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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Brandon that was awesome very nice I have been waiting since ya tweeted yesterday about this stupid move. I mean since you tweeted about this very cool thing yesterday. It sure does look fun but i am with Wayne on this one I can not imagine jumping from a good plane
  2. I don't know Brian the wife got it and I had not looked it up. I know they have some cheaper ones the Canon Power Shot A490 is the one we got my daughter it was less then $100 it is also very nice 10.0 mega pixels Just quick googled it looks like $140-200+ depending where the wife would have bought it.
  3. I love Canon cameras and will buy nothing else after having a few others and problems with each. The wife just bought me the Ashot 1300 for christmas it is a nice small camera that can fit in a pocket I like the timers and burst shots I only get three pictures on the timer but that's better then most as they just give 1 shot. My last Canon I got 10 shots on the timer.
  4. Thanks guys Jade is doing great but Mikey is not so well he took a fall from a rather large metal slide he was climbing up and some other boys were throwing sand it sounds like he let go to block the sand and lost his balance and fell from the top he is scrapped up on his shoulder and has a goose egg on his head but did not pass out he is resting here on the couch watching shrek with Jade and I. Nice to here that some are getting slime today. The guys I was fishing with went 4/4 with little musky and got a couple bonus Eye's for dinner. Maybe Tomorrow will be a little better
  5. assBAG comes to mind when I here of people fishing Tomiko. I only say that in envy of you living so close to there I sure do miss heading up to Tomiko it is a great place with many memories there for dad and I. Great read Randy
  6. Thats funny about the rain I was cruising LSC this morning looking for cleaner water but chased down some huge rain drops so I turned the boat around and fished behind the storm it was kinda nice being on the right side of the rain.
  7. Well my little girl and I were up and heading away from the gas pumps before 4:45 and at the launch by 5:10 met up with a new member of the Belle river MCI Chapter gave him some pointers and were off with rods set by 6am LSC is very dirty so we were trying to find some fishable water by the time we had found some just very stained but fishable water the winds switched and the waves increased which made my little girl get sick so we were done by 9am. It was great to get out and take the boat out I jsut feel so bad fo my little girl getting sick she is better now but were staying home for the rest of the day. I will see what tomorrow brings. I did get some new from the Pigeon guys and know that at least one Ski got stung by a custom color double 10 Handlebarz but I will have to wait like others for the report. I hope everyone who is out there has a great time.
  8. Well time for bed 4am will come quick Good luck to everyone chasing toothy critters tomorrow. I feel like I should be out there at the launch right now.
  9. Sure July 1st I think I know where I will be and I wish it was fishing with you Ron but I will be headed the other way. Good luck with the fight
  10. Dang that Laker fishing sure does make me drool its has been way to long since I had one of them on a line. Excellent report as always Ben. Glad the package got there before the strike We will be out chasing the toothy critters tomorrow.
  11. Dang I would have to say there might just be some karma in that package also very nice to see there are still good shops out there
  12. Very nice report and the look on your buddies face with his new firsts said it all.
  13. I am glad that the Bits got there before Opener everyone that has placed orders over the last couple weeks have received there baits as well as the used baits I had sold, but feel bad for the others that ordered this week I will be checking prices on fedX and others to see if it is worth the time. My sister works for the post office and is making huge $$$ in my books and hers also it's $24+/hr and she is a office manager yep passes out stamps and takes packages and stands around a lot I would say that's some great $$$ for the job. She voted to NOT STRIKE as she needs the $$$ but will be forced out if others vote to strike.
  14. Jim if your going to follow that boat around on Pigeon don't follow it race around it full tilt pull up on the next point and cast your bobber it works like a charm I know there are a few OFC members heading down to LSC I will be out with my little girl and having a blast with her. For the guys heading down here that I have not talked to PLEASE WATCH OUT FOR FLOATING EVERYTHING OUT HERE!!! This spring has been cleaning out all the creeks fields and back yards you will find everything from twigs to full trees and they will be just under the water the water right now is very dirty and its hard to see these things so please be careful out here on LSC this weekend. Play safe and shoot me a PM if your heading down here or have a look for us we will be in this boat.
  15. Thats kinda shocking that there were not any kids out. And that bad day of fishing sure beat sitting at home covered in Poison Ivy.
  16. Wayne I thought we were not supposed to talk politics here any more
  17. Kinda sounds like the same thing my wife went through with KUDO if I had the time and skill to make it wound as great as you did Terry I would add her story but lets just say my daughter now has a nice phone that will not call anywhere out of screaming distance. But it does take good pictures LOL.
  18. Congratz guys I hope ya made the show we like to watch it here also.
  19. Sounds like a great trip for sure pack some bug juice as the black flies might be done but the skeeters will still be in full swing. When you in Kenora you have to go to Figure 8 baits they just opened up there last fall and have a massive selection of musky gear and alot of other gear to. They will also give you great reports and are right on the water. I here you can try out just about any rod and reel combo you want to. Hope you guys have a blast. Try asking Ron for some advice on the area he has spent many days in that area
  20. Yep it should all come together for us this week I was looking at the long range forecast for my area and the temps stating today will be in the 80's with NO RAIN after today (Will have to see about that) and then cooling a bit to make it bare able on the water next weekend. Slowpoke was going to join me for opener but had to change plans something about working and putting food on the table at home talk about wrong priorities My biggest hurdle is will the boat be back from the boat doctor? He called yesterday and found broken parts in the lower end but it ran fine last time out still hitting her normal top speeds WTH. Oh yeah back to the topic at hand HECK YEAH I am ready for sure. Jim you have some nice looking baits there I to like the blades on the striped one. Cheers and good luck to everyone
  21. Dang nice cooler full there and some big girls to congratz
  22. That is awesome Simon. I'm very glad to see you got the camera back with the pics intact. Now dont be a dumb A$$ Like have in the past and be sure to back them pictures up so that when you have a computer crash you dont loose them.
  23. I like Boston alot but have to cheer the Canucks it just seems wrong to cheer for a non Canadian team if we have one in the finals. Heck I would be cheering along the Habs if they made it that far. Either way its going to be a great series
  24. Hope the weather is good over your way right now in Chatham its overcast and cool great day to build a deck hope ya get some good help out there
  25. Nice report looks like the family had a great time congrats
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