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Everything posted by F7Firecat

  1. You will need to get some dipsys, I fished out there alot this year and did not get one walleye on a rigger for some reason. All the eyes came off of dipsys and worm harnesses
  2. Ill pony up 200 bucks and take the trip if it still available Let me know. Bryan
  3. We were on our way in from pickerel fishing. We packed up and were out about 8 miles, it looked dark but not too bad towards Pt. Maitland and then it just freight trained in right in front of it. We ended up squeaking in between the two spouts to the east and the white wall of water to the west. I didnt see your boat out there, but to tell you the truth I wasnt sight seeing going through that crap. If you saw a black Lund flying in that was us. There was no way I staying on the lake with what I saw coming at us. We got wet but we got in safely. Interesting indeed... Bryan
  4. Heres a couple of waterspouts we encountered out at Port Maitland yesterday at 12:30.....
  5. Sorry about your loss, ive had some of my stuff taken. Now I lock everything, some ppl think im going overboard but it does suck when soemthing goes missing. Bryan
  6. its a tie #1 JBS best musky store around great guys #1 Bills Bait and Tackle in Hamilton - small guys doing a great job
  7. nice fish johnny, just waiting for the good ole boys to show up now
  8. that sux i can only take so much of mr saric
  9. fisherman sure likes his 4 stroke LOL maybe more than his wife Honestly on a small little tinner boat like that I'd go with the etec, less weight which is huge on a small boat, about the same in gas consumption, add 2 stroke oil oil when needed just pull and go. Sparkplugs.... the things will last forever these days they run so clean. And before I get bashed I own a Verado and love it also just like fisherman loves his honda.
  10. it called musky fishing man get used to it lol its a sickness and there is no cure, just wait till you get a 20 lber
  11. just shim it up with a piece of wood to make the motor level and your good to go
  12. very nice fish congrats
  13. I have been throwing musky baits with a curado for the last couple years. Awesome reels, bought another one last year and would buy another one.
  14. gotta love the hole shot if you got the hp use it the way you want fuel efficiency......what does it matter whatever your driving your going to burn gas either way
  15. I rememeber being up in Larder Lake a couple years ago at the end of May. Bass season up there is open all year round. We could catch 300 bass in a half a day, after about an hour it got boring and we would move onto pics. Looks to me like like legally fishing for bass when they are on the beds didnt hurt a thing up there because there were literally hundreds of bass up there, so I highly doubt an incidental catch is really going to hurt anything as long as it goes back and is not harvested. Congrats on your PB! Incidental catches happen. Bryan
  16. We are talking boats here not planes, planes are not submerged in water, water immersion will kill paint especially when not prepared properly
  17. your new paint wont stick using stripper, you dont have surface profile and it definitely wont be clean, you need a mechanical bond (profile) between the aluminum and the primer.
  18. Lightly sandblast it with very fine grit Then prime it with an appropriate primer for aluminum, then topcoat it with whatever is compatible with the primer. I think carquest or napa or any automotive store could help you out. Stay away from the canadian tire junk. Bryan
  19. just scuff it up and put a couple layers of fiberglasss on it, all you need is two pieces of 1 oz the about 2in by 2 in and your good to go.
  20. HABS RULE!!!!!!!! BEST TEAM EVER!!!!!! BAR NONE!!!!!!! HABS RULE!!!!!!
  21. ct sux ass period
  22. Ive only had mine off a few times so far but man are the Lund covers pretty sweet. Like someone told me......whats not to like about a Lund. Bryan
  23. jeezuz those pics show what happens when it overheats big time!!! Skeeter, Don't just throw a new top end in it. Make sure you find out why it blew. If it was lean could bean air leak in the seal, intake boot. Did you pull the plugs and see what they looked like? Coould also be an oil pump going for a sheeeeeeet. Lots of used stuff around as mentioned before. Good ole sleds. wrenching is fun Bryan
  24. Dale, Its unfortunate that you have to defend yourself the way you do over catching a fish. Awesome catch, and awesome job at the release, that fish is still swimming which makes it better than any dead mount, who cares about the record she is still ALIVE! Once again, thanks for the realese!. Bryan
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