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Everything posted by F7Firecat

  1. Pearl Street Grill down by the arena is an awesome place
  2. get a galvanized trailer do not get a painted one unless you like rust
  3. fish of a lifetime for sure, what a beast, one word of advice regarding muskie fishing........ quit while your ahead. nice to see her go back congrats!!
  4. its st clair............... get out and troll, cover water try some different presentations, you will get bit
  5. The guy on Hwy 6 between Caledonia and Hagersville will get it done
  6. did you mark a waypoint???
  7. if you fish one lake exclusively, why not map it yourself, you probably already know it quite well anyway 1 colour icon for 5 ft depth 1 colour icon for 10 ft depth 1 colour icon for 20 ft depth 1 colur icon for 30 ft depth, and so one and so on..... mark the top of any shoals or rocks or interesting humps viola you will then have the most accurate map of all
  8. winner winner chicken dinner!!! you got that 100% correct grimsbylander!
  9. Call the guys from Freedon Train, they are based in Burlington www.freedomtrain.ca best bar band out there imo!!
  10. little early yet for walleyes out there.....maybe not, I know come july aug and sept they are very plentiful out there
  11. Listen to Joe, he will put you on fish, if you troll the basin zig zagging in and out you will get fish, even better before a storn.
  12. check out lakemaster chart Great Lakes MI/IN/OH/KY/TN covers erie, niagara, detroit river and st clair with detail navionics can only dream of...... Give Josh a call at angling outfitters he will hook you up. You would need then another card for north bay as lakemaster unfortunatley has not made it into canada yet
  13. I havent read all the replies, just remeber to keep your line as vertical as possible (use more weight rather than less) and don't let it drag out far away from the boat. The more verticall your line is the less you will get snaggged as you can lift and feel tthe bottom structure with your bottom bouncer and lift and drop as necessary. If you find your worm harness getting snagged alot, try a floater on the worm harness to keep it up off the bottom more.
  14. If you stay in the boat channels you will be fine obviosuly, when you stray from the boat channel have a good eye out, a hydro map or gps with a chip is even better take your time you will be fine
  15. I got some liquid rubber you can try, i use it to spray on steel rails. Better than the stuff in the can for sure and Im not far from you either. Bryan
  16. go buy a terrova and be done with it
  17. anyone ever been to sarnia??? just wondering what flows into LSC this day and age........ I can inmagine what leaches into the river from the contaminated groundfrom years past .....nevermind the outflows of the refineries each day
  18. Can Am Charters Rick and Marty will hook you up big time. They are out of Belle River. Close accomodations, I would recommend the Yacht Club. I have been out with them a few times, always a great time and lots of fish!! http://www.can-amcharters.com/
  19. i too am done with lowrance, had 2 fishfinders f and a handheld gps everyone was a POS, love my 997 bird
  20. Forty Creek outlet store in Grimsby.....nuf said!!
  21. Dave Dutchak, Trojan Tackle nuff said!
  22. Ecmilly, the sled is a 2002, etec motors werent even in sleds until around 2008........
  23. look around on some sled sites like doo talk, hardcoresledder, freedomsledder you will find something I would think
  24. thanks for the info i will keep it close at hand!
  25. yup welcome to WSIB mafia www.beregisteredbeready.ca you now as a business owner must pay WSIB on yourself, there are some limitations but they pretty much have all the bases covered Nice thing is if you get hurt at work your covered WSIB...............ya right that will never happen so ya its basically stealing hard earned money from you and I , our businesses and families, how convenient!
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