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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Thanks for all the pointers they are well taken. I have a to do list for today now 1st stop by junk yard steel there dog 2nd get extra keys made 3rd break off extra keys in all doors 4th go back to Rona and buy three new locks to replace them broken locks 4th get more keys made don't break off in locks 5th go to hockey message board to get correct advice on divorce 6th cancel the 20 yard bin 7th go to collage and look at girls to pick out free lawyer 8th take old locks out of garbage and re install them have her do it because you were making check list backwards and just noticed this advice after changing the locks 9th place order for extra windows 10th keep my nose to my self as I have to many lures that need to be built so get my fat arse off the computer and out to the shop. I do appreacite the advice here everyone I knew in my head most of it but ya all know its nice to have yourself re assured my big concern is the free lawyer that was given to her did nothing that still confuses me. The part of her having to much education even though she just got done school. Any way she will be back to the woman's shelter Monday and then to Ontario works and a couple other places to seek advice she is a very strong girl but I thought I would see here plus you can always count on OFC to bring a different light to every situation and crack the smiles.
  2. We are staying out as much as possible but do help her out and have loaned them both $$$ in the past to get through hard times. We are very close and know the whole story, I would get into it all but can not on here. She has been to Ontario works and they will be helping her out. The advice they gave was the same as we did talk to a Lawyer and she did talk to one but he said there is nothing he can do as a free Lawyer she needs to find $$$ to get a real one. He also said that because they were only married 4 years that works against her and she is to educated so that works against her also??? WTH does that have to do with it when your just out of school and not working yet?? The house is still owned by them both. He did come over today when my wife was there and was not happy that the screen door was locked so he could not just walk into the house They did let him in and he did give her some $$$ but way less then half what he took out of there account. I was just wondering about the locks so she did not have to wait until Monday to go back to Ontario works or wait to talk to the woman's shelter about them. I thought some her might know if its legal to change them. I will not be doing things until I know for sure that we can as I dont need to have my life turned upside down because of this.
  3. Ok I have a family friend who has had her husband leave her and her two kids. She has seen a lawyer on Friday ( free from woman's shelter)to seek advice but he said he can not help her as she has to much education and she needs to pay for a lawyer to get money from the ex. My questions are 1 he took all money out of the account on Friday and left $30 but mortgage came out so now there account is -$300 and he will not help with food. She had not changed the locks before this because she wanted to talk to the Lawyer but they would not give her any advice. Can some one let me know is it legal to change the locks since he is now leaving her and the two kids with nothing? Also can she legally keep the kids from him since he is now leaving them high and dry. We live close to Michigan and she is afraid he might leave with the kids. The part that gets me is she had just finished school and has NO job (well she might have one at a local store for minimum wage 10-20 hrs a week but does not have it yet) as her exams were two weeks ago. That is where I get pissed at the lawyer for saying she has to much education to get free help. She has been in school for two years and just finished. Any help would be great mostly for the locks as I want to change them so he can not just walk in like he has in the last 3 weeks since he left. I guess he thinks he can just walk in like nothing is wrong when he wants. Thanks guys
  4. Brandon those are some amazing shots and yes that was a wicked storm as it passed here.
  5. I still like to break out some of the old stuff as well. Heck the old is always new again and the fish of these days have not seen many of them.
  6. Art I agree with you on that but I am a whimp and only 98.9% Maxx Deet that 100% stuff is not good for ya
  7. Congratz Mike :thumbsup_anim: heres to a new fun adventure in life.
  8. That is amazing news Kelvin have a great summer and enjoy every day of it.
  9. Great video Simon that was priceless
  10. Happy Bday Joey hope ya get out fishing and show up the old guy again
  11. Very nice look for sure. I hope you guys are going to bring a dentist as it seems there will be some teeth pulling then fish are in trouble.
  12. that is a awesome name Paul hope you and dad get into lots of fish this season
  13. Well I can tell you that $600/hr is way to cheap just post here and let us know how your making out after 2 hours and again after 8 hours and then at 9 hours when the parents say were running late but will be right there. I would take nothing less then $1200 per booger picker. Yes I have experience with wife runs a home daycare and I give her all the props in the world anything more I say will incriminate me And yes I give this post of the month vote also
  14. WOW it sure sound like some people down that way need a size 13 steel tow well placed. If I lived close by I would set up some where with a video camera and wait as I would think it happens at night close to weekends? Its kinda like the people that bugger about the train noise but bought there house by tracks or hate golf balls but love to live on a driving range.
  15. very nice Brian and you can not pass up the opportunity to get your self I mean Lilly a cookie and if she needs your help chewing it that's not your fault.
  16. Were you amazed to find out that there is more the 10 min to that movie Nice eyes guys comegratz
  17. baby 1 fire tiger or cray fish. lazer eye spinner bait either chartreuse or white. good ol rubber worm texas rigged purple or black with red or chartreuse tail
  18. I have to disagree with you as my 11 year old craftsman is still up and running fine. heck I changed the oil filter and plug at the end of the first season and now she has been going strong for 10 years with out a thing I might have added a bit of oil over the years and it sits outside all year snow rain or sun. I did buy a tune up kit this year and new blade but might re think about changing a thing as she is still going strong I did have to for the first time take out some emery cloth and clean the plug and wire after that fresh gas and we were in business.
  19. Welcome aboard there are alot of guys that fish in the GTA so I am sure you will make some friends and share many great days on the water. Cheers Mike
  20. Nice specs and report. I wonder why they would go through all that trouble for tomatoes heck there are the new hanging tomato plants that come in the green bag just hang them and for get about them until they are ripe sounds alot easier then driving and hiking to grow a garden.
  21. nice job it looks like you guys had some fun congratz
  22. We were out today lots of boats as expected with the great weather day. My buddy Steve took me to school as usual when jigging the river. He had a bunch of sheep head, 1 smallie, 1 silver, 1 carp, 1 catfish, 1 musky, 2 eye's. I got 1 sheep head and lost a big musky we got one good look at her she was long fat and ready to spawn but left with my jig head in her face she will be alright. Talked with alot of other boats and it seemed as most left with a few fish today with a few more warm days things should be picking up.
  23. I here that the Detroit River has some fish in it come down here and see how you do. Sorry to say it Roy but I know steph and she is to tall to be your off spring
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