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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. Honest take, I don’t think the Canadians make the medal round. swedes and USA Look lethal
  2. Lmao exactly my point. You literally just said you’d rather have a 20 something goal scorer 40 something point winger that can hit and is a pest over the best goalie in the NHL right now and a 40+ goal scorer. That’s on pace for 90 points this season. Let me guess cause he’s (lazy) or a 47 goal scoring bonafide career point per game centre? leave the rat tactics to the third line chabot is good, I’m not sure where I said Morgan rielly was a super star though? Chabot isn’t either. thats the delusion of mediocrity that I was talking about. There’s not a single point per game player on the team. Hence continuously drafting mid first round picks is going to have to take some kind of miracle to find one.
  3. Sens are doing ok in the rebuild, but let’s get serious, you need a few bonafide stars to really be a contender and the sens have exactly 0 to date. I think the closest thing they might have is Brady tkachuk, but think of teams that win the cup. They all have some super high end players Plus a very good goalie. St. Louis basically has two of the best defenseman in the league plus tarasenko who’s a top 10 forward and binnington came in red hot. if they don’t stop over achieving and actually get some low draft picks instead of picking at 6th overall like they are going to they are going to be caught in continuous mediocrity until the franchise folds. think of actual cup contenders and what their teams look like usually some super stars and a very good/hot at the time goalie washington was self explanatory and I could go on and on. thats the thing about ottawa, they are a lot like the habs, they take mid grade talent that over achieves mainly due to the extra ice time that they acquire playing top line minutes where on any other team they are forced down to the third line and then they build them up into something that they are not. Montreal fans have been most recently quoted saying that nick suzuki is a comparable to Mitch marner! It’s not surprising that a guy that’s a third liner on any other team on a contract year gets a pile of extra ice time and powerplay time that he all of a sudden has a career year. regression is a whine, duclair literally has the highest shooting percentage of the top 102 shooters in the entire NHL. Guess who breaks his streak at 102 in shots on goal with a stupid 20.5% shooting percentage? Pageau Guys get lucky sometimes which makes things hurt really really bad when the luck dries up and the guys all of a sudden take their next 100 shots and only score 3 goals. Or in pageaus case he’s due for a 20+ game goalless drought. Ouch
  4. Keep watching Ohio it’s a fantastic hilarious series. Taro is an absolute gem
  5. Benched again today...matty and Marner = magic 5 In a row the toilet seats can’t catch em now!
  6. Every time I’ve used a sump pump I end up getting shale ice...any ideas? Maybe it’s just too cold when I’ve tried it causing the ice to not freeze nicely? My solution has been the extremely labour intense process of hauling buckets of hot water down to the lake and pre filling in the cracks that form with snow. Then running around with a puck and packing slush into the ruts. It at least patched up the bad areas and cracks but I’ve never had luck straight up flooding the ice? Maybe I need more/less water? any ideal temperature? Tips? I plan on making a rink on Thursday
  7. Can’t say I agree about it being a crap shoot, My immediate family and myself have been burned by each of the domestic manufacturers now. My father was a ford man through and through until the 90’s when he gave up on them. He even gave them another chance and bought a escape for my mom and it’s been stupid as well. Countless recalls and stupid stuff breaking. my truck is a lemon...just straight up...I could make a list of all of the problems I’ve had and the truck has less than 100,000k on it. It’s a joke. my favourite part is that in the winter I have to drive with my windows open because my truck dumps exhaust into the cab. I took it in three times under warranty and it was never fixed. I literally have to turn my heat off at stop lights to avoid being choked out Ford and GM my interactions with their head offices through my work seems to hint at the problems and attitude being systemic in both of them. Go figure the attitude is shared by both companies. ive talked about it at length, from outboards, snowmobiles, quads and cars now, the Japanese manufactures just do the job right. My family isnt even loyal to one particular one! at this moment we have 4 outboards ones a Honda two are Yamahas and ones a suzuki! it can’t just be coincidence that between 4 outboards , two quads, and 4 different vehicles from Honda, Nissan and Mazda we’ve never had an unexpected problem or stupid annoyance with any of them...good riddance to GM. I’m sure their quality is bound to improve even more when they hire more cheap Mexican labour. im sorry to anyone that’s worked for them, they have done you dirty and it’s not surprising. i already know I’m bound to catch flack from the GM or Ford guys on the forum saying “I love my Chevy, dodge, ford, Mercury, BRP” etc etc you bet, like clockwork my rotax 600 blew up with 500km on it. Thank god it was under warranty. brother owned a Chevy cobalt, and a loose bolt went through a cylinder and ended up in his oil pan at 13,000km maybe it’s just bad luck...but It just can’t be coincidence anymore when 10 times in a row the domestics break, and then 10 times in a row the japanese have 0 problems. Fool me once shame on you fool me 10 times shame on me!
  8. Those bailouts came with the assumption that it’d be paid off by keeping Canadians employed and paying taxes...instead they took our money and shipped it off to Mexico.
  9. 4-4.5 inches of solid black ice. Not too much snow. You should be good to go walking. Supposed to be a bit warm for a couple of days here so be careful in areas with potential inflow from melt off
  10. You are going to be taken care of me thinks...no cause? No warning...they are gonna hurt for that one
  11. Absolutely, survival suit plus life jacket plus spud and picks...please note that whatever I am measuring is a spot that is known for generally always having safe ice. I won’t be venturing anywhere that I typically go later in the season. I’ll be staying close to home.
  12. I think uncle leo’s time in the NHL is limited. Another set of buy outs becomes available soon. I think he is going to get one. by the way I think I remember someone here claiming that the leafs need more Komorov types on the leafs...his stat line tells the story Thank god lou was already gone so Toronto didn’t eat that contract
  13. I will be on the ice tomorrow afternoon and will provide you with an official measurement from pointe au baril
  14. Literal statistical proof of nhl player safety’s garbage job you can click on the tweet he goes into even further detail
  15. very very cold for the next couple of days, you guys will be good to go for walking by christmas. its currently -16 up there right now supposed to be -24 tonight. That will help a lot.
  16. Dont forget the totally phantom call on Tavares as well that cost them one of their other goals as well. Two total phantom calls against the leafs but absolutely nothing for that hit...sounds about par for the course when it comes to the leafs and the NHL Anyone remember Game 2 of the boston series last year? I was listneing to Bowen while down fishing in south carolina on lake marion and was concerned for Bowens health he was so upset about what the officials were doing what almost seemed intentionally to the leafs. A partocular high stick that had one of the leafs just gushing blood with no call what so ever stands out. They can, and they did...and they apparently said that theres nothing wrong with it. But Kerfoots a few games back, that definitely deserved two games.
  17. Dan is literally building a Home made tank...where are you looking to source the turret cannon dan?
  18. I had a feeling that this might happen, but ya... Leafs now 8-4 under Keefe with their next two games against garbage teams! GO LEAFS GO
  19. i call that the georgian bay special
  20. a bannana suit for fishing seems like a bad omen anyways probably better you got rid of it 😂
  21. Nick the fact you found walkable ice within driving too far is very promising. My plans to be out there this past weekend got called off, but im hoping by Friday i can sneak out on mine for some early ice pike! also what happened to your yellow suit!?
  22. smitty, kudos to you for actually writing an insightful post about another hockey team. I will put the passive agressive leafs bashing aside and commend you on actually saying something other than LAFFS SUCK, 1967! PLAN THE PARADE I personally think the hole the leafs have dug is too deep to get out of. Their only saving grace is that theirs 1 easier spot to claim. I think tampa and boston are a lock, and the wildcard is out of the question. The nice thing is that theres a long shot to get that number 3 divisional spot, but the teams they are chasing are also very bad. Montreal, buffalo and florida arent really the cream of the crop. The leafs need a big run though because its hard to gain ground with loser points being handed out
  23. i think its like when you drink a heavy dark beer, you should drink a nice light beer after...you know to balance it out.
  24. I live in pointe au baril. Ice is still extremely bad having only truly formed within the last week. That area got absolutely hammered with snow over the past two days. However the squalls were extremely localized. Pointe au baril didn’t get a lot of snow while areas to the south got dumped on. At best you may be able to tread cautiously on foot on very well known areas but any sort of motorized transport would be 100% out of the question. There is a cold snap due next week but with lots of snow on the ice it’s not going to help anything.
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