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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Rich I am running 4 ugly stick rods for musky (for troling now but did cast them when I first started and cound not afford a $$$ rod) they have brought in some very large fish and I have yet to have a problem with them they are not the lite one's but they will stand up to anything my biggest fish have all come in with no problem at all. I must also say that they will not break when someone cranks the drag down on a snag Ugly stik's are great rods dont be afraid of them just get one that is rated for musky size. I also have a shimano and Gander mountain rod they are both great rods to but for what you need save the $$$ on the rod and get alot better reel, 2X a year you dont need a $150 rod and $150 reel sitting there just a $40 rod and $150 reel LOL
  2. Nice Lew glad to here ya had a great time but with you and Pete out it is only fun times. Hope we have some better weather next month its been blowing here like a dude also.
  3. awesome report again Boss I always look forward to this report even as a non hunter I love this report you sure have a great life up there congrats on it Tj.
  4. Awesome catch Corey you must have been pumped when you saw this big girl congratz on the new PB. You and your Dad seem to have a great season going for you this year and the season is not even over yet cool. Lew I must agree with you I have had the pleasure of fishing with Jim and Corey and he sure is a great guy to fish with and at 15 he knows alot and seems very eager to learn. I also cant wait for next Aug to get out again.
  5. Pete I hope ya have great time up there and the weather man works out for ya
  6. very nice gotta love taking the kiddies out for pond action get to see that congrats on the nice trip out
  7. yet anotehr good reminder now to just do it LOL
  8. Well if thigs are frozen over here I will have to make the trip and take Pete up on the offer of the couch for the night that is mighty nice of you to offer thanks Pete.
  9. Will try and make it but might be out fishing that day LOL it would be nice to make a day trip to Woodstock and do some shopping then hit the swill on the way home. If we can get rid of the kids it might be doable.
  10. Well this year I tried to use the slow death hooks from mustad I rigged them up just like they said and used gulp turtle back worms WOW I was amazed at the fish I caught with this stuff. Time after time when taking people out for pickerel before the day was out but ususally after a hour or less they would switch from there worms or minnows to the turtle back and slow death. I also used the gulp for drop shot and on a worm harness it works better then the real stuff hands down I dont even bring out live bait not even when the kids are with me its all fake stuff for us. One thing I did find with the slow death rig and gulp is that I caught no small fish on them I could feel the little guys trying to take the bait but with the action and size of the gulp they would not get hooked which was a great thing for not waisting time with the little buggers. The best I found was usuing bottom bouncers but anyone who has talked with me about bait fishing this year knows that already.
  11. Welcome aboard this is a very nice place to share alot of good info. I hope to see more of your musky pics but please take care of these guys and try not to let them lay in the dirt even the small ones like that need care. Glad to see you hunt for alot of different fish up your way.
  12. nice report Joey looks like a great time was had wish there were some more pics to get a better feel of the outting
  13. I will second the Slow Death hooks they are Fing awesome I have been using them here on LSC with alot of nice fishing coming from them I also have fallen in love with Gulp worms they work better then the real thing hands down. I like to use the same set up as with the worm harness I use a bottom bouncer 3/4-1 1/2 OZ depending on the depth and I like to have 4-6' of floro line from the bouncer to the hook
  14. Cudos to you all and Roger I dont know who has a bigger smile Jacob Dave or you with you first musky. I must say it is stuff like this that makes the big picture a little more clear for me the feeling of just reading this post was great thanks Roger.
  15. Dang killers out there think they are LSC musky after a pickerel
  16. all I can say is I hope ya had luck it is going to be very muddy the fish will be sitting with there mouths shut but your still getting out and with the winds being down you will have nice water for the ride. I dont think you will find any clean water maybe one spot but its way down lake for where you will be launching good luck out there.
  17. It had to be winter five years ago (heck maybe it was 6 years I dont remember) but it was when I broke my ankle after rolling my 4 wheeler it was a long 4 months or so off work I was going stir crazy and just typed in ontario fishing and found this place and have been hanging around ever since. I tell ya I have made some of my best new friends on here I actually dont even see the others that much any more as most are not into fishing it sure is wired to think how you can talk to some one for a time or two and then go out fishing with them not even knowing there real name.
  18. WOW very sorry to here of your loss our thoughts go out to you and the family left behind.
  19. Jef are you heading my way soon? if so I might be able to help you out through Janns Net craft they dont have #10 but so have the others.
  20. that sure looks nice and no matter what is said you have a bute there congratz on her she looks solid. As for trying to have a fishing pole or some other measuring thing beside her that is a tuff one with a big fish I know I did not have the third hand for my 50 or any of the fish over 47" that I have boated and would rather just get them back with out the measure heck it makes for better threads with letting the experts of the net guess
  21. check out Captain Rick Verbeem from Can-Am charter he is located in Belle River on Lake St.Clair and is a very good captain and boats alot of fish you will have a great time with him I send alot of people his way as I know he will treat you right and you have a great chance for multi fish day out. http://www.can-amcharters.com/
  22. our thought go out to Garys family sorry to here of there loss
  23. awesome report love the kids pics it sure is nice to get the family out
  24. Guys it was nice to see ya out there and congratz on the great fish sorry to Brian for the slow start today not sure how it made out I think I have a pic to add here will try and find it yep here it is Glad you uncle can head home with a new fish story
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