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Everything posted by Jer
To be fair...how do you know it was crack? Maybe it was crystal meth, heroin or just a chunk of hash.
Thanks for your concern regarding my truck, but it's hardly at risk. The ice we were on has been a consistant sheet since mid-December and is now over 12" of black, clear ice. Both myself and my fishing partner don't walk particularly well, so being able to take the truck is a blessing. We also have a wooden floor made up for the pop-up that's a little bit heavy to be dragging by hand but fits right in the bed of the truck.
After last week's cold weather, we were finally able to get out fishing in comfort on Saturday on a good foot of ice... Funny thing about this pic...my wife took it from our dock at about 300 yards with a 24x zoom lens. The far shoreline is probably at least a mile and a half beyond us, well beyond any safe ice for my truck, but it looks like we're only a few hundred yards in front of it. The day was a bust fish-wise, with only enough dink perch to keep us occupied. Sunday afternoon we gave Chemong a try for a few hours with even worse results. The winter crappie bite seems to be an evening thing around here, with usually only a short window at dusk. I got out tonight, but not until almost 5:30 when it was almost dark. I got one hole set-up and was busy with my second line when I looked back and had a fish on the first... Unfortunately, it was my only bite of the night...I musta just caught the end of the window. I really need to get home from work earlier. Anyways, it bodes well for the next 5 or 6 weeks...lotsa ice and every day getting longer...
Very nice...where were you at? We were on Chemong today but only managed couple dink perch and a little rocky.
Insert "Bridgenorth", and I totally agree. I've always had great service and rarely they don't have what I need.
Cut a hole on Buckhorn last night...12" of solid, black ice. Woohoo, can finally access some crappie waters in the comfort of my truck.
Sad to say, our water line has frozen as well. We were away since Monday night, came home late last night and I guess there was still enough pressure in the tank not to notice...this morning nothing. I'm just about to go down to the basement with my trusty kettle and start the process. The worst always getting the pump primed again. Like you Ernie, This has happened here numerous times as well over the years. I always say I'm going to try to bury the line deeper in the spring and then never seem to get around to it...
I saw this one at the local Costco the other day: http://www.costco.ca/NILSUSA-Convertible-Hand-Auger.product.100002405.html Was only $100 in the store, looks like a nice unit, easily converts for power drill.
We were surprised to find 8" of clear, black ice on Upper Buckhorn a couple hundred yards off my shoreline yesterday. Of course the fish were nowhere to be found for the few hours we tried, but that seems to be the norm for our first outing of the season. The ice on this lake is historically very inconsistent, with very limited safe ice at the best of times. Where we were on the lake has been ice-covered for the better part of a month now, other parts of the lake only froze over recently, if at all. Chemong had a few anglers just south of the causeway yesterday, and more have been fishing around Fife's Bay for a week or more. The ice around the causeway didn't seem to freeze very evenly this year, with large open areas still visible as late as Christmas. As always, be safe!
You'll find that the narrows is open water all winter long, no matter how cold.
There were a few people out yesterday just south of the causeway and there have been even more (including a few huts) further south by Fife's Bay for almost a week now. My buddy and I went out on Buckhorn yesterday to get our "first ice" skunking out of the way. We walked out from the house and were surprised to find 8" of clear, black ice under our feet a couple hundred yards from shore. There were a couple other guys on quads a bit further out.
There were even people out skating this aftenoon...
Upper Buckhorn is frozen as far as I can see from my place. I haven't checked the ice at my shoreline, but 4" or more wouldn't surprise me, my bay has been iced over for weeks. Chemong still had some open water visible from the causeway yesterday, but it's getting there.
I don't know how that Shell station stays in business...it is ALWAYS 4 or 5 cents higher than the Ultramar. Just yesterday the Ultramar was at 110.9, Shell was 114.9.
Was he taking his test in Quebec or something?
As long as you realize, that fighting a "reduced" ticket in court and losing, you can be found guilty of the original, pre-reduction charge.
Well I'm only 44, and don't drive a Corolla but a 2001 Dakota, my record was clean until just these past few weeks. I'm paying about $1200 a year, full coverage.
Just to keep the OFC cops happy , the offending pic has now been removed from the ad.
The modern dog...from great dane to toy poodle. Are they not the product of what can be called "forced evolution"? Also, why did people develop slightly different physical characteristics depending on geography, if not for evolution?
Inspiring video, Wayne...I'm in awe!
I noticed that Costco stores have the Clam Summit pop-up this year. 6'x8' rather than the standard 6'x6' like my Eskimo QuickFish 3. I don't remember exactly, but I'm pretty sure it was less than $200. Summit
I hafta disagree with you somewhat, Geoff. I've bought quite a few things at Gagnon's over the last few years and have always found them to be fairly priced. A new Compre rod this past summer was $20 less than at Sail. An Ice Armour suit a few years ago was $30 less than Bass Pro, with a much better selection. A Stradic and a Citica last year at blow out prices, $115 & $89 respectively. Just a few I can think of right now. I've been through the Sail store a few times and have yet to buy anything more than some plastics and some hooks. I do agree that service can be somewhat lacking (of course I've never had the pleasure of being served by Mike) but I find that pretyy much everywhere I go, Lebarons and BPS are usually much worse. The service at Sail isn't bad, but there are no customers so it's easy for them. If I feel the need to chat with someone in a store, I just go see Frank at Bridgenorth Sports.
You'll have to ask the dog...she gave it a lick before it went back in the lake.