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Everything posted by shane

  1. I'm saving up all mine for a 30 day cruise.
  2. Well, that's funny. I was expecting everything in your pictures to be upside down. G'day and welcome to the loony bin.
  3. That carp looks pretty excited.
  4. Looks like an angel to me.
  5. I wouldn't mind it so much if I thought that almost half of that money would be taken in taxes, (like mine) and that the other half would be spent on living expenses. (like mine). But I don't think that's the case.
  6. When our black lab was a pup, she started eating cat turds out of the litter box. We solved this after a while by sprinkling tobassco sauce on the turds. She wouldn't touch them after that. But.....I told this to a buddy of mine that was having the same problem......his dog liked them even better with the hot sauce. So you never know.
  7. If I have multiple personalities, can I declare myself as a dependent on my income taxes?
  8. Some very interesting shots there. Good job.
  9. Or, if you're not a really cool kid, you can post from Flickr. Just as easy and seems to be smoother for me and this old clunky computer.
  10. Well, it turns out that the ones that wanted to meet me.....aren't even women. Never leave this board. Never leave this board. Never leave this board.
  11. I make a habit of clicking on a banner ad every time I come here.
  12. I found out that there's other stuff on the internet besides this place. Did you know there's naked women on the internet? ........and half of them want to meet me!
  14. Fly fishing is the screwiest form of fishing there is. I don't know why I do it.
  15. Next time I go to the grocery store, I'm taking my 'K-Tel Pocket Fisherman'. I have some new prototype jigs that need testing.
  16. I thank you and my wife thanks you (for getting me out of her way in the morning).
  17. shane


    And this guy has a shirt on. ...and this guy's taller.
  18. Nice work. I like your wallpaper. It looks like my shirt.
  19. There's some big ones in the Thames too.
  20. Nice shots. A fellow 'point and shoot' guy.
  21. HAHAHA! Take off eh. (I'm referring to GCD.........not the video. Forgot the quote thing)
  22. I don't think tinfoil will help for this kind of thing. I was in the grocery store the other day and it seemed like half the people in there (including the staff) were coughing and hacking and sneezing all over the place. And half of them were picking through those loose buns in the bins looking for fresher ones and putting the others back. And then sneezing into their hands before handing their money to the cashier. The handles on the shopping carts are probably bio-hazards. I feel like I should be wearing a surgical mask and gloves in there. Anybody know where I can get one of those haz-mat suits that the fire dept. uses.
  23. Haha! You're going to have to get up early to get there before me! Actually, you're in a much better area than me for that kind of stuff so you could do very well. Good hunting.
  24. That's pretty nice work. I really like that type of metal work. Having the bonsai look to the tree and mounted on the rock is beautiful. And the bowl is pretty cool too. I did a similar but much smaller one a while ago and I can really appreciate the work that would have to go into his. Nice stuff.
  25. Nice shots Nautifish. Good timing on the waves and seagulls.
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