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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. cant go wrong with timber...and on GB that always means man made timber structure. Old piles, cribs and docks always hold fish. this place always delivers when i throw out questions. Good stuff. and No im not delusional for catching and releasing, i just dont enjoy eating fish that much. The odd deeply hooked one hits the fire pit, but aside from that my fishies swim to eat another day.
  2. thanks for all of the reading material ohio ill have to dive into this and look at more questions as they come up. I rarely keep fish neither do my homies, so we are all good there on the size restrictions. I doubt we'd guide, one buddy doesnt believe in spending money for someone to teach you how to fish. Its somewhat fair because aside from reading a lot and talking to helpful people we have figured out everything related to bass on our own. Part of the enjoyment of fishing really. We dont mind being skunked if we are learning, and we have yet to totally fail, perseverance (aka a heck of a lot of time on the water) always pays off. Guaranteed if we go end up going its going to be 12 hour+ days on the water every day. Grimsby, thats the debate, what is cheaper, towing a 14 foot tinner with casting decks and bow mount down or just renting a boat for 3 days. Id imagine towing the tinner in my eco diesel for the 14 hour drive would still be cheaper than renting a bass boat but further research will tell. Because the trip is only going to be a few days, and we are canadian's in Alabama, I am sure a rain suit and some hoodies, a couple clean pairs of undies and socks will be all we need in that regard. Doing this trip on the absolute cheap is the key. most of our food can be bought down there.
  3. sounds like ice out and that time frame is key. I guess its a matter of hitting the window and making sure we are on the lake for it. I wonder if GB would adhere more to the NWO rule rather than SO because its a shield lake, our water obviously stays much much colder as well.
  4. lmao this is exactly what i tweeted this morning, even more reason for me to loath Ottawa anyone read osullivan's players tribune where he talks about being abused his whole life. Well burrows is well documented for having on two occasions telling sully that he was going to beat him like his father did...unreal.
  5. i could only imagine how greasy the ballet in port hope would be. Im guessing this is where the name tooth brush was invented rather than teeth brush.
  6. 100% disagree that we should expect another move at centre...this is them slowly building the puzzle. They literally didnt have a 4th line centre/shutdown guy up the middle. Now they got one for a bag of pucks at 2 mill cap hit. Buddy was wearing the A in tampa. There is more than just his play on the ice when we are talking about Boyle. He is also literally the exact kind of player that babcock loves. A mentor that knows how to win it all.
  7. Hey Guys, We have been eyeing this one for a while, but the boys and I are thinking of making the drive down to guntersville at the end of March early April for a few days of fishing. We are thinking we are going to tow our small boat down, camp, fish a ton, and then drive home. A few questions...1. any issues hauling boats over the boarder? Anything that I need to consider? The boat has proper plating etc, anything else I need to know? 2. Campgrounds on the lake, there are plenty, it is hard to get info off of the websites about boat launches although i imagine all of them will have one considering the fact that it is guntersville after all. 3. Guntersville seems peaceful and a common tourist destination, I imagine there are not a lot of concerns about theft etc at the campgrounds? 4. Tips about fishing the lake? Feel free to PM.
  8. this is a good deal, and i dont see this as a rental acquisition, i see them signing him longer term. Hes only 32, has a whack of experience and is one of the best 4th line centres in the league.
  9. great manitou, weve got them dialed right now in 25 FOW, easy fishing through the ice with a flasher once they are around. Ripping buckshots tipped with minnow heads we see them storm up from bottom. the trick is that I know for a fact these fish are going to move shallow, I am just trying to time when that happens right. Terry, this is also great information...i always thought the crappies were coming in to do their business at ice out, just like the pike and eyes, turns out they are just there to feed...probably on the roe that the pike are dropping! Timing wise, is their movement shallow totally related to the ice coming off? or is it a specific 2-3 week period that they move in during?
  10. do you have any idea what month that would have been? beginning of april?
  11. glad you guys caught on ahaha funny ohio, literally the complete opposite of what I have read. areas with current are the first places to thaw in the spring and therefore the crappies go there to spawn. shallow mud flats at the end of areas with current?
  12. Hello fellow crappie masters with the end of february comes the dreaded "closed season" on Georgian Bay where the 2 major species accessible via ice are off the books. In previous years this has pretty much meant a 90% shut down on fishing for me until May, however my buddy dave has a fever, and the only thing that will satisfy it is crapolas. ive fished the PAB area for close to 13 years and never caught or have even seen a single crappie. That was until 2 weeks ago when ice fishing a spot that i have fished before but without the help of electronics...sure enough the streak was broken like the leafs cup drought...weve found the crappies and the spot has produced consistently every time we have gone back since. (and will hopefully continue to because we only catch and release) the past two springs close to ice off we have done our damndest to try find the elusive buggers using floats and the standard crapola gear. The same gear that Dave has done very well in June pre-bass season in the kawarthas...so heres where the help comes in. Ive read countless articles on these glorified sunfish, but what the heck am I doing wrong? Heres how I have it laid out in my mind....crappies start in the winter in the deepest basins schooling up on bait, as the winter wears on they then begin their migration towards spawning grounds and will begin staging at basins at the mouth of inlets...where we are finding them right now. I suspect these crappies will then move in with the current towards the river mouth to spawn in the shallows near said rivers...is this true? and if so what the heck is the timing of all of this happening. Ive heard people say on this forum "I know its spring when the crappies are so shallow their backs are sticking out of the water" when the heck does this happen? The crappies we are on right now are definitely not shallow, but are close to a river, and the area we are in has significant current. Can anyone provide some insight on when I could expect these fish to start making their next move? I imagine we will know that they have had a change of heart when they vanish from our honey hole. Anyone feel free to chime in, feel free to throw out the names of your favourite baits...and most importantly feel free to share your pictures of them slabs! ill start it off with a small one but lets see your slabs!
  13. chabot and a second for duchene...i could see it happening also hope jay and dan come back...legends Bahds why not eh
  14. what law would they enforce? except for littering? Pork you are probably the exception, but the large majority of friends that I have that never have any money also like to smoke, drink and do other dumb ish. There are very very few people that making minimum wage at 40 years old that have lived their lives 100% straight 100% of the time. blanket statement...im aware, but seriously if you grew up in Ontario went to school, lived a clean sober life and have worked your entire life and are still making minimum wage something is up. If you are a kid (under 30 years old) ya maybe you can make an exception, how about a licensing fee that is relative to your income? They do this for speeding tickets in europe. I personally catch flak around here cause i buy good fishing gear...funny how that is...i have the casual scotch or beer, never go to the bar, dont smoke, gamble, drink coffee, or puff herb unless its being offered to me. I pack lunches every day at work and have a mortgage and bills just like the next person. Its funny how much expendable income you can have for the things you enjoy in life when you cut out the addictive crap. $2 on coffee every day for a year? look at that I just bought to G Loomis rods.
  15. funny enough, this thaw and freeze has improved the ice in PAB go figure.
  16. call me crazy, but would this additional licensing requirement allow for municipal by-law enforcement to join in on the enforcement activities related to this ish show. Ive fished port hope, didnt see anything crazy during my visit but to me any additional enforcement that can be done to stop the crap show is worth it. its 40 bucks guys...90% of us have spent more on the line on our 200 dollar fishing rod. Maybe im in the minority but ive always said I wish fishing licenses were $500 a year, we all spend way more money on trivial Bull then the past time that provides us with months of enjoyment each year. If you fish 3 days a year, then pay 50 bucks for a 3 day pass...still cheap in relativity. This is just my opinion.
  17. ill be fishing thursday friday in PAB ill let you know if i fall through or if we break out the boat lol
  18. dont let the media overhype this garbage..there is absolutely 0 chance they trade a potential top 10 NHL player for anything less than a young top pairing D man...which no one in the NHL is offering...for obvious reasons. Unless a team offers up to trade mcdavid or crosby and to eat the salary...they arent trading nylander.
  19. ice fishing vacation starts today...gonna be some kinda trip +8 and rain. ugh

  20. my brother got offered to see the game in the UPS box last night, and offered to bring me along with him. What an incredible game and experience. Got to meet the newest addition to legends row, wendy himself. Got an autographed puck and a photo. What a game. Holy hell Laine's shot is ridiculous. In person its more impressive than even on Tv. Ive been around a lot of rinks over the years and I have never seen anyone come even close to having a release thats half as quick as that. I guess i need to see ovi in the flesh.
  21. I also have both and will definitely say flip over huts are better but can be a pain in the ass if you are hauling them through tight rough trails. The benefit though is that set up and tear down is literally 100000x better in a flip over. The difference of course being price. I just picked up a frabil pop up for 200 while a new clam two seater flip over is closer to a grand. With the flip over you just throw all your gear under your seat, flip it back in throw the cover on and you are gone. They also dont get blown around in the wind at all and I for some reason find them warmer? (could be the quality of the hut though)
  22. unreal offer to someone looking to try out ice fishing. ive yet to have a bad experience meeting up with members from the forum in general if you like fishing, i probably like you and vice versa
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