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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. you guys made it look easy! nice shootin
  2. Im sure these same guys did a fantastic job winterizing their boats. I gotta laugh though Imagine starting your fogged engine on the boat ramp lmao!! SMOKE SHOW Not boat related at all, but a hilarious quip from my old car club. I still dont know if it actually happened, but it was a hilarious thought anyways. Back when emmisions tests required your car to be hooked up to the government's scam machine, one of the members took a bet from a few guys that he wouldnt load his car full of seafoam before taking the E test. He apparently clouded out the entire shop ahhaha.
  3. yup, onboard chargers arent even that expensive these days. For the cost and convenience they probably maintain your investment, especially if you are buying good batteries, or for a guy like Dave Chong hes probably gone full Lithium?
  4. i always try 3/4 tungsten when i can, but sometimes even it wont punch through really heavy stuff. Its rare 1oz tungsten wont get through unless you are really really in some greasy stuff. Generally if you are good enough at flipping you can hit the weak spots in what you are flipping through.
  5. the problem is that the people are so ignorant that she thought it was my fault that they were in the way because their plan was to use the side of the dock for the people coming in off of the water. I had already waited 5 minutes floating out in the lake for the other side of the dock to open up, I guess whats another 20 minutes?
  6. jeeez grimsby, how did he get the boat back on the trailer? did you stick around to watch lol? ive forgotten the plug out too many times to count, but thats probably because i rarely launch at busy public launches. When i do I go full OCD and check the boat over 5 times to make sure everything is set before I put the boat in. Luckily, I can reach my plug by reaching over the back of the boat. Im not too proud to say that I havent done that a couple of times as well Not so "funny per-se" but just an example at the ridiculousness of public launches, the Chemong causeway launch has one dock that has enough room for a boat on each side. 3 weeks ago I was coming in after spending the day out on the lake and another young guy was parked on the outside of the dock so I sit out in the water waiting for the spot to open up so that i can tie off and go get the truck to pull out. Another family is launching their bowrider as this is happening, a group of about 6+ kids and dog etc. Young guy hops back in his boat after parking his truck and takes off and I pull in and park my boat at the outside of the dock. There is a line up of cars waiting to launch. The lady looks at me as im pulling up and parking my boat on the outside of the dock "but we were going to use that side of the dock" she says accusingly as if I stole it. I simply ignore her and go to get my truck, as I watch her friends and family begin to load the boat with their supplies for the day parked blocking the launch so that no one else can launch. They then sat there for 5 minutes waiting for their friends to be ready so that they could leave. I guess I was supposed to just sit out in the bay until all of the boats had stopped launching that day ? Its funny, people seem to notice when you actually prepare your boat ahead of time for launching. Mutitple times people have commented "youve done this a few times eh?" just because I get the boat ready before I hit the ramp. I guess common sense isnt common
  7. buckhorn and chemong are loaded with them but honestly...if you are coming all of the way from england, why would you bother angling for something you can get at home, why not try your hand at some musky, pike or smallmouth, or heck, try for some salmon or trout ?
  8. funny you did so well this past weekend, I was up on the bay and couldnt get anything going at all, Just a dink fest!
  9. Just my 2 cents, I’ve done away with just replacing the bearings and seals...for an extra $30 you can just replace the entire hub with the new races already installed. I did a bearing swap last year and cracked my hub putting the races in using a proper races punch tool. more effort than it’s worth. you should be able to see the code for your bearing size stamped on your bearings. Just match that and you are good to go.
  10. Irons right, fish move all of the time, heck they move from hour to hour. last week I had a tournament and did a pre-fish Friday, hit spot one, had a keeper within three casts, hit spot 2 around the corner, another one, said this is going to be awesome tomorrow. was seeing schools of bait and surfaces all over the water. went back the next day in almost identical weather. And it was a ghost town. Got skunked for two straight hours and had to completely switch my game plan. fish adapt, meaning you gotta too. Different spots, different baits, different depths, different retrieves. Keep switching until you find the pattern. I eventually found the pattern, but by that time I was limited on time and could only find the dinks.
  11. The pike follow the Walleye in the fall. They definitely are harder to catch, but If you go where the Walleye are being caught in abundance the pike will be there too. you are bang on about the bass September vs October, two totally different patterns. I think it has something to do with the shiners being on the move, although it still seems to be too late for that kind of pattern. So I’m not sure. One thing is for sure that once Labor Day hits the topwater bite basically completely disappears. I slow right down, head out to open water near where I caught them all summer and find humps. The smallies come in waves and when you find the wave of big ones you can have one of the most fun days you’ve ever had Fishing. If you time it right, it’s the type of fishing where you’ll get your 20lb bag in a span of 5 minutes. Then October hits and so does the cold weather and sure enough the fish head right back up to where you caught them in July. Only difference I find is that the really shallow shoreline bite isn’t there. You gotta be out off of the shore in 15-30fow. I throw paddle tails and drop shots, but prefer the paddle tail because it consistently gets the big big bites. I had a morning last year where I had 11 and a half pounds off of two fish 10 minutes apart. That’s really saying something that far north, we don’t typically get that size like they do down on Erie st Lawrence and simcoe. If you are struggling for fall Walleye, try and do some research, fall is the premiere time to catch Walleye on the bay, the fish all move up the tributaries to feed. 100+ fish days are not out of the question at all. You’ll catch everything from dink’s to 10lbers. The numbers are absolutely nuts.
  12. I wonder if the Johnstons fished the west side ? Thats a big time bass tourney, big money, big names, and here you are out catching mutated greasers lol The loony tooner strikes again!
  13. Art, It sounds like you are a victim of our broken education system. I dont know if things have changed in the last 12 years, but the cold hard facts are that when I was in highschool, there were two clear paths 1. Getting good grades that would be high enough for you to apply to programs in university or college. There was a clear set of pre-requisit high school credits and a minimum grade % required in order to apply to programs. And shockingly, Path 2 was...you guessed it, the trades. What this meant was that the trades were the only option available for students who couldnt maintain a high enough average in school to be able to apply to college or university. What this meant was that the people that spent their time in highschool doing drugs, skipping class and flunking out were pushed towards the trades, while the intelligent hard working kids were told to go and try and get a meaningless degree. Even more incredible is that you had a very large group of kids who maybe didnt have the math brain to hold up an A average and get an engineering degree, so their average wasnt as "Pretty" The kids still worked hard, did all of their work and even had A's in a lot of their classes, they just struggled in math or one of the sciences. Because they didnt have an A average they were then guided into taking useless degrees that basically result in a student not getting a job. English and history degrees were most common. Meanwhile Johnny who spends his entire days dealing weed down at the smoke pit doesnt give a damn because he can always get an apprenticeship from his uncle in the union as a plumber. Myself and my girlfriend and two of my good friends may be the perfect example of the bogus education system we have. My girlfriend carried a high B average all of the way through highschool and had A's in all of english and writing related courses. She went to school for english and got a degree with a pretty high grade point average, she even won some awards for some papers she wrote in university. Upon completion, she had her English major, and proceeded to work at a publishing company for slightly over minimum wage packing boxes with books. (she eventually got a job in group insurance and is doing ok now, but will never make a tradesmens wage) I finished highschool with a B+ average, i wouild have had honour roll but i just really disliked math and hence, my one bad C grade resulted in me not getting honour roll. 17 years old at the time I thought I wanted to be a graphic designer, I applied, got special admittance to the top graphic design program in ontario at the time at humber college. Had honours through college, worked my ass off every summer and got given a special job with the city due to the responsibility i took on and hard labour i did, i got to work by myself and run the maintenence operations at the cemetery in town. I got out of college during the economic downturn, every ad agency in the city was doing mass lay offs because the first thing that goes during a downturn is advertising. I ended up scrambling for any job I could get, started moving hot tubs for a living 6 days a week. Finally I got a break makign barely over minimum wage, commuted two hours each way every day to a horrible job doing inside sales with a bit of graphics on the side. I was hurting bad...fluked out got an interview with the company that I am at to this day and the rest is history. I make ok money but will never make a journeymans wage. My two friends, one who I was in grade school with since grade 2 has a reading learning disability, is ESL and nearly failed school his entire life. He is now journeyman electrician after taking the test and failing until he passed (5 times...it may have been 4) He at least knows how to work hard labour, even though his "critical thinking, reading comprehension and math skills are severly lacking. My other very good friend, spent his highschool days in a hardcore band, smoked weed and skipped school every day. Partied every weekend all weekend, had a couple of part time jobs in highschool that he got fired from. Out of highschool he started working seasonal work. Would then go on unemployment over the winter and would sit at his parents house over the winter smoking weed and watching tv. His uncle, a union plumber said hed get him in with the union. Hes now a final year apprentice and makes more money than me. Still doesnt really like working that much but does it to pay the bills. Now you tell me, does the system make sense? Or is something fundamentally very very wrong.
  14. I dont think addiction rates have increased, its the drugs themselves that are causing the mass rate of people dying. In the 70's fentynal or crystal meth werent popular choices for addicts. These highly synthetic compounds are basically a time bomb waiting to kill people. Tom you make some great points about my generation actually having somewhat of a tough go. Society is changing drastically, its taking people a lot longer to have "settling down and starting a family" as an option at all. Most folks cant even fathom the idea until they are 30 years old because of school debt and the need for a decent job. Pluma, you kind of make the point. Yes you worked hard and made it work. You probably just decided to be a plumber, were able to get a quality job, work hard and make ends meet. In todays reality, this just doesnt happen. Theres no such thing as just deciding to be this or that. You either have to go to school first, or have a great connection. Theres no good paying trades jobs that are "just available for the taking" anymore. Thats the biggest difference between back in the day and now. small towns have always had issues, maybe they just werent at the forefront. I think there were just more "drunks" back in the day, rather than people tweeking on crystal meth. How many stories do you hear about guys with dads that beat their moms up and crap when they got drunk. Its no different then than it is now. Just different substances people are using.
  15. wow i just read this article, its long but a great read and includes video footage of the guy snagging big bass. Incredible. Honestly makes me wonder a lot about tournament fishing in general. I actually fish a small derby every year and as weird as this is, theres one particular guy that fishes it solo every single year, he never is around at take off, and he puts the fish back in his livewell at the end of weigh in. He also has literally won every single derby that hes participated in....weve always had suspicion that something is up, and this just makes me feel really weird about the whole situation now. It really is, far too easy...and the fact that this guy has literally won 6? times in a row now..Id like to believe that hes a local from the lake and is just that good, but at the same time, doesnt someone have to have an off day at some point?
  16. seconded on the comment about irate property owners. I get yelled at almost every time i fish brookies.
  17. lol i guarantee thats a no, especially with fish that have a 30 fish limit.
  18. praying for you that they arent in their totally wierd vanishing mode. I swear every year in september i run into a weekend where I cant find a single damn fish, and then like magic they reappear in droves again just in a different area. Its almost like they all decide to pack up house and move at the same time, and no ones eating like a salmon while they are migrating. Early September last year was really good I ended up catching the big fish in a derby on a dropshot and won myself some money. Thenholy crap did it get cold, it went from being 30+ degrees to like 8 degrees one weekend to the next and I ended up absolutely slaying them throwing basically everything in the cold. Then late september the fishing just completely fell off, then 2 weeks later they were in fall mode and I caught a PB, it was a friggin rollercoaster.
  19. ive caught them in August on the kawarthas on a crankbait suspended off a deep rock break wall, but who knows whether thats a consistent thing either. I was fishing bass and ran into a school of crappies.
  20. absolutely agree, if you are fishing them weightless yums just dont work in the wind. Ive been a huge fan of the buckey flick it whacky hooks, you can even fish a dinger on them in the breeze, they seem to stay up and allow the senko to swim still, but give you a bit more control
  21. bingo...you wanna catch a ski, you gotta cover water, theres too many hiding spots and way way too much water. Im sure people get them casting, but GBAY skis are hard enough to catch as it is. My biggest pike have almost all come while trolling big junk for muskies. They will eat the same stuff the muskies do no problem.
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