone read it. It's getting easier to do sudokus than read posts on here anymore. Jim
  2. Swim Baits. (YUM Money Minnows, etc) Those rubber flat tailed things that look absolutely like dynamite as you reeled them back in. Never caught poop on any of them. Jim
  3. Is this one of those things that is only funny to the guys that have been to Lakeair? Jim
  4. I think that may be too much motor for a 14 footer. Jim
  5. Eh? Jim
  6. I'll be there on Monday and am already rehearsing "Aw, come on, you don't want to drag that back to the shop, do you?" Jim
  7. I don't have the model numbers with me (and can't be bothered looking them up) but at the boat show the guy from Lowrance told me to get the Eagle model of low-end colour rather that the X67C. That they are virtually identical but the resolution on the Eagle was actually better. Then he demonstrated them side by side and he was right. So don't look a gift horse in the mouth, you've got the better unit. Jim
  8. I agree with the postings above, any dealer that deals with Shimano should be able to order what you want. It is nice to see that you are looking at spinning rods and haven't been entirely seduced by the dark side. Jim
  9. Industrial Material Center (905) 662-8141 234 Arvin Stoney Creek These folks are wonderful. I use them to supply my shop at school and they welcome all customers. Jim
  10. No thanks. Jim
  11. Why yes, I think I do. Jim
  12. Is there any way that the hunters could satisfy their blood lust by shooting the carp instead of the bears, and the coyotes, and the deer and the squirrels, and the bunnies, and the....... Jim (PS. don't shoot the messenger)
  13. I am looking forward with great anticipation to the snowmobile rant thread. Congrats and enjoy your new purchase safely. Jim
  14. We don't need to worry really. -Y2K will kill us all off first and -Purple Lustrife will suck up all of the water and the great lakes will be dry. and -Like any of this really matters when the Russians are going to nuke us at any minute Jim
  15. Where are you from, is that Hull, Quebec? Absolutely awesome man! You are reaching God-like status with the smalley and pike action (soft and hard water). Thanks for the post, we really do enjoy them. Jim
  16. Have you tried this site? http://www.apprenticesearch.com/ Good luck (it warms my heart to see a young guy that is looking for more) Jim
  17. Yah, big deal. My kid got first place in Mario Kart on his DSi. Congratulations Botbot, on a huge accomplishment!!! And congratulations to you guys, the parents, as I am sure it takes just about as much dedication on your part (you know, without having to kick anyones !). Great job and fantastic photos. Thanks for the post. Jim
  18. A man after my own heart. Jim
  19. It is kind of funny, I was talking to the St Croix guy at the spring fishing show last year and he was saying that he thinks the brand has taken a bit of a public relations hit over the offering of a Chinese made model line (the Triumph). He was was also saying that they were looking into moving the line to Mexico to avoid the stigmatic perception attached to Chinese manufacturing. The funny part is that ten years ago the move to Mexico would have been just as traumatic as the move to China is today. But now (he reckoned) it would be seen as a more palatable choice. I suppose a good thing with St. Croix is that at least you have the opportunity to shop patriotically if you want. Jim
  20. Can you say google? I have two of the Triumph series which are made in the People's Republic of China. Much to the chagrin of the people from the United States of America. Jim
  21. Yah, thank God Roy broke this story (I'm just kiddin' I don't need strokes that badly ) Jim
  22. So that would be what, two responses? When you go on a public forum and ask people their opinion, that is what you are going to get. And if the only ones that you consider valid are the ones that agree with your stance, you are not looking for opinions you are looking for attaboys. Jim
  23. One time long ago before I was an educated fisherman, I was fishing with buddy on some lake (it was a small lake near Pencil Lake). As we were fishing a boat pulls up says "Where are you fellas from". Being uneducated, we actually started to reply and make conversation only to realize that he did not care where we were from, he wanted to know what we were doing on that lake. Looking back on now, it was not a private lake at all, it was just a small lake where all of the cottage owners thought they had the right to control who went there. I have not thought about that incident since I read this post. The guy has parked in two different places and you haven't liked either of them. If he parked a mile away and walked past her place would the footprints bother you? I guess what I am asking is are you sure it's a parking issue? Just asking. Jim
  24. Peter, I have read your post a couple of times and still don't get it. Who is number 3? Third wife, third daughter, who? And is what your being told that it is sissy to defend yourself? Please clarify. Jim
  25. I love the wrap-around instrument panel Wayne (I'm guessing those are the engine dials on the right?). Have you got a GPS in that plane (I didn't see it if you do). Does Murphy make anything in a tandem? Jim
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