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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. 3/4 inch ply. I drew the jig out on cardboard and measured for consistency. Jig sawed the thing out and then sanded all of the corners off so everything was nice and round on the ends. Then a bit of outdoor carpet, some glue and staples, i upholstered the carpet to the deck. Throw a 1x1 underneath that rests against the front side of the front bench seat to stop it from sliding backwards. Whole thing weighs about 20lbs is totally removeable and doesnt budge rattle or make a sound and is litterally a better casting deck than ive used in some 16 foot boats.
  2. did you report this to the MNR? I think by your post above you did. We all have a duty to stop this garbage. I was fishing in Severn for crappies last year and drove past the locks and sure enough theres a guy standing fishing right in the fish sanctuary. drive a bit further and his truck is literally parked in front of the sign posted at the trail head saying fish sanctuary no fishing. We took a photo of his license plate and called the MNR MY concern is that nothing was done due to lack of resources. Oh and yes...100% the guy wasnt status he had the standard polish eagle on the back of his SUV.
  3. did you weigh it? Im so off when it comes to walleye weights, plus what lake you are fishing makes all of the difference.
  4. Lew ive never seen someone so happy to catch a musky in my life!
  5. i guess i got confused because the zone 11 restrictions say that you must keep between 16 and 23...so nip has its own reg entirely.
  6. i tried to stay away from this...but the odds are definitely stacked against it. As always one bad apple spoils the bunch. I couldnt imagine the fury that those who work within their rights must feel when this ish happens.
  7. am i reading this correct? On nip an eye has to exceed 23.6 inches just to be able to keep one? holy crap... how long was that one man?
  8. The province definitely has enough resources to nail me driving 122 on 400 north 10 kilometers south of parry sound at 9pm on a thursday though. I literally take this as mass murder and animal cruelty.
  9. well done man...thats sweet! reminds me of the burbot derbys back in flin flon on athapap. The world record was caught right in front of my cabin, that was subsequently beat by the fishing geeks! who i believe have now lost the world record as well now. my fishing partner is obsessed with burbots...hes asking for GPS cords lmao
  10. FFS seriously, if they find out who did this, I dont Give a turd if its the pope, wayne gretzky, the entire town of wawa or whoever is friggin responsible for this garbage...They better get jail time, and more than a month like they love to give to these murderers. enough with the fines, enough with the Bull jail sentences...this is literally as poor as if I were to go out and murder 1000 people's family pets and then throw all of their rotting carcasses in queens park. I think its time we rethink minimum sentences for this kind of garbage.
  11. speaking of bullet proof outboards...im running a 91 suzuki 15 oil injection. Thing starts first pull when its -10 outside...change the leg oil, clean the carburator of the sand that blows into every once in a while, change the plugs every so often...the damn thing runs like it was bought yesterday. but things just aint made like they used to be are they...
  12. Ive been hammering pike on buckshots tipped iwth minnow heads this year. 20lb flurocarbon lead. Cant go wrong with a tip up either!
  13. one of the most important posts ive seen on this site in a long time. Well done sir
  14. jeff chisholm has posted his phone number openly on social media. Shoot him some fishing questions with the #bellletstalk
  15. glad to see theres still some eyes in that lake. My good buddy is ditching me to fish nipp this weekend, i wonder if he will fair anywhere near as well. Thanks for the write up and beauty eye
  16. gotta love when the catching gets annoying haha. Well done
  17. just saying, ive seen a holy punched in fibreglass from the shield, and have yet to see a rivet pop or a hole punch in an aluminum. I unfortunately havent had to opportunity to fish a skeeter or ranger, but id obviously take someone up on the offer if made. I will add to the anti merc sentiment...we have a 350 mercruiser on our rinker...and a 175 johnson from 93 on the glasstron. The merc is a pain in the you know what. Ive kind of lost a lot of faith in domestic built anything anymore, and i drive a new dodge ram lol. Our ski-poos have also been nothing but trouble...surprise surprise.
  18. been riding in a 93 glasstron nearly my entire life. maybe im just biased because i havent rode in a lund or alumacraft under 18feet long? my only experience under 18 was in a smoker...and that thing is terrible. the ride comparison to me is not that substantial enough to overcome the peace of mind that an aluminum can clip a rock and not sink. Most lakes are rocky around here unless you are south or east.
  19. you sir need to take a rip in a lund or alumacraft...80kmh across chop...hardly feel a thing.
  20. alumacraft...lund quality at a lower price. Plus they are gorgeous we just got one and its the best boat I have ever been in. fished a smoker craft...not a fan at all feels flimsy my starcraft tinner has been bulletproof. 15 years old and looks new to this day. Yamaha outboards...nothing but problems with mercs
  21. that makes a lot more sense. The processing of the fish was being mishandled and therefore they were in violation. My guess is that they had left the fish processing to newer employees and the situation was being totally mismanaged. I fished Massett this summer and Its pretty pathetic to be honest the way fish processing and handling is managed up there. I had my catches processed by a company called haida wild and they had mis-identified some of our catches as well. I will say that 35,000 is a joke fine for a place like that when considering the fact that a trip to one of those lodges costs upwards of 6 grand for a week. Its also sad to hear that there is that much abuse of the system going on when the fishing has definitely been in decline over the past 20 years.
  22. my buddy picked up a huge collection...it seems that the collection had passed through the hands of a few people who had taken what they wanted and then passed it on. This is nuts though.
  23. honestly iron, every dispensary I have been in has been the complete opposite. Clean, well lit, straight forward. Consider the neighborhood I guess.
  24. the fish dies im putting it back in the lake if my limit is zero. i might at least cut the swim bladder out of it to ensure that it sinks rather then letting the turd hawks eat it.
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