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Everything posted by F7Firecat

  1. gotta love a cat
  2. Td is the cheapest you can usually get
  3. Give this place a call, they may be able to help you. http://www.trackrepair.ca/index.htm
  4. Nice...... "our lakes", my my, better put up your own fence then as I fly by at 100mph+ lol never a fisherman has ever used a sled to go ice fishing, not once ever....
  5. Sell out another one at the ACC last night.......keep it up it things will never change in leaves land
  6. hahahaha go habs go!
  7. Does this mean the parade is cancelled?
  8. su man sorry for your loss, I know how it feels believe me lets rememebr guys when someone wants you to buy "hot" stuff, please dont your only supporting the criminals no matter if its a fridge, stove, computer or ourboard for that matter.
  9. ahahahahahahaha
  10. I thought a few weeks ago you guys were planning the parade? Sellout another one, sell them all out, no one upsatirs cares, show em the money, thats what its all about.
  11. Tarp it off, duct tape the joints real good, put a good fan with an elepahnt trunk in there (rental store grade) and sandblast it, thats the only way it going to look good, any liquid cleaners will just absorb into the brick even more and you'll never get it out of there. Small little princess auto venturi sandblaster will work good, nice and small with some fine sand (not silica) but silica will work the best, the fan will suck out the dust as you go.
  12. 2 game winning streak , hahahahahahaha plan the parade boys right up bay street in the heart of the finacial backers LOL
  13. i take it out of the bag and run cold water over them separating them as they thaw, i dunno about the warm water thing, my wife has made me a germophobe over the years LOL
  14. Very nice FEESH!! Congrats on those fish, they are sweet!!!!!! Thanks for letting them go!
  15. HABS ROCK no matter what you bash!!!!!! GO HABS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. im surprised the OPP helped you at all After all it is Caledonia.....
  17. sweet trip guys, nice walters!
  18. Prep of both pieces will be your best friend as far a bonding goes. Whatever you are applying epoxy to must be clean and roughed up either by sand paper or emery cloth. The prep is KEY to a good bond. You should post a picture of what you are tryig to accomplish. A flexible epoxy gel is what you need, a urethane/epoxy will give you flexibilty you need as it will be dealing with temperature fluctations throughout its service life the immersion in salt water I dont really think is an issue. Some flexible epoxy that comes to mind off the top of my head that I have used are, http://www.tnemec.com/resources/product/pds/206.pdf http://www.wrmeadows.com/wrm00055.htm These are all flooring materials but as far as application would be all the same, materials are materials, as long as you get a good bond you are good to go. A primer may be in the cards also before the use ofthe flexible resin. I dont know where you are located but I have some of this kicking around if you need some possibly to do a test. Any questions let me know.
  19. Let the guy get out there and catch a muskie, got to start somewhere and that combo will definitely get him out there! If he gets the "sickness" then we all know its over with. LOL
  20. get out there and troll try different things speed colours baits etc, You will have a ton of fun with the skis on St Clair and Mike Parker hit it right on the nail! small baits, add some weight change it up and you will hook up!
  21. might be tight???? they may fit one forward one back but its gonna be tight.
  22. Get a set of tracks and mount them on the gunnel. A little bit of ingenuity can go a long way. You should have some access under them somehow. www.trojantackle.ca/ has everything you need and he is local!
  23. I did some ribs with Alder one time and they turned out fantastic! Still a hickory fan though...............
  24. Fisherman hit it bang on, Epoxies and polyester resins are two totally different animals to mix and use. Another thing, working with epoxies or polyesters isnt the easiest when it comes to hot days like today, your working time will be reduced drastically, make sure you do it in the shade as if your using glass it will bubble on you if in the direct sunlight. Cooler days would be better. The cure is a chemical cure so air does not affect curing, its all temperature related, so the only thing air flow is good for is ventilation. You should be able to find out the pot life of the material which is your working time if it is epoxy. If your using fiberglass resin use close to the reccomended amount of catalyst, you can cut back on the catalyst but cutting back on the catalyst too much may leave you with problems as it may not cure propely and be soft. A trial run is always a good thing.
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