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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Welcome to the club... I still have my old bag phone... and the first flip phone.... what a monster. just gotta remember where they are for old times sake... G
  2. Some great fishing areas here in the Brighton area....... but it sucks always being alone most of the time.... I have had little time to meet new people due to my responsibilities.... and have been using fishing as my time away.,.... time for myself.... So if there are any OFC members within say 75kms from Brighton that could use a bit of company while fishing etc.... I am all ears! I will pay for my fair share should a boat be used etc..... I just have to get out there!!! and company is nice from time to time... Please PM me... or reply to this thread should you have an opening... G.
  3. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/jfGvvz7HbAw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  4. crab, shrimp, garlic and green onions, make into a mash then stuff.
  5. cheap viagra or nigerian scam....? G
  6. Thank you everyone for the kind words I know I have been somewhat absent from the board due to my responsibilities... and it took awhile for me to adjust to life here taking care of my elders..... needless to say it has its ups and downs.... but alot more ups everyday my Oma remains in her house is a victory... she chooses to die here... who am I to deny that. The Leukemia that is ravaging her body has made things difficult... and at 88 there is little they can do.... But I needed time for myself as well... So I made sure I had it I put measures in place to help with her care (she wont let just anyone in) and off I went to spend time with my boy. It is a weekend neither of us will forget and there will be many more to come Thank you all again, I hope you enjoyed the report. G.
  7. As some of you know I have taken the responsibility of caring for my elderly grandparents...(Oma and Opa) and in doing so turned my life upside down.... moving from Hamilton to the sleepy little town of Brighton. Needless to say it was a change from the city... such as finding out pretty much NOTHING is open on Mondays.... (I find that very odd.... moving on....) Shortly after arriving here my Opa was placed into hospital... (Dementia is the devil) and could no longer safely live at home due to the multiple assaults against my Oma.... It is then I learned about the multiple levels of bureaucracy required to place someone into a long term care home..... what a nightmare. I will spare you all the details but suffice it to say he is now getting the care and stimulation he needs.... and while he has no clue what I went through to get this done.... nor does he even remember what my name is anymore... when I see him I see the sparkle in his eyes and a smile on his face... that is enough for me, knowing he is well taken care of. As for my Oma... well that is is a different story... she too has failing health.... my Opa lost his mind... She is losing her body.... everyday is a struggle... some days are worse then others, Sure I have help for an hour in the morning from a Personal Support Worker... but that is doesn't cover the other 23 hours of the day.... that is where I step in. I am the cook, the cleaner, the pharmacist, the confidant, the banker, the errand boy, the gardener, the chauffeur and the muscle.... I am her beloved grandson... the one that could do no wrong as I was growing up..(Even though I did do wrong).... I used to spend summers with my Oma and Opa and they helped raise me... now I felt as though karma needed to be repaid... so here I am... Taking care of our 88 year old Matriarch... as well as my 90 year Patriarch (at least I have 24 hour help him even though he is in a home there is ALOT to be done) Anyone that has to exercise Power of Attorney for property and care while they are still alive can attest to this.... (I have it for both of them.....) So finding time for myself these past 3 months has been very difficult.... and with my family all over Canada and Europe.... finding help has been somewhat difficult.... as I do need time for myself from time to time too... Well I finally found that time, I have been in close contact with my son... for the most part almost daily... to see how his day to day life has been... @ 6 years old it is hard to keep his attention for very long with todays modern distractions... I compete with TV Nintendo DS, Pokemon, Leap Pads and the computer.... not to mention homework.... so our conversations are usually brief... but they mean the world to me... We miss each other dearly. So my ex wife and I worked out a plan that worked for both of us, (Im supposed to have every other weekend but given my responsibilities and the distance it is a work in progress) I worked on setting up care for Oma... Uncle Jac stepped up. Ok with out of the way, I was extremely excited to spend some quality time together! so I had it planned out that we would go to my other uncles farm... (who just happens to have a 24 foot trailer.... Perfect! CAMPING!!!) Liam was very excited about this idea, not to mention the fact Uncle Marc has a private pond that has never seen a lure... needless to say Liam wasn't bored for a second! one cast.... one fish! it was awesome to spend this time together and reconnect, and he cannot wait for two weeks to pass to do it again! Anyways I have bored you all enough with my ramblings.... I think it is time for some pictures! I hope you enjoy them. Liam inspecting our fishing spot, Lets see how long it takes me to run around it dad.... The barn..... Liam loved it... circa 1897 The House..... welcome to Deerfield Farms.. The Flora... Getting prepared..... Got one.... and another! and another.... Dad this one is huge! (They were all huge to him lol) and some fun other then fishing Pokemon...... no clue how to play this.... So that was our weekend.... this is only a small amount of pictures... but to me they are priceless..... I wouldnt have traded this weekend with my son for 50 million.... it was time well spent reconnecting, especially for me after so many weeks of negativity... Just to be a dad again... meant the world to me... and hopefully we can do it again soon.. One last picture... Goodnight Liam. It was nice to just be a dad...... and nothing else for one weekend. G.
  8. Receipts are not possible. As this property was stocked before he purchased it... the farm was inhabited around 1897 and the pond was dug as a measure for fire suppression.. This is very common on farms... and infact will reduce your insurance premiums as the fire dept has a source of water to put out a fire.... It was the previous owners grandfather that stocked it.... kind of hard to go back three generations to obtain a receipt..... I am waiting to hear back from the MNR.... and will certainly update everyone involved. Thanks again folks, G
  9. Thanks Joe, given the situation I am in time has been extremely limited... but both my ex and I have been trying to figure out a plan to make exactly what you said a reality..... I have to rely on other family members though to make it happen..... not always easy given their schedules etc... thanks for chiming in
  10. Agreed Rob.... we are just trying to remove a few as he was seeing dead bass with markings on them.... meaning they were attacked, but not consumed... he figures he may have 5-10 pike in there... solely by seeing them..... he wanted to have a few removed to help manage them, and let the Bass and Sunfish have a fighting chance.... It was insane fishing to say the least... one cast... one fish needless to say my son was more then thrilled! I am uploading photos now to begin a report G
  11. Nope... man made.... dug till they hit the water table.... 25+ feet... Water has NEVER had to be added to the pond, nor have they ever had flooding... and they are a long ways away from the nearest body of water.... I assume either a bird (Hawk, eagle etc) MAY have dropped one in years ago.... or there was some sort of screw up when the fish were purchased 20+ years ago... or it could have been someone stupid thinking they were getting rid of minnows... who knows all we know is we did not stock pike.... nor has there ever been a flood or has the pond ever spilled over.... G
  12. The pond is spring fed (underground) but has no outflow... but it doesn't lose water either... it is always consistent. thanks for all the replies guys... I have sent a email off to the MNR for some better clarification... as we need to rid the pond of some pike that have somehow found their way into the pond... No idea how that happened... pulled out two over the weekend..... but caught a ton of Bass and some monster sunnies! I will post a full report later on. Thank again everyone for your comments..... looks as though I have found a year round honey hole G
  13. Add to this one more twist.... My uncle does not have a fishing license.... he has not fished since he was a boy...... so would he need a fishing license in order to fish his own pond? for his own fish? fish he owns...? say he wanted to thin them out.... what would the law be here? G
  14. This past weekend I was able to spend a considerable amount of time with my son we went to a small town called Havelock and stayed with my aunt and uncle in their spacious 5th wheel trailer... it was awesome! My uncle owns a farm with a large pond on it... that is teaming with largemouth and large sunfish that were stocked 20+ years aGo These fish have never seen a fishing lure.... My question is does a small privately owned pond, on private land still fall within the MNR mandate and their open and closed seasons etc? thanks for any and all replies G.
  15. I prefer charcoal for the flavours it imparts in the meat, I prefer to grill and smoke with charcoal.... it is definatly making a resurgence.. That said before I can give you an idea on a decent brand... we would sorta need to know what you plan on smoking.,.. and how much at a time... Hard to go wrong with any of the Big Green Egg products... is it a grill and smoker, and available in many sizes. G Edit, to add here is a GREAT resource for anything BBQ/Smoking related you can think of http://www.bbq-brethren.com/forum/
  16. A German dad who tried to impress his kids while on holiday by “catching” a couple of fish that he had actually bought at a supermarket - could face prison after being prosecuted for poaching. Alexander Donninger was on holiday in Austria with his family when he decided on the trick to make his kids think he was a top fisherman, newspaper Die Welt reported on Tuesday. He went to a supermarket in the Kufstein district and bought two frozen trout – already gutted and ready to cook - not anticipating how tangled his lines were about to become. Once back at the lake where he and his kids were “fishing” he tied them to the end of lines and dangled them in the lake until they were thawed enough to appear freshly-caught. He might have been the hero of the family holiday were it not for a passer-by who reported him to the local authorities for poaching. Although Donninger had a fishing license, he did not have permission to catch anything from the lake he was standing by when he “caught” the trout, the newspaper said. Not only did he suffer the humiliation of admitting in front of his children that he had had lied about his fishing prowess – the authorities assumed he was telling tall tales to wriggle off the hook. Now the case is set to be heard by the Kufstein local court, which will meet as soon as the passer-by returns from his own holiday. Donninger could face up to six months in prison or a fine of up to 360 days of earnings, Die Welt said. The Local/hc http://www.thelocal.de/society/20120529-42823.html
  17. LOL hopefully not again! dont leave em in the fridge for 5 months to "age" them G
  18. Kountry Kuttings..... best damn Summer Sausage on the planet!!!!!!!!! G
  19. GM Canada has confirmed it will wind down one of its last two lines in Oshawa, starting as early as this fall. “As previously announced, the Consolidated Line will cease at the end of (the) scheduled lifecycle for the current-generation Impala. This is currently anticipated to occur in June 2013,” the company said in a statement Friday. The consolidated line currently employs 2,000 people, the company said. That’s about half the company’s workforce in Oshawa. It’s too early to say how many people will be affected by these “scheduling actions,” the company said. “Some employees may elect to retire and others will be on indefinite layoff,” the auto maker said in a statement. The production changes will begin as early as this fall, starting with the third shift, the company said. The second shift will be eliminated in the first three months of the New Year. And by June of 2013, the plant will be closed. The union representing the workers said it had hoped to overturn the company’s decision to close the plant. But the company has said repeatedly it has no new product to put in the plant, CAW Local 222 President Chris Buckley told the Star late Thursday night. “It’ll be devastating for thousands of workers,” Buckley said, adding it’s not just the direct jobs in the plant that are affected but all the spinoff jobs as well. Calling the decision “short-sighted,” CAW national president Ken Lewenza said, “It is also a betrayal of the tremendous work and sacrifices by our members that went into keeping General Motors afloat in 2008-2009, when the company was on the verge of bankruptcy. “It appears today that General Motors has a very short memory,” he added. Lewenza said this latest closure announcement flies in the face of what may actually be the best course of action for the company – using existing capacity well into the future. The consolidated plant, considered by the company to be outmoded, builds the current model Chevy Impala, an Oshawa mainstay and one of the most popular family cars in the U.S. The same plant handles overflow work on the popular Chevy Equinox. In December, GM committed to invest $68 million in its newer Flex plant to maintain some Impala production along with 350 jobs in Oshawa. However, Oshawa would share production of the Impala with GM’s Detroit-Hamtramck plant. As well, some Equinox production would be extended for the first time outside Canada to a reopened U.S. plant. The moves come as the Canadian Auto Workers enter contract talks this year with all three major auto makers. Last year, the CAW’s counterpart in the U.S., the United Auto Workers agreed to link pay raises to company performance. Instead of fixed wage increases, the union accepted signing bonuses and profit-sharing incentives, concessions the CAW has unequivocally rejected. The rising value of the Canadian dollar has also made it tough to compete with the U.S. for new investment, Buckely said. The latest job losses come on top of the 2,600 jobs lost in 2009 when GM closed its truck plant in Oshawa, and the closure of its last remaining plant in Windsor, where it once employed 7,000 people. GM had a Canadian workforce of 20,000 people as recently as 2005, but that number has dwindled in wake of its bankruptcy filing two years ago. The company received $61.5 billion in bailout money from the U.S., Canadian and Ontario governments in 2009 as it went through bankruptcy protection, with politicians saying it was important to protect manufacturing jobs. Currently, the Flex line handles the Chevrolet Camaro muscle car and Buick Regal mid-size sedan. In August, GM announced a $185 million investment to add the Cadillac XTS luxury sedan to the Flex line in the first half of 2012, securing 750 jobs. The company said it originally announced in November 2005 that the consolidated line would cease production in 2008. But due to market demand for the current generation Chevrolet Impala and the subsequent addition of the Equinox, operations continued beyond that date.
  20. Having the same problem here.... nieghbour 2 doors down... everyday woody is there bashing away on their dish.... ugh
  21. I had a 55lb Minnkota on my 1778... and on a breezy day boat control was difficult... it is a Wide boat and has alot of surface area.... I would go with the 80lb to save yourself alot of headaches. This comes from personal experience. on a side note... make sure you are pulling the 2 additional plugs from the rear (3 Total) after every outing.... they tend to get water in them. G
  22. Send me a pm if u have any questions on rigging.... I will show u what i did....
  23. I thought Lloyd kept his boat in Picton. ??? Saw it being trailered trough Brighton today... along Hwy 2... Does he also guide Brighton Bay? G
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