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Everything posted by F7Firecat

  1. I refuse to watch any Leaf games anymore. Nuthing but junk. GO HABS GO
  2. So.......which unit is installed in your boat?
  3. Buy the best tires you can afford, your life may depend on it one day If your towing, plain and simple dont chince out buy quality if your gonna keep it for thel ife of the tires. All depends if your in it for the long run or just dumping the vehicle in a year or so.
  4. typical union defense...............never the employees fault "guy shoudn't have taken the picture and seen if he was alright" probably would have woken up like an angry bear how much more proof would the union like?? what the hell is this world coming to.
  5. I went in August to the Michigan race. We drove to Windsor Saturday night and spent the night, crossed the border early sunday morning ,shopped for some food on the way to the track and were there by 11:00 am. After the race we BBQ up some sausages took our time and left about 630 or so and drove home. Worst part was the border line up, expect delays of an hour or so as you wont be the only canadian coming back from the race with everyone else who is crossing. As far as staying down there, you can camp or RV. Motels will be expensive as they jack the prices up big time on race weekends.
  6. love my 997 cant wait to use the down imaging this year!
  7. very much agreed!
  8. you know as well as me you gotta wrench on any sled and that includes yammies
  9. hahahah drive a yammie and try and catch the cat..........good luck
  10. Yes I love my Vrod also. The thing trolls like a dream, I'm not even considering a kicker, just run the Vrod!
  11. How do you like that Verado? I absolutely love mine! They are sweet!
  12. Yep Caledonia it is. Where? You will have to guess! hahahahaha
  13. Heres mine!
  14. bwhaaaaaaaaaaaahaahahahahha
  15. go with the highest HP you can, you will not regret it!
  16. Hope your new busineess does well. You guys are absolutely blessed up there with water!!
  17. We all know the Habs are the greatest franchise ever in hockey past present and future! OLE O L E
  18. gotta really like how the fish is hanging from the hook...... might as well been from january 03 , nothing is right about those photos
  19. jeeezuz gotta like the dates were you poaching out of season also really gotta ask why you would post such a picture
  20. TIME.......TIME.... TIME ....... how about a life time, I am 37 years old and what have the leafs done in my lifetime, JACK SQUAT! LEAFS SUCK!
  21. What is it 42 years of rebuilding or so.....................LOL
  22. Cup contender in 3 years LOL Ya like thats gonna happen, first they have to make the playoffs, howm any years has that been......... Keep the faith loyal Leaf Fans, sell out the ACC all season. Your just gonna get what you have always got and that is a half rate NHL team if you keep supporting the leaves. MLSE dont care about winning, its all about the $$$$$$$$$$ and Leaf fans are the sugar daddy.
  23. I got an 03 F7 Firecat with a Engine Tech 900 in it.
  24. TORONTO, ONTARIO (CP) - A seven-year-old Toronto, Ontario boy was at the center of a Toronto city courtroom drama yesterday when he challenged a court ruling over who should have custody of him. The boy has a history of being beaten by his parents & the judge initially awarded custody to his aunt, in keeping with child custody law & regulations requiring that family unity be maintained to the degree possible. The boy surprised the court when he proclaimed that his aunt beat him more than his parents & he adamantly refused to live with her. When the judge then suggested that he live with his grandparents, the boy alleged they had also beat him. After considering the remainder of the immediate family & learning that domestic violence was apparently a way of life among them, the judge took the unprecedented step of allowing the boy to propose who should have custody of him. After two recesses to check legal references & confer with child welfare officials, the judge granted temporary custody to the Toronto Maple Leafs, whom the boy firmly believes are not capable of beating anyone.
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