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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. cant say i disagree with splitting the NF from the fishing threads. I would like it if the reports that i spent 7 hours making didnt dissapear to the second page within an evening because of a multitude of daily joke and poltiical threads bump it. Im not hating on these threads because they are appropriately placed in the general discussion tab, but maybe our reports and fishing related questions can be placed somewhere more appropriately? That way people actually see that youve posted a report without having to flip back pages?
  2. i guess the same goes for ottawa as well...no cups ever
  3. they have a similar rule in Parry Sound Harbour for lake trout. The season is open but the limits are 0 between a certain period.
  4. my take is that it is too lenient. 2500 in fines plus not being allowed to fish in ontario for 3 years? meh Lifetime ban at a minimum because they are foreigners.
  5. seconded, the possession limits apply at a conservation status level.
  6. i throw a weight on my wire leader. Wire leader down to a red treble hook through the dorsal. (this is for pike) as mentioned before. i love a small spinner blade at the hook as well to make a bit of flash.
  7. still swearing by a flasher over a sonar...but thats just me!
  8. ive been playing mens league hockey 2 times a week for 6 years, not once have i hit that part of the net, not to mention from in that tight, it pretty much defies physics. im pretty much 99% sure the window he shot through is smaller than a puck. the only image that matters
  9. funny story outta our camp from last fall. We had a friend up for the fall pickerel run. While deadsticking Bernie hooked into a perch and admittedly took his sweet time reeling err in in the off chance that a pike would t bone him. After playing this perch like a laketrout sure enough it happens, smack a 6lb pike takes the perch and the fight is on. Bernie running 4lb mono on a light stick is in for a hell of a fight. just as he finally ends his epic battle he culls the pike for lunch and wouldnt you know it...the MNR pulls up to the boat hahaha. Bernie is now sweating thinking holy crap, i bet that perch is hooked right through the lips in that pike's belly. The first question outta the MNR is, "hey you kept that pike, do you mind if we take some samples?" Bernie says sure!...they then take the pike and cut its belly open! Bernie is a big old cape bretoner but my brother said he never saw bernie sweat so much in his entire life hahahaa. In the end the MNR took their samples and everyone went on their merry way. Was funny as hell though.
  10. i use proper tip up line. I have sent you a PM with details of how ive been rigging mine and outfishing myself every trip this year lol
  11. big cliff with a big old report...wish there were pics! well done gents
  12. looks toasty in there! better ice than i was fishing on at christmas lol well done thanks for the vid
  13. they were doing some very serious surveying around PAB 2 years ago to the point that i became friends with the MNR guy because I saw him every weekend for a year straight lol. Same old story, he would pull up say hey scott hows it going. Any luck today? by the end of the season he knew every single one of my honey holes
  14. logic would tell you that the MNR would be on every major ontario fishing forum keeping an eye out for things and looking for tips. some of the general conversation around here about things that people are witnessing on a regular basis has to be getting flagged. Maybe im crazy but ive noticed a massive jump in enforcement in Pointe Au Baril over the past few years, specifically during the fall pickerel run...maybe my complaints have something to do with it?! hmm what a thought! I hope its maybe true? I am glad to see this guy get pinched, he deserves every bit of it.
  15. this is what i use for dropshots ill shoot you a PM
  16. definitely hook through the lips. the trick is to not be hooking too far back that it goes through their skull but not too far forward that it falls off.
  17. a few salty grains ruined it for the rest of us. seriously though once the reports are gone this forum is dead. Forums in general died about 5 years ago...the only thing keeping this one alive are guys posting reports. There arent too many 20 somethings or less that are going to flow new blood into this place. Luckily i grew up with two older brothers who beat me up my whole life so the saltyness doesnt get through my skin. But ive seen it again just recently how the young new blood gets burned just for speaking up about things. Luckily the most recent occurance didnt make the new guy shy away. Not to hijack the thread. Cliff you better post a report after that trip! even with the watching anonymous eyes!
  18. whats matt gonna do when his joke of a team folds? Bandwagon jump somewhere else? We all know he only became a senaturds fan the year that they made the finals and got basically swept lol. Worst franchise in the NHL I blame bettman for the crappy teams in the southern united states that cannot fill their arenas, but Nottawa...no excuse, just a pathetic excuse for a hockey club. I agree, send them to quebec.
  19. fished with another member this weekend and once again made a friend. Thanks again Nick we will fish again soon!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more


      hahaha it aint called catching!

    3. Acountdeleted


      Was slow where we were too Byes'. Seems to have been a rough start.



      glad we weren't the only ones!

  20. i guess im lucky that I know how to use photoshop. Cause ive made it a point to doctor out horizons and landmarks in my fish pics. My bass photos I dont care so much, but the wally's are a little more spot specific
  21. A-friggin Men If the leafs win a cup in my life time...I will literally cry. Been a die hard fan since I was 9 years old. It may be bold, but you can hold me to it all you want...the next canadian team to win the cup will be the leafs. And when they win, there will be people who will still attempt to come forward with negative rhetoric and we will simply laugh right back into their sad faces.
  22. you are right, the 3 hour drive crazily acts as some kind of force field that keeps the majority of goons at bay. I fish buckhorn fairly often and I see what a difference that extra hour and a half drive makes. Lol you got me there as well in reference to never seeing another boat...unless you are targetting eyes in the fall, i can fish all day for smallies in November and never see a soul.
  23. this could easily go off the rails, especially recently after watching someone get absolutely cooked for even mentioning catch and release practices. IMO the limit could definitely be lower, 50 is kind of insane, is 20 not reasonable? but im praying that the ones that set the limit know what the hell they are doing. What makes a lot of sense to me is the limits in zone 14 for walleye, where a person can take enough fish for a meal today and a meal for the freezer. I.e. 1 fish for your plate that day and one fish for another day. So if its pans, maybe its 20 fish, 10 fish nuggets today and 10 for the freezer? but I am not an expert so I leave the decisions to them. A lot of things in the regulations dont make sense to me at all (the slot limit in zone 14 is completely backwards to conventional wisdom and I have no clue why)
  24. ive been here 3 years and consistently posting reports...no change what so ever so far except that I have learned a lot, Ive met a few cool people and have gone fishing with them and learned a lot from them. Thats about it. If you want to try fishing in my area go right ahead, i spent 10 years fishing my area and without the right techniques, patterns etc I didnt do well for a very long time. I have had people reach out to me directly including a couple of guys asking me specifically for GPS co-ordinates to my best spots and I simply brushed them off. Thats about the extent of it. I hope if you fish PAB you get your bait from Dennis in PAB, anything I can do to keep his business alive.
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