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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Well we went out in the am and had some luck one 24" musky shaker at boat side then lost 3 more with yet another follow right to the boat at the end and no fish we did see Slow Poke out there not sure how they did Well tonight was a different story we hit the water and lines down at 6:15 first fish 30 sec in after setting I think 3 rods the daughter called first fish so this one was hers a small 20 ish fish next we the wife and it was a nice looking 43"er her PB then the wife again I did not ask I was just on the boat for a extra rod :cheers: LOL this was a mid 30's fish then for some odd reason the daughter let the wife have number 4 of the day a nice looking 40 or 41" I cant remember now. then my daughter goes to battle for what loks to be her fish of a life time well the way she was fighting the monster. yet another mid 20's fish after the battle the Mikey sias he wants next fish we are thinking no way are we getting another but we did it was a fat 38"er and did not want to have a picture taken Mikey did not want to get with it soI had to let it go right away. this was another great trip out and cant wait for teh am will be out by 5:30 and off at 11 my buddy has to get home LOL
  2. awesome ski Corey congratz on her and on your own lure to boot very nice job
  3. thanks everyone I sure do love getting out with my daughter we have alot of fun fishing together next year I will have the whole family with me the wife will have to get some time off so we can make a week of it in Aug next year. Roy you are right that boat is one nice ride and makes for some comfy fishing with them bench seats and better seats up front then my Freightliner has you cant go wrong. It would be nice to one day get up there for June but like I said we are booked for teh next??? how many years with MCI.
  4. great report and some very nice fish there guys
  5. I to am sick of the wrong things the weather man sais heck alot of the time they call for rain and thunder storms but we dont get them. on the other hand I would never blame them for me staying of to catch a couple fish with my son on board and yes he is 3 1/2 years old he is way to busy in the boat just ask anyone who has fished with me since he was 2 and you will know that there is no way in hell I would stay out there even LSC gets to blow up vry fast I head in right away yes we have been caught buy the weather but still head in right away there is no fish worth my son,daughter,wife or my life and also not that of a fishing buddy sorry that is just my thought I could not sit out on the water and hope that by the afternoon it will lay down when you are already out there at 6 am and have heard that the winds have come up. Sorry I did not want to keep this on a track you cant see but maybe you need some more people to tell you what we would do? I hope you re think this next time out and I am sorry but I dont remember what happened last year. JMO
  6. My daughter and I headed up to Lakair for the first time ever a couple weeks ago to meet up with some friends it was a blast and sure was alot of fun its to bad I am not able to get up there in june but our musky event here keeps me from heading up but I must say the bugs were alot better this time of year rather then in June no black flies or little picky blood suckers. We were only there for two nights but well worth the drive up it was very nice to see my old friends again and get to visit some for the first time we even managed a few fis hfor the short time we did go fishing but that was not teh reason to get up there here are a couple pics from the weekend my Daughter with a new friend the inch worm she let him go by the tree :cheers: not sure how this got up there I thought the wife was at home but maybe her boyfriend stole my boat and headed up with out us :???: Oh yea we did get some fish also my daughter with a perch then a pike my daughter and I with a 19" LM Me and a 26" pickerel and a very awesome way to finish off a night out and a weekend away
  7. yet anotehr great report with the kids getting out and having some fun congratz on that I love the pics of your boat at night that was cool
  8. yes congratz on the life long sentence LOL if she likes to be out doors and wants her wedding done that way she is for sure a keeper I love the idea of the boat ride after the wedding that looks like the way I had mine planed out years ago but tie wife had other plans congratz again and I can wait for the other pics.
  9. I'm sure you guys can put it together its not that hard heck just ask Stotty what his plans were and ask for the score sheets or team sheets then go from there its not that hard if I was in the area I would help out but I will be chasing musky here on LSC most likely good luck and have fun and dont forget to post pics. One other thing ya can also ask for each team to bring a prize if needed to be set into a couple bigger prizes for the winners and other fun groups you come up with. Just remember keep it simple and have fun.
  10. both reports are awesome and great to see the kids having so much fun congrats on the great get away
  11. Yes Mike I am a proud FF member not quite the president but full patch member And yes I will need a 62"er to make her look 50
  12. thats awesome to see all the pics of the family enjoying the outdoors also nice that you had a friend join you I cant wait in a couple years my daughter will be old enough where her friends can join us and see what the outdoors is like other then there backyard.
  13. Wallydiver this happens all the time here and on other boards I'm sorry I did not get a chance to see it. I to dont know why some have to complain when a person shares there day out hope this thread did not chase you away this place does not usually get this way for another month or so. I also dont think you need to have 6000 posts to be able to have a good post. I do know alot of people who left boards for just the same reason that some can not seem to jsut say nice fish or add nothing if they have nothing to say. I have a couple nice fish from a few weeks but with me holding them I will not post them as they look alot smaller then they are a fat 26" pickerel looks very small with me and the girth she had does not show. Next time just leave the size out as you will always have one or two who have nothing good to say. This responce is not directed to anyone member just how I feel for the way alot of boards have gone. and is the reason there are some good posters who have left the net.
  14. Steve I like the post thanks for sharing its always great to see the young one out getting fish congratz
  15. Vrey nice Lew it sure beats what we got Sunday night should I post pics of that??? I guess not Congratz on the big girl now I wonder where you got that at????
  16. Oh Shure one less FF around here now what are we gonna do now I see Brian is trying to fade away also what the heck is going on here :clapping: congratz guys glad to here your doing it I to had gone from 350 to 305-310 over the last year and a half but have been stuck here at that mark I guess I need to push away from the puter a little bit. Once again congratz guys.
  17. Dang I just got a little older in July but I did not think I hit Grandpa stage yet Thanks for all the replys Jade loves them and yes she is very proud of her catch I hope we can get her some more this year
  18. Matt you dont need to call me tonight to tell me that I won just wait till tomorrow afternoon thanks
  19. Our thoughts are still with you guys Ron
  20. Well over the weekend Muskies Canada had the 25th family outing even with all the rain and cool nights we had a blast it was great to get out with everyone again. This event is all about the kids and my kids had a blast My daughter took first place with her 2nd musky of the weekend it was a nice looking 42"er she had no help from mom to bring this one in I was shocked as with her other musky she wanted help not this one she even guided it into the net like a pro. Ron was there to see it first hand and took some great shots here is the best one.
  21. Nice report anytime on the water with the kids is a great time glad you got out and shared it with us
  22. Yep I bet alot of you remember this one I dont know wh ybut I can not get the info to post the pic but here is the link to our sport. these peopel are a joke but a serious one as they have some ears way up and will try and get stuff stoped we need to fight against them. http://api.ning.com/files/AI6av9LoAaOpvIDy...innuvg/P3TA.jpg
  23. Some very nice looking musky there guys congratz on the great afternoon very nice colors also. I was out on that lake once and fell in love with it maybe it had something to do with my guide and boat partner for the day and his spots but either way it is a great lake and you canget out of the weather if you need to. Dax I will trade you my weekend spot for yours
  24. nice face plant I give it a big 10 or 2 thumbs up. Tj as always you have a great life and thanks for sharing it wit hus. I hope my report in two weeks from my daughter and I weekend aways is this good.
  25. Well yesterday we went out for a couple hours the action was good for the time we had in we ended up with 6-7 pickerel and one nice 19" SM Bass not bad for roughly 2-2.5 hours of fishin on a day when others said they were skunked we did have to back troll to get the speeds down as there was not enough wind to move us around. And we were only using glup turtle back worms for the harness and slow death pumpkin seed, Green pumpkin seed and june bug well there goes my secret color hope ya all try it out it does out perform the real stuff on my boat we have used it all summer with the same rigs and live crawlers and the Gulp did its job each time out. the wifes PB SM 19" caught on the Slow Death rig Jades first eye of the night caught on hammered copper with red bead harness another 18" range eye that fell for teh gulp turtle back worm on the harness this one did not want a picture taken he just wanted back os off he went right back from the net caught on a deep diving crank bait black back with silver. nice 20" and biggest of the night all others looked like the same fish about 18" this one was fooled by a fire tiger deep diver and also was fiesty as hell the wife had one hell of a time holding him for a pic this guy here was fun and yet another who wanted to get back and was fooled by the turtle back worm and slow death rig the wife went to take the pic of me and my daughter but she had another on the line and this one was heading back on his own great shot from the night. the double header LOL I cant remember what my daughter said here but it was funny must have been something about only getting a Rock Bass for the double header we were the only ones out in the area and from what others said they did nothing all afternoon I guess it pays to change things up a little.
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