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About Handlebarz

  • Birthday July 16

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    Musky fishing Family and Friends

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All Knowing Angler

All Knowing Angler (8/10)



  1. Some pics from the show last week. Big Jim and I with our usual wide angle selfie Gord Pyzer and my son then some of our Mascot having fun he always brings smiles to the kids big and small.
  2. Hey All first I want to thank everyone who took the time to come out and support this all fishing show. The Promoter tries hard to bring in new things to help get interest in the show. I know of three manufactures that pulled out at the last min two were due to family issues (I have no clue what they are) and the third as they had a conflict with their holiday plans and were out of the country. I had a great time all weekend and was lucky enough to meet many new people face to face for the first time from OFC thanks for taking the time to stop by the booth and say hi. Musky Sunday was a success again with good attendance I'm not sure the actual numbers but when I was there it seemed like a good turn out. They had great seminars all weekend with Salmon day Saturday Musky Sunday and bass university Monday all days went past noon due to the amount of questions that everyone had for the speakers so I would think that was a good thing. Later in the day each day it was slower but numbers through the weekend were about the same from what I had heard so if you came when it was slower you were lucky. I know we had many customers that had to come back as our booth was to busy. For that I am so grateful as we try and take time with each person and not short them. Just remember all shows are the same the deals are not as good as they were in the 80's 90's and very early 2000's the cost of everything has gone through the roof and our suppliers do not bring their prices down after they go up due to our Canadian $ so the amazing deals have to go. Please let me know what you want to see in these shows that will make them worth your while to come out. I know the owners of it would love the honest feedback so that they can make improvements to it. Cheers Mike Parker
  3. Awesome Adam I was just given a new promo code for us to share. Use promo code “HANDELBARZ” from now until MONDAY and save $2.00 off your regular admission for the upcoming Spring Fishing & Boat Show! *please note: promo codes are not valid for closed room seminars
  4. Thats awesome great chase and awesome Wife to get that done for you.
  5. Yes the last few years there have been 4 musky booths and many retailers have musky stuff JB's has a big selection
  6. We don't need a Sail store in London as there are a few great local stores that all provide amazing service to the local community. I hope that they don't get hurt with a big box moving in like other areas have.
  7. They also have coupon codes to save $2 the code for the next 3 days are as follows. February 12 and 13 it is SHIMANO February 14 it is BERKLEY February 15 it is TOMORROW
  8. This show is actually a great show we have been there the last 4 years? I think its been 4 but lost count. Years ago I always thought I had to get a great deal at the show to make it worth the trip but then I found the OFC site and we had the M&G there and I learned that its more then just getting a deal. I love talking to everyone who comes by our booth from little kids to guys who were fishing decades before I was born they all have their musky encounter or their dram of catching one. I get to see friends who I live far away from but we all get to chat over the weekend. You can find some deals there maybe not like the good old days but that is just the industry cost of everything has gone through the roof so that makes the screaming deals less. For the fishermen and women who have everything then they might not get as much out of the shows but for the ones who want to learn they can ask questions from many in the industry to further their knowledge or pick up a new tip that might help them out. We have our Promotional Staff there to help out each of them have their own ways of fishing musky some have their own waters that they catch many big musky on yearly where others that have been on the same waters have never seen a big fish. This is where you can gain from ask many questions and listen to the answers. If your at the show please stop by the Handlebarz booth I would love to get to meet more OFC members who I have not yet met. and always love to see my friends from years past. Adam your right Zets is a great place but you better be hungry they fill the trays Cheers Mike
  9. Looks like one of the old spoons that Gary from Thunderstock outfitters sold in his old shop up in eagle lake give him a call (519) 353-8027 Im sure he would still have some he had many cards at the shop always extras to go around. The do the shows so if he has any around he might be able to bring with him this winter
  10. LOL I am staying away from a kicker I dont want to make the full move to troller I will wait until my body will not let me cast then think about it. I am actually very happy with the way this 4 stroke trolls its quiet and does not use much fuel.
  11. LOL nope it can hide out as a Bass boat but she is a multi species boat or Ski and Fish which ever name they use. Nice deep hull she cuts the waves great handles the big waves with ease and is built with out any wood very sturdy boat that should last my lifetime.
  12. Yes I did it was a amazing boat I was actually going to just put a new 4 stoke motor on her but my wife talked me into a new boat. I loved that boat we had many memories made on it with the family and it came from Don and Ruth off the board here so it already had many great memories built into it.
  13. Dont worry about storing it just enjoy the extra 1' for the figure 8's. I love the LT's they are great and a big difference when fishing all day over a cheaper model. I doubt I will buy one as I do not need another rod for myself but if I were looking for a new rod to add to the line up I would take a 10'
  14. Nice recap of the year looks like you guys still had a great year its amazing to see how fast these kids grow up. Hopefully we will catch up at the fishing shows again this winter.
  15. Best place to get info for fishing in Wallaceburg is Ed's Bait talk to Dave or his wife Shana (yep most likely spelled it wrong) Amazing people with great first hand info. You might be able to find a nice spot on the Thames river they pop up time to time or one of the rivers around the Burg. Lots of year round fishing from Ice season where you can get all the perch you want on LSC if the rivers freeze up you can hit the eyes on the Sydanham or Thames or any of the small cuts are loaded with Panfish. Also in the winter we would go fish the StClair river from shore for trout not sure how that fishing is anymore but it was fun Spring time the StClair river is loaded with Eye's there is no closed season so as soon as you can get the boat in you can fish. If you wanted to run to the DR the big eyes are there also just a little far for a quick trip. When the smaller rivers open up for the Eyes you can get them from shore all around the area same as the StClair river you don't need a boat. Lots of guys do spring pike fishing all the creeks that run off the rivers out that way have good pike fishing Lake StClair has great pan fish,Bass,Pike,Eyes, and musky fishing year round just have to get to different areas through the season but its amazing for multi species people. Salmon fishing in Huron is great as well as the eyes you have so many place to fish if you want to these are just a couple things that pop into my head. Many of us dont take advantage of the amazing fishing we have here but if your willing to get out and learn these different styles that everyone does here it can be awesome. I'm in Chatham just 10-20 min away depending on who is driving yes HWY 40 can be as crazy as a commute to the GTA as people here dont realize that were not that far and think that 20 min is a long commute so they drive like jack asses it can be a crappy road to travel on and like said above your in the snow belt for our area same as summer storms they will hit the Burg and miss Chatham all together. If your just looking for a place to retire it can be OK many people come down here for just that the winters are not brutal and the weather is nice. If ya have any questions shoot me a email [email protected]
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