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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. Id also ask, what species are grandad and dad comfortable fishing for. Theres plenty of great bass lakes, but id still argue you need to have a clue in order to get on the fish.
  2. You would be surprised, I still am willing to bet the fishing is even better in Ontario. Ontario overall very likely has the best fresh water fishing in the entire world, pick a species and its a world class fishery.
  3. thats a chunker. Need to get out for some skis myself!
  4. Domi isnt trying to play his Dad's game, hes trying to play the rat game. Funny enough Montreal has two of em, domi and gallagher, two guys that would turtle the moment anyone tried to make them answer the bell. Marchand and kadri have both made a career playing this way. Brady Tkachuk plays this way too, but hes got the size to back it up. He is going to be a thorn in the leafs side for many years to come. His old man was dirty as all hell too, i hope he at least keeps it clean when he is being a royal pain in the ass unlike his father.
  5. man...people really like to take all of the fun out of fishing dont they lol
  6. Cuzza I probably want the shirts I just need to check what size the ones I already have are. At minimum I’m gonna take 1 of em
  7. Years ago out with fisher pete I was a musky noob so he did the handling. I hooked a Giant right in the throat she inhaled a twin 10 his process was put her in the big net and immediately get a pair of jaw spreaders in her yap. Then dunk her back in the water supporting her to keep her upright. He then got a grip on her gill plate and had a pair of lindy cutproof gloves on his working hand. Gill plate grab lift her head, snip one treble at a time with the bolt cutters and dunk her underwater after each cut. The process took probably close to 10 minutes of surgery, picking her up and cutting each treble one by one while giving her a minute to breath between each cut. He then took pliers and pulled out the bits her could and then performed standard revival. After about 10 minutes of that she was finally back strong enough to swim off hard. she thrashed a few times during that period but pete didn’t let her go, he made sure she was still upright and breathing. Outside of the net, no stress just pure recovery. Incredibly she came right back to life. That kinda set the standard for me on how they are to be handled. Pete’s a real pro
  8. babcock has guaranteed an announcement. My guess is that they are throwing JT up as the captain. I wish it was AM so you can say he’s the face of the franchise, but I know that JT Is the obvious better choice. He’s cool, calm, collected, level, plays the game the right way all of the time, and already has the experience being “that guy”
  9. Those “deep sea” fishing trips are typically not a great day on the water unless you book it privately for your group. Otherwise they jam as many people as they can on the boats and if you are lucky you may get a chance to catch a real fish. Sometimes you’ll anchor and jig up a few crappie small ones just so that they can say you caught! For people that have never fished before it’s exciting to catch a couple of dink’s. It’s the ocean equivalent of catching rock bass under a dock on worms.
  10. 10,000k is what i would consider to be high mileage. Especially on skidoos from 2006ish to 2015ish when the e-tech series sleds came out That 10 year period after the requirement for sleds to start going to direct oil injection. Those sleds because of the new tech are known for oil starvation issues while they tried to figure out how to get enough oil into the cylinder on two strokes. You have to imagine how many compressions and precise oil deliveries those engines have to give every second with the timing. A 4 stroke two up might be a solid choice for you. Yamaha made some great sleds during that era. They are a bit heavy for breaking trail, but i dont think you are neccesarily going to be using your sled for serious back lake back country bush whacking. If your plan is to ride the sled around home and out on simcoe, youll absolutely love your 4 stroke.
  11. That’s what I’ve been looking for, where did you source yours from? It’s actually really difficult to figure out where to buy them!
  12. Now I see why the other guy I know that fished that tourney did so bad. He’s a shallow guy, 45 is far from shallow! You must have been putting on a fizzing clinic! Any recommendations for what fizzer you use? Been looking for a better one than the one I have.
  13. The only win by any of those gm’s Was The rantanen signing. Bridge deals are typically considered to be a hold over for both the player and the team where neither party has won. I 100% agree that Dubas overpaid marner, the Matthews deal and the Nylander deal are both totally fine. Don’t lose track of the fact that just because John Tavares is making 11 million that he was actually offered 12+ to stay in Long Island or go elsewhere. Give Nylander the season to judge whether he’s worth 6.9 the way him and Matthews looked so far tells me it’s looking potentially like a very very good deal. the bridge deals you are seeing 100% reflect the exact problem that Toronto and marner we’re having during negotiations. Marner wanted a bridge deal as well reason being? A new TV deal plus the introduction of legal gambling revenues will be hitting the NHL in 3 years meaning that the cap is set to increase by a very significant margins 3 years from now...shocker, that’s exactly when all of these bridge deals are set to be renegotiated. Everyone is going to want a new deal to get a piece of that extra revenue chunk, meanwhile Toronto will have all of their top players already locked up, while also having ever increasing flexibility to build the supporting roster around them. The expectation here is that Toronto has a solid 5 year window to strongly compete. That’s hard to pull off, look at how long the jets and calgary’s Windows lasted? 1 year and now Winnipeg is going to struggle to even make the playoffs and Calgary is expected to have serious regression after they had a pile of luck last year go their way with injuries and older players basically having career years. If Nylander puts up close up 60+ points which he very easily could do if Matthews stays healthy, that contract looks dynamite. And don’t bring up old contracts in the argument, Sydney Crosby makes 8.7 million a year, Nathan McKinnon makes 5. You can’t make those comparisons. Marner is overpaid for sure but Matthews and Nylander probably aren’t.
  14. We are all aware that NASA is at the forefront of tracking the changes associated with climate change right? They are an agency that works with multiple countries all over the world for the purposes of developing science and knowledge related to not only space exploration but also understanding the very planet we live on. They don’t maintain a specific political agenda specifically because canadian, British, US, Russian, Chinese politics all don’t mesh. The work that is done in outer space and by the agency sole purpose is to Complete scientific observation. They are the only type of organization that has satellites in outer space monitoring our planet. Their resume, I would argue speaks for itself? People walking on the moon, Rovers driving around on mars...I’d say their scientists are pretty decent? The government that funds their operations is actually anti-climate change. So can someone please explain the conspiracy theory surrounding the science that the 20,000 people employed by NASA are engaging in? I mean if it’s all lies? As we all know the more people that know a secret the harder it is to keep.
  15. YouTube is where I get all of my facts and information from. Michael Scott knows what I’m talking about 1000’s of articles from scientists saying climate change is scientifically proven, one YouTube video comes out about “proposition 2” and the tinfoil hat crowd jumps right on it lol. sounds wayyyyy too much like “the new world order” chem trails, etc etc all great misinformation sspread by the deep hole that is the Internet. blanket statements about “liberals getting more money”...couldn’t possibly be that a group of blatant for profit businesses would lobby or spread misinformation right? Couldn’t possibly be the richest industry in the world trying to spread a little counter information, nah it’s those tree huggers that have it out for us lol.
  16. Smitty is touching on a huge huge problem throw away culture is a disaster. Economics have driven us to always looking for the lowest price option rather than quality. We’ve exported all of our product engineering and manufacturing to China. we’ve achieved bottom of the barrel pricing but nothing is designed to last more than 10 years now. just a recent example, we had a microwave at the cottage that was literally from the early 80’s the thing finally pooched out 3 years ago after close to 40 years in service. My parents bought a cheap Walmart microwave as a replacement, the thing died this year after 2 years of operation. That’s what makes me laugh about our emission standards on small engines etc. great my two stroke 97 carbureted Yamaha spews a bit of blue smoke when she fires up, and probably burns a little too much gas but I can’t help but read the stories of guys that have bought mercury pro xs’s in the last 20 years and none of them seem to last more than 10 years before they blow a head, lose compression , have oil starvation issues due to the direct injection requirements on two strokes or torch their lower end. Throw the thing in the garbage and buy a new one. Meanwhile my 100% oem 25 year old motor runs like a top. cell phones, throw them out every 4 years the list goes on and on
  17. This...my liquid cooled 2005 mxz can be a total pain in the ass in the spring when the snowpack is tight. Last year it was -25 and the damn thing was overheating because I was on a tight bumpy bush trail and couldn’t get the sled going quick enough to kick up enough snow to cool the pan. id personally get a Yamaha, I don’t trust anything made by bombardier anymore. Basically there’s 100000 annoyances with our mxz’s, the kill switches fail, the gas gauges were broken from new, the keys seem to keep having issues that cause the sleds to shut off forcing us to buy new keys every few years, we’ve had an entire engine fail..just all sorts of stupid stuff enough to scare me away. chatted this year with a guy on the lake riding a 2003 Yamaha, thing was bone stock he said he’d never had a single issue with it...I wasn’t surprised. don’t buy Polaris, and definitely don’t buy an arctic crap.
  18. climate change deniers remind me of this guy
  19. it used to be 100% acceptable to literally pick a spot, wherever that spot was and just throw your garbage, oil, whatever chemicals etc etc you had right there. You swap the tires on your truck? Burn em. Heck, go for a walk in the forest behind my cottage you will literally find "the dump" where everyone that lived on my cottages road threw their trash. that said trash is still there 40-50 years later polluting the forest. I work in the automotive recycling industry and my mom told me the change in mentality is wild, when she grew up there was literally a "spot" in town where everyone drove their cars out on a rock cliff and did their oil changes. The spot was good because the oil just poured out and then down off of the cliff. Heck im sure you can remember the 90's? When we just dumped our used oil on a gravel road so that it kept the dust down? No one thought about the fact that when it rained all of that oil just dumped right into our lake? Lake Ontario in the 80's? Care to go for a swim? Like most things that humans do, we think its a great idea and then we realize "holy crap were gonna kill ourselves if we dont stop" and then some action is taken. Carlin references plastic bags like its a joke...plastic bags have only existed for less than 100 years but there is a pile of them now floating in the ocean the size of texas. Sitting back and saying "meh I dont care to do nothing, the planet will be fine with our human garbage and slobbery" is a terrible mentality.
  20. ....You do realize that acid rain was stopped by placing environmental controls on emissions? the ozone hole was also fixed by The Montreal Protocol when countries agreed to ban the use of ozone depleting refrigerants. Climate change is proven by science, trust me, there is far more money to be saved/made by doing nothing and allowing fossil fuels to continue to be burned unchecked and for the population to keep expanding so that more and more people can buy products from corporations in a cycle of never ending growth. Your "facts" about the fact that dinosaurs lived on a much hotter planet actually directly correlates to the climate science that you are attempting to debunk that is causing global warming. During the dinosaur times there was extremely high levels of volcanic activity which caused an over running emissions of Co2 which caused a greenhouse effect heating the planet. Furthermore, the reason it was so hot in Drumheller during the time of the dinosaurs? Pangaea hadnt fully split up yet meaning alberta was a lot closer to the equator. Im not looking to get this thread locked, or start any arguments, I myself personally dont believe there is anything that we can do except reduce our population if we want to stop global warming. But I cant sit idle and allow people to say a bunch of blanket scientifically false statements. The planet is heating up, its our fault, its not a "theory" its scientific fact backed by 99% of scientists. Even big oil companies have now admitted that it is happening. What to actually do about it is what is open for debate. As outdoorsmen, i think its somewhat of a shame for us to not actively give a damn about the environement. Forget global warming, Im talking about all things to protect mother nature, pollution reduction, re-using and recycling. All of these things are important if we want to have a healthy planet for our kids, grandkids, and their families to live on. Im glad to see we are making very significant progress, recycling is second nature to most people these days, programs to recycle the oil, tires and other automotive fluids are the rule not the exception now. Our cars and boats are progressively becoming more fuel efficient and emitting less. Most non idiots know that we shouldnt throw garbage in the forest/lake/ditch or burn it as was standard practice back in the 70's. At least people are clued into the fact that the planet is a finite resource, we can all do our part to try and keep her clean and healthy.
  21. you definitely are overpowered tho for the maximum HP ?
  22. Lots of talk about how to fix climate change but no talk about the planet being overpopulated. climate change is a real human driven problem. In order to fix the problem we cannot continue to grow our population exponentially. Any measures taken are pointless if we continue to grow so fast. We have not surprisingly infested and destroyed our own planet. The only way to fix it now is to talk about neutralizing our growth.
  23. You know what the good news is about having guys that can score an absolute tonne like AM JT MItchy Willy Reilly and barrie is? It’s wayyyy harder to find guys that can score than it is to find big guys that can hit and play physical. One takes far more talent and ability than the other. luckily you’ve got these guys all signed up for an extended period of time, allowing you to experiment with the line up and take repeated runs and make adjustments. trust me, there’s a lot of teams (Montreal?) that don’t even have one person as talented at scoring while Toronto has like 5
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