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Everything posted by BillM

  1. Ah I didn't realize he actually broke you off.. Gotta put the boots to him!
  2. A wiper motor would easily open a small door for a dog, no question about it... Turn your wipers on and see if you can stop them, lol!
  3. BillM


    I can't even imagine dude.. I think I'll stick to bass/pike/walleye for now. Seeing crap like that just gets me pissed off.
  4. You should try on a 13'6 float rod, or even a 15ft.... 10ft isn't big, especially for pier chucking.
  5. 30lb PP should be more then enough for a 6lb smallie, or am I missing something?
  6. BillM


    Best skein I've ever used is right out of a Port Hope chinny caught 5 mins before.
  7. Deadly for anything I use them for (seriously)
  8. Work awesome through the ice for lakers as well.
  9. The Convergence is so cheap, you should definitely check it out. Just makes things a lot easier (Although a 30lb chromer on a 6'6 spinning rod would be quite the fight! lol!)
  10. I like to drop shot 3in senkos for smallies, wacky rigged.. The best part about dropshotting, is you can put pretty much anything down there you want
  11. You are set for Great Lakes Salmon lures!
  12. Really? This is a fishing website? If you aren't smart enough to figure out that these threads lead to nothing but spot burning and more pressure then any river needs, I really don't know what to tell you slick. Here's a thought, let's talk about your home river and the amount of Tim Hortons cups, garbage and 50lb braid you get to wade through after the salmon crowd is done with the river. I realize Dave meant no harm with his post, but unfortunately all he's doing is feeding the idiots that use this site for nothing more then information gathering, adding nothing to the community at all. That being said, I'll happily give Dave info that should help him get into a few fish..
  13. 31 replies, 3,000 views... God I can't wait until November.
  14. You were there, caught fish, so keep at it. No one here is going to hand out information about that river.
  15. That's an nice snake and a big laker! Definitely want to support those monsters by the belly as well.
  16. Dan, I think that's a lake I need to visit!!! Photo-ops would be unreal with a polarized filter and a nice sunny day!
  17. Pft, we all know everything made in China is garbage! /sarcasm.
  18. There's a big difference between an Avid and the Premier lines... I suggest you pick one up and fish it... I snapped an Avid last year while fishing plastics for big pike in the spring, broke about 5 inches above the handle (Gave me a nice bloody lip at the same time).. Packed it up, shipped it to St.Croix and I had a new rod inside of 3 weeks. Why would I buy anything else with service like that? You're also making quite a big assumption that because someone broke their rod, they must not be takimng care of it, or lack some sort of maturity..... I'll cut you some slack though, old timers rarely ever change their minds I'll also send this rod back if it breaks again, what's there to be embarrassed about? 'Sorry St.Croix, I snapped my rod in a big snake, please don't laugh at me'... LOL!!!
  19. Regardless of rod, get one with a lifetime warranty. St.Croix Avid would probably fit the bill just fine in that price range.
  20. They were doing a lot less work chucking spoons then you were, lol. Give me a rod that's 3ft longer and I'll easily outcast someone with a 6'6 or 7ft spinning rod, it's not even a contest but it's not all about casting distance either.. It also comes down to the fight as well.. A long rod is going to help a lot more when you get a screaming 30lb chromer on...
  21. BillM


    Dan, that first pic is off the hook!!! Absolutely fantastic!
  22. This definitely isn't a salmon rig.. You can pick up a cheap 10'6 Shimano Convergence for $70 that will give you a tonne more distance then a 6'6 spinning rod will... Everything else in that list will work just fine.
  23. Look Ma! No hands!....................oh wait a second.
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