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Everything posted by BillM

  1. That's the reason I no longer use the clinch knot for flouro and use the improved clinch instead. Had way too many hooks pulls loose with that knot. Maybe it's operator error, who knows!
  2. Depends on the fishing... Are we talking steelhead?
  3. That's a healthy looking muskie!
  4. I've tied some stupid stuff together with the Uni-Uni, lol! And if it's that much of a difference, I'll use a XXXS barrel swivel.
  5. Both those fish are monsters!! I bet you're glad you had the proper release tools
  6. That first fish is a steelhead! Good job!
  7. I've got no issues picking up a small Williams in Kemp while fishing out in 120ft of water with the ice transducer. We all know the current there
  8. I love the long handle for some extra umph while casting.... I can't imagine you'd get much out of that tiny rear section.
  9. Yup, many swear words have been said out on the ice while using 'The T' LOL!
  10. Sure you can do that, but from someone who's done that, then switched over to the ice transducer, the later is so much easier.. No making sure it's straight, just drop the thing in the hole and start fishing.. Well worth the price (I use it with a 747c in a portable ice pack)
  11. They make a few different models.. You aren't casting the same spoons you pull behind the boat with the riggers http://www.moonshinelures.com/casting-spoons/
  12. I've got both the Navionics Gold and the HotMaps Premium in my Humminbird.. Extremely happy with both of them.
  13. I had a high 30's, low 40inch pike snap me off when I tried to grab it I think I caught 3-4 of them all week (Mostly small little rockets) I doubt there's much of a pike population in the Sutton.
  14. I'd still consider those P&S cameras, just at the higher end of the scale.. The cameras between your standard P&S and DSLR's would be the micro four third cameras.. Bigger sensors then your standard P&S, but not as big as consumer level DSLR's. Better noise and high ISO performance.. That being said, the ones you've listed look like fantastic higher end P&S's.. I would definitely go to a local store (Henry's for example) and put your hands on them..
  15. I've had fish before, I knew exactly what the reaction was going to be like. I was hoping some of those fresh fish from the ocean wouldn't bother me (I can eat saltwater fish, just not freshwater).. Unfortunately my experiment didn't work! Although it tasted fantastic!
  16. Okuma for sure... decent reels for a good price.
  17. Going to be hard pressed for people to give out info about any of the trout rivers in Grey/Bruce. My suggestion is to look at Google maps and go from there.
  18. Gotta explain this one to me chief, I'm shaking my head. Or are you assuming all fish that are milked die?
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