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Everything posted by Radnine

  1. Close Tybo, but how 'bout the "beginning of the end"? I know that it's a bit dark, but it is honestly the decade where off-shoring, out-sourcing and down-sizing, actually showed itself in a decline in our lifestyle (and it's got nothing to do with the mortgage crunch, people can pay mortgages when they have jobs). And to get even darker, it's not coming back. Aren't I a hoot? I can't imagine why my wife's depressed Jim
  2. Slick the way you subliminally slid the free advertising in there Albert. Congratulations on the new ride! I have seen you work wonders with construction adhesive and am sure you will have no problems with a bit of carpet. Jim
  3. I am not sure what is going on here Carole, and admittedly I wouldn't know you if I tripped over you, but I am saddened by this note as I can only imagine what might have prompted it. Best wishes for whatever the future holds. Jim
  4. I think that I might have just seen Dick Clark take the term "stroke of midnight" to a new level. Happy new year to all! Jim
  5. All the best to all!! Jim
  6. I have posted that same findings here in the past. Think about people going on strike to for $50 more a month and it also helps to put it in perspective. Also, remember that you are spending after tax dollars and it takes about a buck forty to earn one of those. I have quit buying my morning coffee in the school caf this year and it saves me around $35 a month (and that is just one large @ $1.70 per). Good on ya! Jim
  7. Hey that's pretty good I'm no gynaecologist, but I'll take a look... Jim
  8. I never was good at reading between the lines. Now you've got me excited!! Good luck. Jim
  9. I found that owning and operating a boat (and trailer) was a lot like becoming a dad; I didn't know bugger all about it when I started, but just fell into it rather quickly. I think that you learn a lot about it through osmosis and without realizing. That is to say that you have been around it so long that you picked it up without realizing, then when it becomes time you just do it. I am not sure that I follow you though, I mean you have a boat and trailer, no? Jim
  10. We will likely be re-committing many of the crimes from last year: 3 trips to Doe, probably 2 to Rice, and the family trip to Cameron Lake (if they can change the week as Jen's boss changed the holiday week after we booked!). We are also looking at a journey farther north (Gogama maybe?), but that could be a bit of a stretch. What I am starting to notice is that many of my friends are starting to take an active re-interest in fishing. It is like we are all realizing at once that there is nothing better than a weekend away with friends or family in a cottage on some near north type lake. I don't know if it is because it represents simplicity, or a throwback to our youth, or something that we can do with the kids, etc. All I know is that the mood automatically gets better when we start to talk about fishing trips. And I love it. Jim
  11. That's the spirit! Jim
  12. I have never heard this one before but I have heard an Australian comic that did a song called "Santa Clause You ... , You Forgot My ....... Bike!". It was not very Christmassy at all if I recall correctly. Jim
  13. Hi all! And Merry Christmas! It was a pretty quiet Christmas for me fishing-wise. Greg at Bill's Bait and Tackle in Hamilton is always very helpful in picking out gifts for me and this year was no exception. We are going to my parent's house this afternoon, so hopefully my mom made the pilgrimage to Bill's as well. Best to all! Jim
  14. How's your liability insurance? Jim
  15. This is what we have done for our first phone as well. It is working out very well and at $100 a year you can afford to have one each (I haven't told her that yet, right now we are still sharing one). If you are using the phone for true "needs only" basis, it is a brilliant way to go. Jim
  16. I wonder if she has any idea just how lucky she is? Best wishes for Christmas and the new year!!! Jim
  17. Hey Fishingguy, Here us the link to that article that I was talking about in my original post (Seven Steps to Maximize Sonar Performance). http://www.walleye101.com/7%20steps%20part%201.htm Jim
  18. This is a link to an article that I found. I have another paper copy of a good article on how to set up your fish finder but I am having trouble laying my hands on it. When I find it I will post it here. It's a funny thing about the turning off of the ID, my B-in-Laws always have theirs turned on and look at me like I have two heads when I tell them to turn it off. And while they do find and catch fish, they think nothing odd when the entire screen is filled with fish symbols, then they catch none (meaning there is no such thing as an erroneous reading to them). In fact a good drinking game would be to take a shot every time Fred (B-in-Law) asks if I'm "marking any?". I turn mine off because that is what everyone here says to do, but have still yet to see a fish arch. In the end I really use it to find depth and structure, then rely on the fact that when you find structure you find fish. http://www.gordellis.com/articles/other_05.htm Regards, Jim
  19. Hi John (and all), A lovely read as usual. Christmas was always a very special time for me and a special time for my wife (usually at least, anxiety overload is threatening this year. And it couldn't have come at a worse time as we are hosting Christmas dinner and are expecting 37 people. Thank God it's her family or else the whole thing would be called off). This year has been a tough one for me to get into. I am not sure why but I think it has to do with the overall busy-ness that I feel our life has become. And we only have the one child, I don't know how others do it. Here are my answers to your questions: What is the best Christmas movie of all time? 1951 "A Christmas Carol" with Allister Sim. (black and white or coloured version doesn't matter) What is the best Christmas TV show of all time? A Charlie Brown Christmas (I don't know why but I think it is the music that automatically takes me to Christmas mode) What is your favourite Christmas tune? "O Holy Night" Sung by just about anyone, but that Irish tenor makes me stop and listen every time. Do you go to your kids or grandkids Christmas concerts? Jennifer does cause I am always at work. But I go to the ones at my school. Do you go to a Christmas church service or a carol sing? No Do you decorate your home? Jennifer does and it looks fantastic! Do you wish everyone you meet a Merry Christmas for weeks before Christmas? Not as much as I should, in fact, I am still caught off guard when people say it to me. That's it from me. Merry Christmas! Jim
  20. classic I love anyone that can use "umteenth" in a sentence. Jim
  21. Oh, sorry. Did you mean cartoons, or tunes? My favourite cartoon is Charlie Brown's Christmas for sure. It just brings back great memories everytime. Jim
  22. I think that my two favorites are The Little Drummer Boy parmpabumbum thing with Bing Crosby and David Bowie (as a song, the video is so corny it makes me want to stick a nail in my eye) and any good version of "O' Holy Night (or is it Night Devine?). Jim
  23. You're kidding right? Once a leaf always a leaf, you know that they will resign him for stupid money. To not do so would be admitting that you were wrong in the first place. Remember Nick Andropov? Damn, I said I was not going to make another hockey post! Jim
  24. Have you checked Cabela's website? Jim
  25. Eh!! Did I tell you or what? This is why we elected him captain of Team #8. Jim
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