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Everything posted by Radnine

  1. I went to the last Buffalo/Washington game and saw Miller post a 3-0 shut out of Ovechkin & all. It was stunning to see live. They threw everything but the kitchen sink at him and he was amazing. Yesterdays performance was no surprise to anyone that has watched him play (keep in mind Billy B that he does not make it to TV here very often). Jim
  2. I am not sure about all of the winter/summer questions, but (as I recently posted on another occasion) the dude from Lowrance told me at the boat show that the Eagle colour model (the low level one that is on the same level as the 67C) is a better unit. He showed me side by side how the picture was better on the Eagle and it was substantially cheaper. Radio World had them at the show for around $180 or $190 (can't quite remember, but they were cheaper comparatively). Good luck! Jim
  3. It is nice to see that you found a use for that item you ordered from the back of a Hustler magazine. Well done! Jim
  4. Thanks JP, for writing. I am quite pleased that you have taken the time to note that I often do think differently than others, and am not afraid to offer a different opinion (and it is not always chipping). To answer your question about the Olympic spoiler thing, it seemed like the tail wagging the dog to me (and to others judging by the responses) and needed to be pointed out. My comment on Bill M's post was my take on what he was saying (yes I could have as easily not said anything, but then every thread would look like people just patronizing other people, you know how they look.) If you (or anyone else) would like to PM me, I will tell you what is really on my mind. Having a back and forth on an un-level playing ground is not fair. Which is also why I think that last line of your post was not called for. Jim
  5. Happy birthday to her! The restaurant looks cool as well. My son will be eight in a couple of weeks and I can already hardly remember when he was one. For me at least it is not that it went fast so much as it seems like he was always this age, ya know? Fatherhood is the best no doubt about it. Jim
  6. I am not sure what it means TJ. Judging by the reaction to the disclaimer on the web ad for the event I am assuming that this is the first time that BPS has excluded Shimano (?). JP is saying that they have participated in the past, which does not mean that they are participating now. Now, if one of the many from BPS that lurk here want to step up and state yes or no, that might be a different story. I hope for JP's sake that Shimano are participating since he has been made de facto Shimano Canada spoke person. Are you for real? Look, I am sorry for tugging on Superman's cape, and am thrilled to see that everyone doesn't have the level of cynicism that I do, but are you for real? Also, I was not attacking JP's character at all. I was not saying that he was lying or misrepresenting anything. I was commenting on Bill's comment that the thread should essentially end because JP DeRose had spoken. Sorry, I know that I anger many people on this board (including the important ones) when I do anything but throw rose pedals at the feet of our more famous brothers. Maybe I have recognition issues (among many other issues) who knows? Sorry if I offended anyone, but for every hero worshipper there has to be a cynic. It's what makes everyone else average. Jim
  7. That, is a gorgeous fish. Congrats. Jim
  8. Yah, shut up everybody and listen to the TV celeb with the Shimano contract!! Jim
  9. 4.98 in 69.68 and 5.40 in 68.60 Jim
  10. Garry, I should probably send this to you in the form of a PM, but since you opened this can of worms I will weigh in. I consider you a very knowledgeable angler that is clearly dedicated to the sport (so much so that you can apparently derive some income from it). And that could be a part of the lack of response problem. When you speak it tends to be a thread ender (check it out, you have ended more threads than the mods!). What I mean by that is when you weigh in with a "I'm Garry two R's and that's the way I see it" post, what are us mere armatures supposed to say? Perhaps at the end of the day this forum isn't "all business" enough for you. Personally, the fact that someone can post a kick-ass fishing report then follow it up with a "what kind of tires should I buy?" post is what is awesome about this place. And maybe it is just me but, I also think that people are becoming slightly more aware of guides making posts that don't say much other than "if you want to actually know anything, hire me", and respond accordingly. Enjoy the warm weather. Jim
  11. This sort of "cronyism" will always take place as long as there are ex-NHL'ers doing the picking. There are always one or two "back in the day" picks. I think you could make the same case for Niedermeyer (sp) as far as being old goes, but at least he's not a complete tool like Pronger has always been. Jim
  12. Surely the Legion will have to open it's membership restrictions now. Jim
  13. I have posted this before, but for Walleye I love my 6'6" med lite/fast St Croix Triumph coupled with a Diawa Exceller 1500 loaded with 6 lbs Fireline with a Seguar 10 Floro leader. (I have two identical set-ups) Jim
  14. I think I dated her in high school. Jim
  15. I think that I agree with this. Well put. Jim
  16. I think that I might have a go at that price. If you could PM me the deatils that would be great Dan. Thanks! Jim
  17. Never mind the boat, how about that manicure!! That new job has done wonders for your nails. Well done! Jim
  18. It sucked like a souped-up Hoover (okay, it wasn't that bad) I went with a friend and a B-in-L. I actually would prefer to go on my own because I find I like to just poke around whereas if I am with people I worry if they are liking it etc. ('cause it's me that does the calling around every show to rally the troops). I thought the best deal of the show was Fishing World's 3 for $10 lures. They had Hula Poppers and Jitterbugs in there! I mean Jacques couldn't make them for that money. For those of you that use the shows to conduct business and re-connect with loved ones, you're welcome. Jim
  19. Dan, What does it cost for a day like that (minus the snacks and beer, those I can figure out)? Thanks. Jim
  20. I don't know what kind of system you have, but as mentioned the motor normally charges the cranking motor. I have an on-board charger for my 12 volt trolling motor (that I installed myself) and it is awesome. My dealer was super helpful in making sure that I had the right charger. You'll love it. Jim
  21. Then chose the olympics and let us post how we like. Talk to you in a couple of weeks and thanks for writing! Jim
  22. Now I know why there wasn't more said about it (other than by those with a stake in it). Jim
  23. Pure, don' shoot the messenger here, but how can this be your last resort, when you don't even know what industries/businesses are in your own (small) town? Come on man! Have you tried the airport (UPS, Fed Ex, Westjet)? Have you tried thinking beyond your next paycheck? What did your time in high school prepare you for? That is to say do you have the marks to go to college? University? Mohawk college is full of mature students (kids that have been out of high school for a year) they make a killing out of re-teaching you high school, then starting on college stuff. Pure, you need to find a career, not a quick fix job. Metaphorically speaking, I know that the world needs ditch diggers too, just aim higher than being one of them. Jim
  24. A great report as always Jacques. Thanks! Jim
  25. I am not sure how many people know that when you join the Forces now you actually join "as" something. That is to say if you want to be a diesel mechanic you actually join as a diesel mechanic and after basic you start your training. I know that my perception was that you joined, did the rifle toting grunt thing then applied for a transfer and hoped for the best. Not so now. The Forces are definitely a solid choice now (having said all that, I am sure that they are pickier now than before?) Jim
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