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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. LOL!! growing older and wiser? trying to prevent others from walking down my path?... I dunno... perhaps I do have a brain cell or to left... damn.... someone pass me a beer.. I am starting to believe my own drivel ... anyways newbie's you can get out of OFC what you put into it... trust me. G
  2. Ohhh trust me... I am far from perfect.... and I have been edited probably more then 100 members combined on here... but I take it for what it is... the betterment of the community.. not to mention the kids that also visit the forums hich for some reason I seem to occasionally forget about. I akin OFC to talking to by buddies in a hut on Simcoe.. or a boat on Nipissing... and I sometimes forget this is public I thank the mods for saving me from embarrassment ... from time to time.. have I been upset I have been edited? I sure have. Have I talked to a mod about it? you bethcha!... were my eyes opened to a different way of seeing things? MORE THEN ONCE.. Sometime we get so wrapped up in our own thoughts we forget about who is paying attention.. anyways, yes even us VETERAN posters get edited.. including those of us that have been around for 10+ years.. SO to those of you with a couple hundred posts... it is not personal.. it is the cost of doing business G.
  3. Seems pretty straight forward to me, there are forum rules to follow, post within them and you'll never have an issue.... If you need them explained to you, well check with a mod for clarification.... G.
  4. WoW.... you really do not "mesh" well here at all I have seen it in all manners of you're posts here... I will not pull out my thesaurus and do battle with you're thesaurus.... to do so would be futile and waste Googles massive resources... the simple matter of the truth is if you are having a difficult time here on OFC, it is usually because you.. yes yourself known as oneself (noun) is the issue... You seem to go against the grain.. much like when you were a wee lad in grade school... being picked after the girls to be on a team no one cares about... Yes.. we care that much if you stay or go. this is a community... and as such we have those that choose to part of it which means compromise... those that think they are above the collective community.. and those that are obviously below it... you choose where you belong... but trust me... leave you're Thesaurus at home... as it will not score you any points here... Now... should I run this post through Google to make myself even more obtuse? or do you get the drift?.. Follow the rules we all observe as a community... or choose to be alienated from it... the choice is yours... G.
  5. A female "friend" sent this to me.... So it is what is currently playing.. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/rtOvBOTyX00" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  6. Here is a video of the situation faced by First Nations people in Attawapiskat...... So leaves me to wonder... where did all the money go? and shouldnt DeBoers be helping out this community? http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/charlie-angus/attawapiskat-emergency_b_1104370.html#undefined G.
  7. I see this going downhill... :wallbash:
  8. Just to give you a reason to post asking why the multiple S's... but like you really needed a reason to post...
  9. OK .... I will start this.... first thing first..... what body of water are you building this barge for...... a huge difference between one need for G-Bay and one needed in the tri-lakes.... to many questions that need answering first. G.
  10. Welcome aboard Curtis! and dont mind Joe... He is a good guy once you get to know him... until he starts wearing pink gloves, cooking you dinner and serenading you with brown eyed girl... he also is a whiz at washing and drying dishes.. On second thought... be careful of Joe... he is the kid of guy you're mom warned you about when you were growing up Welcome aboard! and yes... tell us a bit more... and we like pictures of PORN! of the fish variety. G.
  11. I as considering AB for a while as my dad lives in Camrose... A railer was around 500 one way. G.
  12. They all need to die... cooked and consumed... before they kill us.. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/T2doG1XmR4w" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  13. Vinny... please take this as constructive... Keep the cat for the sake of you`re children... if you`re ex is this shallow to hell with her... but do not deprive you`re kids of the joy they recieve from the cat.... just because you have emotional ties to you`re ex.... and it seems this cat is you`re last remaining tie to the ex... (other then the kids ofcourse...) If the new GF is the reason for you questioning on keeping said cat... well again think of you`re children and their affection towards this animal. The kids come first, you`re romantic life second... I say keep the cat, please you`re kids.. be the better person.. and really, how much does it cost to feed and house a cat anyways... I am certain it is ALOT less then a dog... but the fact you kept the cat, you`re kids will thank you for in the endand it shows them responsibility. Pets are NOT disposable products. Be the bigger man. Simple as that. G.
  14. This would be a GIANT kick in the teeth to Hamilton..
  15. hahahahah! the troff! havent thought of that cesspool in years! MLG was certainly something magical as a kid... to bad it is destined to become a grocery store now.... did you hear about the Time capsle they found... Loblaws swiftly took it... and I still have not yet heard anything about it... No doubt we will see Weston keep it for himself instead of donating it the HHOF G
  16. Dana... what flavour of Linux are you running
  17. Hahahahahaha! truer words have never been spoken! Congrats OFC.. you've come a long way from the old days...
  18. it is an 2002... and I just cannot get my hands in there let alone a ratchet to pull the bolt holding the coil in place... and then I have to try and get ratchet extensions down to remove the plug... seems impossible! any tips on removing the fuel rail on drivers side to remove those plugs? there is a sensor or regulator right over top of the third plug.... can I get in any trouble removing this rail? as it is connected to each cylinders fuel injectors..... could use any and all advice right now. G.
  19. My truck started to misfire.. So I figured after 200k it was time for a new set of plugs.... If anyone has done this to an older ford truck I could use a bit of advice... How did you get the coils off the rear plugs? when you can get you're hand in there... How did you deal with the fuel rail and "sensor?" attached to the fuel rail right above the 3rd plug on the driver side.. I could use any and all suggestions at this point... I only have 3 plugs left to go. G
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