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Everything posted by Woodsman

  1. As Jay said. Don't worry about whitefish in Rice Lake. Now if your looking for bigger fish that fight good don't rule out carp. Rick
  2. Bass Killer: Consider yourself lucky. The CO called & checked for you but he could have just as easily charged you with failing to produce a valid license. From what I've heard the failure to produce a valid license fine is higher than not having a license in the first place.
  3. And when you pay any taxes make sure you keep your recites. I paid provincial taxes on my boat and trailer when I got my trailer plate. Two years later they came after me for the taxes. Without the recite I would have had to pay again. I'm not the only one who has had this problem. Rick
  4. Just insure the type of bait your fishing is suitable for some type of fish that is both present & in season in the place your fishing. IE: Fishing a 10" jerk bait in a body of water that holds pike, bass, perch & carp only than trying to claim your fishing for perch or carp will likely not be believed. Fishing a 3" minnow and accidentally getting a bass or pike is possible.
  5. In Zone 17 it is closed to angling for all fish species from Jan. 1 - Fri. before 4th Sat. in Apr. & Nov. 16 - Dec. 31. with only a few exceptions. (see regs.) Simply put: If your fishing in Zone 17 at this time of year you will be charged if caught, unless you are in an area that is an exception.(very few places)
  6. You have done the honest thing reporting to the police and on the forum. Maybe a note on the Simcoe Board also. I'm on other boards & if I see anything I'll let you know. If you don't get a response at least you tried and than the gear is yours to do with as you please. Best Wishes: Rick
  7. As those spots near the ramp are clearly marked "NO PARKING" I have no sympathy for those ticketed. If the fees imposed are reasonable I have no problem paying. I was there 3 times this winter. It would only work if it was charged on entrance to the park. This could be costly as it would require an attendant or a pay as you enter type of gate. The second option would make it hard not to charge the locals. They could issue resident swipe cards but this would also add to the cost. If they tried imposing a machine to get a ticket to put on your dash than only more would opt to park on the ice only increasing problems. Also how do you identify local residents. Township stickers or dashboard cards issued? Or would you have to register your plate # with parking enforcement. All added cost.
  8. After using natural gas & propane BQ's for years 3 years ago I went back to charcoal. Yes they are a more work but the flavor does not compare. Rick
  9. John: The grey hood you can see around my neck is attached to my Green Bay Packers sweatshirt. Rick
  10. Thanks guys. It sure seemed to be a good year off Innisfil Beach. Terry these fish were caught not far from where I remember watching you catching that 31" laker a few years ago. Tight Lines: Rick
  11. Got out early at Innisfill Beach for closing day for whities. Ramp to lake was quite torn up. Lots of people out for the day. After heading out to 80+ feet of water & setting up things started happening. I quickly had a fish on shortly followed by another. Not long after things slowed down for our group of three. 3 total whities for the 3 of us. Marking lots of fish which would come up & look at our baits but would not hit. Moved 3 times and tried many types of baits with same results. Finally moved in for a few perch to close off the day. Here's the two I caught to start the day. Largest was 27" and 6 1/4 lbs. Best Wishes: Rick
  12. Check out your local UAP/NAPA store. Ask to see their marine catalouge. Not likely they will stock the parts but can order them in at a price better than most places. Expect 3 days delivery if in the Canadian warehouse & about 3 weeks if it has to come out of the US. Rick
  13. Good to here things went off great. Wish I could of made it this year as I have attend twice in the past and always had a great time. This year conflicted with a weekend I am teaching an advanced medical first responder course for our local St. John Ambulance volunteers. I'd like to thank the volunteers and participants who made this tournament a success. As in the past you have made this event a success for a great cause. Best Wishes: Rick
  14. I'm I the only one who has a problem with seizing a Fire Department Emergency/Rescue Response vehicle. I believe outside of North Bay the fire departments are volunteer. They are likely only to have one such vehicle. Charging the driver no problem but to needlessly jeopardize the communities safety is excessive. Imposing the monetary penalty associated with the impounding but leaving the vehicle avalible to serve the public would make far more sense. Let the fire department also deal with the driver for problems caused to the service. Seizing an OPP police cruiser will not generally cause a safety problem as they have extras avalible for use. Sure the public may be upset with the abuses of these police/fire personal but what would the outrage be if a life was lost because the vehicle that could have saved them was in impound? Rick
  15. Looks like you had a great day. That's one deep whitey. Rick
  16. I was also there today. Myself & a buddy decided to head out to Innisfil for some icefishing. Started out in 80' of water targeting whitefish. Here's a decent whitey George caught. The largest fish of the day I was lucky enough to get. After catching our limit on whitefish & we lost a few on the way up before limiting out, we moved in to shallower water & caught between 20-25 smaller perch. We were in 22' of water out from a yellow doored boat house a few hundred yards south of the boat ramp. Overall George may have beat me on numbers but size also counts. Arrived about 8 am and left a dark. Last vehicle out of the parking lot at the park. Best: Wishes: Rick
  17. Sinker: Nice fish. I'm thinking of coming up to Simcoe soon. Usually fish out from Innisfil beach were they hold the Fishing for Tyler event. How deep were you fishing and what area of the lake? Best Wishes: Rick
  18. I've fished Bark in the past. Caught smaller lake trout during the day & ling after the sun set. Rick
  19. Here's a link some may find helpful. http://www.hydroonenetworks.com/en/about/o...s/south_map.asp
  20. Just got home a little while ago & it's sure howling here. Winds worse than yesterday. Rick
  21. Mine was out yesterday from 06:50hrs until 13:30hrs. Long enough for me. A little generator is a good idea. I always have a few big covered pails of water stored in the basement for the toilet. Add a little bleach to kill the bacteria. Good Luck: Rick
  22. My power just came back on at 1:30. No power for 6 hours 40 mins. This means no heat, water or sump pump. Spent 20 mins making sure the basement was fully pumped out. A generator would be nice but I'm laid off & money is a little tight. Upside is lots of time for icefishing if the ice gets safe around here. Best Wishes: Rick
  23. Actually I'm on a laptop & dial-up. Powers still out. About 1/2 of the customers affected by the outage affecting me have theirs back so hopefully soon. Rick
  24. Brian: Yes there pull able depending on the distance & ice conditions. Don't forget you will also have loaded your fishing gear & bait adding to the weight. But if two of you are going you can share the load. Rick
  25. Knocked the power out here about 10 before 7. Rick
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