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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. well the rules are simple.... no political debates allowed as they always turn sour... politics should be left off the board period. if people wish to talk politics there are forums just like this for them to do so. There is no option in your poll for leaving politics off the board completely... there is no option for keeping hockey off the board completely.... this poll is biased! LOL.... just like most of the political rants and NHL threads. G.
  2. teach us oh yoda of the whirlpool...we are your humble subjects
  3. I keep forgetting to remember to bring spare socks...... Just in case.
  4. wow really? lets just say it is a goodthing CSI has not found a need to use the Blue light in the rooms I have been in!
  5. I am sure showing her your old stump is more then enough Brian... G
  6. Only difference between the boats is your is a WT that stands for walk through... your middle bench is split other then that they are identical.
  7. Very cool Bruce! and knowing you he will be well taken care of!
  8. Less then 2 hours away... but check this place out Geoff... the wife will love it! trust me, and you can fish as well http://www.thecranberryresort.com/ G.
  9. I have a ton of pictures on how I rigged her up to be a fishing machine if you have any questions. G
  10. High 20's to Low 30's depending on Load and weather... On average I was getting 27-28mph (GPS) with two guys and gear, with my 2 stroke trimmed right out.
  11. In the middle of a forest?? That cant be good!
  12. Look like a stucco ceiling.... it will be scraped off or replaced anyways... there are tricks to installing pots if your joists run the opposite direction... namely by cutting a 2" around the perimeter, run your wires, and install crown mouldings. Easy. G.
  13. I bet this thread get less replies the the NHL threads..... sad really... but a truism of our sad state of affairs... I am waiting for muskymike to spew Senators all over this.... seriously though, the puck bunnies aside... this thread deserves more attention then the over paid cry babies many on this board seem to drool over.... G.
  14. Those who falsely believe they are free... are truly enslaved
  15. Very cool link.... Thanks B!
  16. ok.... I have to say this and I know MANY others feel the same.... but this crap is getting tired... really. take all this hockey back and forth Bull somewhere else... it has become a nuisance to many... G.
  17. Take a look to the West southwest.... see those to glaring "stars"? those are Venus and Jupiter pairing up.. It is something to see... they dwarf everything else in the sky tonight... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-17312354 Hopefully other OFC'rs can see em... they look awesome here! G. Thanks to my buddy Steve for letting me know about this.
  18. I had the 1778 WB, good little boat... and plenty stable... I also had her maxed at 40hp with an Evinrude 2 stroke... never an issue with it! and the new owner is happy with her as well. you will want to put a floor in her etc... Good luck with the new boat! G.
  19. We are treading very dangerous water with this bill... G
  20. I would pull the engine and tranny if you are going to scrap it, and sell them privately...
  21. Foam is for kids.... cork is for men.
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