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Everything posted by F7Firecat

  1. new xbox360 game just released today!
  2. Here we go boys this could be the year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HALAK!!!!!!!
  3. ole ole ole ole ole oleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  4. cisco agreed prep that hull properly (sandblast it), apply the right primer (flexible primer), fiberglass it and it will be bullet proof really sux you have to do it, id be parked outside wherever I bought it the boat, a few nice signs every weekend and evening until the manufacturer made it right
  5. olie olie olie olie olie olieeeeeeeeeee
  6. woot woot GO HABS GO!!
  7. Stephenson rentals on Nebo will have something for you or SMS Rentals on Upper Centennial
  8. WOOT WOOT GO HABS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! maybe next year leaves fans, maybe the year after, maybe the year after that just keep hoping cause thats all you got, cant get any worse can it?? GO HABS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Most industrial tool places will have them in stock. Places like Charles Jones or Acklands Grainger, SB Simpson etc etc They are not just a Musky tool, they are a professional trade tool If your into any sort of musky fishing these are a must have.
  10. sad thing is he had to get an operators card to run that thing............
  11. wow those pics are making me hungry, looks good one thing that was mentioned, when you take them out of the brine let them dry for an hour or so where they are almost become sticky feeling, then after that put hem on the smoker. smoked fish and muskie fishing kind go together I have found
  12. actually no I drive a diesel Irishfield............is there anything you dont know or not have an opinion about?
  13. Comon now.........there has gotta be a difference between 89 octane you get from pioneer and the the stuff that fuels an airplane, if there isnt I think we have a major problem. Like Dax said stabilizer all year round, ethanol is garbage sooner or later youll get bit, either falling out of the sky or ruining your dream musky trip.
  14. just remember to move over on the trail when I rip by with my studded sled LOL
  15. I love my iphone, I saw the navioincs app in the app store but I dont think I need it as I already have the sd cards for my GPS. Some more first hand use of this app would be great though.
  16. ya ok get on a trail with an icy corner and youll see why you need studs, youll be the one hitting the tree while the sled with studs have no problem coming out of the that corner Snowmobiling is dangerous enough, studs are for traction which equals safety regardless of being ridden on the lake or the trail
  17. oh I will be there cheering on my nation but i dont think Team Canada has the team to get it done. I hope I get proved wrong.
  18. anyone who thinks Canada is going to win gold in these olympics are probably Maple Leaf fans LOL
  19. Composites Canada Mississauga Progress Plastics Mississauga Fiberglass Factory Mississauga/Brampton area
  20. Hose Baits Wild Canuck Lunge Locker Dutch Lures Bretts Baits Wishmasters Parrywinlkes Beaver Lures Dadson Blade Baits tons of small guys making musky baits
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