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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Big Jim you have done so much and it shows how much the fishing comunity stands behind you if selling some of the Muskies Canada tickets is what it takes then that is not to much to ask and for everyone else it is a great thing to get involved with for $5 you have a great chance at some amazing prizes. PM me if you need tickets. All our best Jim from here in Chatham Mike
  2. advance taxidermy is not that far away and they have some very nice work if you can do your self a favor and take the trip over to them.
  3. Still makin our way to the top dont forget to vote people it would be awesome to see Joey win this if you know her there is no need to explain if you dont well from the positive responce you should understand by now I hope everyone keeps getting there votes counted.
  4. Big spinner bait and bucktail 9" sledge some custom woodie top water and walk the dog lures and a few other small 9-12" baits I would be trying to clear the way for you bass fishing
  5. Did you want them in full size or shrunk down?
  6. I was wondering what you are using for line on your reels when using dipsy divers I have just bought some of the #1 divers I also have snubbers will be troling small spoons from them for rainbows on earie. thanks
  7. Dang boss thats a reprot and looks like some fun and laughs its very nice to see that you all helped them your guns out I hope they did learn as for teh trucks you can keep getting bigger but so do the holes.
  8. Joey I dont know what happened but after I voted I knocked you down to 44 I guess that is what happens when I vote 4 times for one person sorry I guess I am a burdon for you LOL I hope you win so you can come up here in the fall to show it off for me good luck. sorry for Hijack of thread but GO JOEY GO
  9. thanks all I am just reporting it there was alot of work that goes on rigth from yesterday until next year we have already started planing then next one before I joined the club a few years ago I had no idea how much work goes into these events I always feel bad for not having time to sit back and just talk to people when these functions are going on you have to be on the move and before you know it its over then kiddies are happy and were drained. I hope everyone can go out and take there kids to a function around your own area these are going on allthe time across Ontario so just get out and have some fun. If you are in the Belle river area the weekend of July 20th stop in we will be back again helping out with the kids fishing derby it is a very fun time and FREE you just have to make the time for you kids thats it. Oh yeah I think we will be having a float in the sun splashparade again this year. that is July 19th in Belle river
  10. nice lew I have always loved the bald eagles they are such a great bird to watch in flight. Wish I could say the same about getting into some slime but it was about the little kids this weekend no musky well not alot I did toss a bait or two when we were drifting we did manage to get broken off by one when reeling in a perch there she was a small fish then nothing ???? Oh well not the first time on LSC for that I did also see two others follow a SM and another perch now if I could just figure out if them make a bait that looks like a perch.
  11. JJ this is just a fun event we put on for the kids that will help them to get to understand the safety of fishing and boating along with learning some fun stuff we had a face painter a clown and another group that does alot of science projects I think they are called mad science all funds are donated through the local people and everything else is covered by our chapter this is all about the kids the derby is during sunsplash we just help out and also donate prizes that comes from our chapter also. We firmly believe that the future is in the kids so we want to get them involved right away and keep it interesting. There is another derby that we wil lbe helping out with but we dont have the info yet as soon as we do it will be posted under the belle River Chapter page on the Muskies Canada site
  12. Well it was that time of year again and I must say what a great day we had the weather man knows what weekends count and gave the best weather to the right group on the right day the KIDS with all the bad weather weekends it was great to see the temps stay nice and the sun out if full force. Any way on to the report I dont know final numbers yet but last count I heard there was 100 kids and 44 parents (that is only the ones that registered the kids most had both mom and dad with them) so we ended up wit h150-200 people in total it was a blast and a great weather day (incase I forgot to mention it) I got there around 7:50am and found that alot of the stuff was already set up but there was alot more to do so on to getting things ready. here is Cody who is our local MUSKY master youth if you need to know just ask him he has alot more big fish then all other members. Cody was nice enough to set up a display of all different fishing stuff from Musky to harnesses and dipsy for rainbow he knows his stuff. The girls getting some kids registered for the day. The prize table where we had enough for everyone it shure is nice to have such a great bunch of sponsors that help us out and the rest is paid for by our membership and monies raised from our Can-Am and other events we do. The local Lake Shore Summer camp this is supposed to be a great camp for kids. Transport Canada comes out and talks about boating safety with all the kids Chris laroch is a local teacher at St Anns high school who runs the fish hatchery program came out to shre what he does at the school A channel news came out to interview our guests and also our Chairman The MNR once again was here to talk about the importance of taking care of our resources THANK YOU GUYS FOR THIS these kids are our future. The OPP were her talking with the kids and passing out alot of good info for the kids and families along with finger printing stuff so you can have a record of your child on hand just in case. This year we even had a T.V. star on hand Wayne Izumi was able to come over and visit us and shure some laughs with everyone he was only here for a hour or so and took time to sign autographs for everyone THANK YOU WAYNE it was very nice to have met him he is a very nice guy. It was nice to have the huge trees in the Belle river park to hide under and get out of the sun and have some food and drinks. If it was to hot for the kiddies then they just head over 30 steps away and hit the splash pad. Last but not least the prize table again where every kids got a prize we had enough for everyone and then some we also had 6 draws for bigger prizes that were donated by local business after we drew the names for there first prize all the names went back in for the big draws for fishing rods computer stuff Charles Weiss Muskies Canada 30th Anniversary shirts and one other thing I can not think of. I would just like to thank all the people that make this event happen each year with out the support from our Loyal members of the Belle River Chapter of Muskies Canada and our local business this event would not be able to have grown into what it is each year. One other BIG THANK YOU TO BIG AL His wife had to answer the call this morning and get him out of bed after we called to tell him our order we had was to small and change it to some monster of a order with Pizza and wings for everyone Thank you again to everyone big and small it was a blast to have been a part of this again this year. Oh yeah one more thing it was nice to be able to drive into Belle river and see our club logo on the BIA board it shure is great to see how much this Chapter is making our mark in a good way to the South West part of Ontario.
  13. we to would be heading out right now but we have the Kids fishing clinic here in Belle river so another day on shore it should be a great day as the temps will be nice for everyone. Good luck chasing slime but then again you should already have 2 hours in by now.
  14. Monique you guys have a amazing place up there I love fishing that area. The work that has gone on over the last two years is crazy like I said before you guys have done so much and worked so hard it is nice to be able to share it with you both well all 4 congratz on everything you guys have from the deep south of ON
  15. Cudos to them for the quality that they brought your way I know of way to many places that would not fight for you and you would be left high and dry. I dont plan on getting another boat but if I ever do and can remember who they are I will look them up.
  16. Boss you do have a awesome life and a great family congratz on making it what it is you are very lucky to have what you do non less the hard work it took and takes to make it that these reports are always great to see thanks for sharing. One thing that has me puzzeled is what is that infront of you in pic #10 it looks to me to be one of them things the wife and daughter use to dry there nails I hope that is not why you get out fished Keep Jiggy reports coming I love them all.
  17. should have been there last weekend LOL sorry I dont fish it much but know there is alot of info out there and you will get it
  18. Very sweet 50" class musky congratz on ya and I also would not worry about croping spots out we dont need to do that here for LSC but if on a small body of water I see nothing wrong with it ler her grow for months and get her again.
  19. Awesome report Joey looks like ya has some fun but where are the musky pics?
  20. marty that was the best report I love it when ya can get the little guys out the smiles say it all
  21. Bill two summers ago I was out with ron on Lake X and we hada great 4 hours of down pour I think we had two in the boat maybe three but we saw 11 in total with hookups and follows I would be out tomorrow but here on LSC if we have the 25KPH West wind they are calling for I will be at home as the 4-5' waves are not fun on this lake. It would be nice to have some water to fish in the heavey blowing windy days but LSC is not gonna be one for us. I think I might hit Barnies Boats in Earieau they have a huge sale tomorrow and a boat demo day along with FREE hot dogs for the kiddies.
  22. Yes JWL you are right that things have come along way since them days, in our tourney you just need to take a quick measurement and scale sample that will be sent to the MNR for there records and then its the honer system and all fish must be LIVE RELEASED at boat side there is no need to take the fish for a ride to prove that you caught it. I guess we feel that if someone needs to cheat to win then better for them to be able to sleep at night knowing they won that way for us its all about the FUN and good times talking with friends.
  23. Well once again as does the Lacair go on so does our Belle River Muskies Canada Chapter outting its our Can-Am Classic muskie challenge this year was a blast we had alot of great people return for yet another year even with the high gas prices they still made the trip over or up to see us thanks to all who came back again this year. We had some new faces to add to our group with Ron and Angelo Wendel and his girl and our new members of MCI it made for a great weekend the only thing that could have been better is if the Musky had come out a little more but that is secondary from all the reports I heard everyone had a blast and that makes me happy and also helps you realize that all the hard work that our members have done was for yet another good cause some of our sponsers were out again this year as in the past. I must say THANK YOU to everyone who supports us in what we are doing here in Belle river and through out all of MCI the money raised here will help us out when we are making donations to the local comunity and for buying prizes for kids events like our fishing clinic and the two and maybe three fishing derbies this summer here in the Belle River area.Please go to the muskies canada web site and look us up for events we will be helping out at this summer muskiescanada.ca ALMOST for got Squid and the Mrs. Squid made a nice trip down here just in time to enjoy the rain it was nice to share the after noon with them both. Here is the winning team for biggest fish 50" Michelle caught it Sunday June 23rd Jack Moga Vice chairman from Muskies Inc. one of our friends from Ohio caught the second place 49"er the winenr of a nice finn saver net that was donated by the Hamilton Chapter a big smile for the winner of the Charles Weiss framed print our own Ron with a awesome hand carved knife that he will put up another pic later Captin Jack Moga again with his three trophies that he cleaned up with my wife wit hour only fish of the weekend a little 36"er Captin Jack again here wit hhis 49" second place musky I am waiting for other pics of the fish caught from the weekend A big thanks to all our sponsers with out them this would not be able to happen
  24. glad ya got out but would hope if you are heading out for musky you would have the proper release tools please try and not lay them down on the bottom of the boat this is not good for them at all the slime will be taken off them. I hope people here would not bash any one for doing this but just try and let them know that a good net or cradle would help out alot. Please invest in one if you are fishing by your self you can get a cheap tri pod for your camera and set the timer I do this all the time and get good shots and if I mess one up Oh well I still have the memory of the time. My favorite shot is of a nice fat 48" I cut my head and her head and tail off it is a great shot and funny as all hell.
  25. I have the Tie Fast tool it makes then in seconds this tool does not leave my side I love this dang thing http://www.tie-fast.com/Tie-Fast%20Tools%202008.htm
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