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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Does anyone own one of these tents? they seem very cool and if they do as they say, I am thinking it is time to get rid of alot of my old tents... http://www.tentsile.com/ G
  2. I was LUCKY!.... we called for locates, and the company doing the locate did not mark the line near where we were installing a temporary hydro pole for temp power during a custom home build... they thought marking it next door would suffice... needless to say we were off the hook Well now you know what the markings mean... it could be something as simple as your sewers being relined with a plastic type product to your street being dug up... but someone in your town should be telling you what is going on that is for sure...
  3. it has been a long time since school.... but if I remember correctly IP stands for Iron Pipe... this much I know.... and I am pretty sure CP stands for Clay pipe.... in reference to your connections to the municiple sewage system... but generally they save orange paint for bell and catv.... it must have been a city employee and not a professional locator service. anyways I am pretty sure these are what these markings signify. G. Edit to add... just because you have over head lines.. does not mean you also do not have sub-surface lines as well. trust me... I cut a 500 pair cable once...
  4. sounds like they are having utilities located before digging.
  5. Orange paint signifies Bell Canada... or other telecommunications lines in 90% of cases G
  6. Will what color paint or flags did they use?
  7. Looks like some sort of parasitic worm... which one though...??
  8. the first rule of fight club it we do not talk about fight club the second rule of fight club is we do not talk about fight club
  9. chilling out...... <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/kjRo_CHSdt0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  10. Pure has one for sale in the classifieds.... he is a good dude to boot. G
  11. Yes Bell is systematically shutting the service down as they cannot monitor usage.... I received a letter some time ago telling me they were scrapping the service, their alternative is the Turbo Hub... and a MAX download of 3GB a month... and you pay extra on and above that... 3GB is NOTHING in todays day and age! and with 6 people in the house will last little more then 4 days... It is all a scam!! They are scrapping a working and somewhat reliable service for rural customers... So they can charge more for overages and really low bandwidth caps.. as like I said they are unable to monitor usage with the current (old) network it is a scam! and I have been advised to look into xplornet as an alternative to Bell, as their new pricing structure will make High Speed unaffordable. G.
  12. I wonder... if an impact driver can drive screws faster... can drill faster... longer battery life... could it be applied to this situation.... anyone tried it?
  13. What a great report! and congratulations bro! G
  14. I wish John was here right now... and would give you great examples why most should consider a realtor... sadly, he was called home much too soon. G
  15. guys.... it is a hoax.... Department spokesman Ferd Pectoral made the announcement at Tuesdays County Commission meeting. Asked about 100 pound carp turning tons of Lake Shamrock weeds into excrement, Pectoral pointed out to a laughing audience that “the way the Tobacco River flows that would be Beaverton’s problem, not Clare’s.” his will serve a double purpose said Pectoral. “Even if a deer hunter isn’t successful during firearms deer season, he may still bag a couple of trophy Bigheads to hang on the ‘ol buck pole. Driving back to Livonia with a 100 pound carp tied to your roof may not attract the same number of admiring stares as an 8 point buck, but it sure beats being skunked!” it goes on and on...
  16. This is surreal... my condolences to the family...
  17. should be fine... why not look for old holes.. and bust them open to make your life easier.
  18. where is the option for "who really cares?" if that option was available i would click it.
  19. Look up Les Stroud off the grid on youtube... you wont regret it. G
  20. and just for good measure..... <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/xKDFy7T-urM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  21. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/BsWcs_PTVM4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Mike Haeg made this "Marcel Duchamp Inspired Ice Fishing Tip Up / Auto Jigger." He says, "this auto-jigger harnesses the power of the wind. A silver dinner bell rings when a fish bites. Perfect for catching panfish and Dadaists." It debuted this week at Art Shanty Projects.
  22. I believe we said the same thing... however I did not go into details as most here will not understand them anyways.... trust me I know, I help out many here with computer issues.... all the wireless protections are garbage anyways.. So where do you beg to differ? and seeing as how we are bragging about our accolades Comp.Sci UWO, former Network Admin for Primus (in my younger years)... anyone can DMZ that router, they can gain control of the router so only a hard reset will restore it... but what do I know they cannot like I said see what he is writing unless as I said earlier... a Keylogger is installed and if is stupid enough not you have logins well.... I cant fix stupid. Have a good day. G.
  23. Having a unsecure network can and cannot be bad.... it can open you up for certain types of attacks etc... but as far as them seeing what you are typing.... unlikely unless they have injected your pc with a keyboard logger.... that said, someone else could also be using the landlords internet service... log into the router and see how many devices are connected to it... is the usual IP to log into the router... and the typical login and pass is admin/password the only thing the average person can see is the logs from the router... websites you have visited etc.. most routers log this information. Good luck G
  24. fish? tastes more like chicken...
  25. Ottawa St.... Been there before I was born!... they have a large bronze plaque on the wall outside of this location... Moncton.... insane, last I checked they had 20... G.
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