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Everything posted by F7Firecat

  1. Just look at some of the Boston Bruin players and you will realize there are such things as Yetis and Sasquatches.
  2. gotta pay to play, please add me on the email list regarding GB also....
  3. man im gonna get in the lawn cutting business.........lots of money there
  4. welcome to oakville............
  5. There are no public boats launches in Caledonia that I know of........Harrisons Landing is private but yes I would agree that we really do need a public boat launch IMO.
  6. the first time your kid says to you "Dad Im calling the police" your response is "fine go ahead but remember Ill have your ass kicked like no tommorrow before the cops even get here........." A buddy of mine did that and his kid smartened right up LOL
  7. hahaha I know guys with high mileage (15000 - 18000kms) Yamaha 4 stroke APEX and ATTACKS, motors are solid but when it comes to idler wheels, skid frames breaking, shock mounts breaking, sliders burning off etc. they are no better than anything else out there. Not to mention they are expensive to fix because of the Japan factor. Face it, its a sled, sooner or later they ALL need work, I dont care if its a Cat, Doo, Poo or Yammie you have to be willing to wrench on them unless you buy a new one every two years or so. Paying a dealer to fix it gets expensive and with the short seasons who can wait 4 or 6 weeks to get a sled fixed at a dealer when it is snowing outside and trails are mint condition. Sleds mechanics are rocket science, actually they are really simple machines , but need alot of preventative maintenance to keep them reliable.
  8. LETS GO HABS!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. bottom feeders i tell ya
  10. Yes I would steer clear of that one if you have no experience with sleds. The motor is a big part but there are other things to consider like skid bearings, shock, tracks, clutchs. A sled with that much mileage is going to need some work for sure. Look around, right now is a a buyers market, dont wait until fall as prices will rise. Oh ya just make sure you buy a CAT! hahaha good luckand have fun
  11. Fishgreg, I took my family to a habs game in Montreal in January ironically it was against Boston. You will have the best time of your life there. I have never experienced a hockey atmosphere ever like I did in Montreal, hands down the best hockey atmosphere ever, only other one maybe Detroit. I can imagine a playoff game. Have fun!
  12. sorry man I dont golf just muskie fish and cheer on my HABS!
  13. JJ go back to cheering your own golf team and save the PK drivel.
  14. One thing Pk doesnt have to do is explain himself to JJCanoe. Actually PK does his best explaination on the ice. VIVA PK!
  15. hahaha Julien was too busy whining to calm his team down and the next thing he knew it was 2-0 HABS! something about the Bruins------looks like Lucic, Chara and Horton are cross bred with a YETI and a Sasquatch Boston had their chances, no need to say more. Gotta love Nealy and his co hort up in the office. LOL
  16. WOOT WOOT!! Can you say shutdown. The only thing Boston is good at in the last two games is cheapshots. PK and Gill.........Wisniewski, Hamrlik, Sopel, Spacek getting er dun!!!! Team effort for sure!!
  17. Funday National Park is an awesome park. Big sites with lots of privacy, water and sewer hook ups. Alma is only 5 minutes away with lots to do there, there is a great on the water lobster shop in Alma if you like FRESH Lobster, Hopewell Rocks is only 1/2 hour away good for a day trip, lots to do in Fundy National Park itself. If you have some time on your way down or on the way back, there is a nice pictureque trialer park in Notre Dame du Lac, Quebec just on the Quebec/New Brunswick border. Really nice with beautiful scenery of the lake and mountains, I would have loved to spend a couple days there but we were on a schedule to get to Nova Scotia so we pulled in at 8pm and left at 9 am in the morning, waaaay to rushed. If you like trendy, expensive and touristy Cavendish, PEI is the place. Not really my cup of tea but my wife had to see Anne of Green Gables. My son and I did a mackeral trip with joeys Deep Sea fishing out of Rustico which was an absolute blast! Lots of fishing opportunities in Cavendish, stayed at Cavendish Provincial park, wasnt a big fan, the beac was nice, the RV area was cramped feeling , maybe I was just spoiled from Fundy national park, I honestly wouldnt go back to Cavendish provincial park but there are lots of others in Cavendish. Have fun, lots to do lots to see, take your time, something I wish we had more of when we went down there last summer. Maritime people are the nicest people you will ever meet in your life. Makes me jealous of their lifestyle, very simple with good values.
  18. Maybe they should have shoved a garden HOSE down that fish and filled it with water....
  19. To Lund for sure!

  20. Bottle of Gibsons received! Thank you fish4eyes!
  21. I have all the equipment fish4eyes needs, he does not need to buy it, maybe for a bottle of rye or two??.
  22. Give these guys a call talk to Tracy, they sell everything when it comes to dustless grinders and cutters International Surface Preparation Canada, Ltd Toronto Distribution Center 5125 Timberlea Blvd. Mississauga, Ontario L4W 2S3 TF: 866.669.6643
  23. I got a couple 7 inch dustless diamond grinders I use for epoxy flooring, I live in Caledonia, they will work for you. Ill pm you my number if you are interested.
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